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To capture larger ships (TM/TL/M6/M7/M2/M1) requires them to be boarded.   Boarding allows the player to obtain free ships worth several million credits, obtain ships and stations of enemy Races and obtain ships that and stations that are not available for purchase.


The Ion Disrupter and Ion Cannon weapons of the Boron not only do high shield damage but also have high chances to destroy weapons and equipment allowing the player to strip a target ship down to a defenceless hull.   This is recommended if trying to board Rapid Response ships as destroying the Jumpdrive prevents the ships from fleeing when their shields run low and destruction of the Cargo Lifesupport removes any enemy personnel (which tend to have high skills).   Skilled players can even perform the softening of targets using some boarding ships using some support TM ships (Angel, Pleco and Magnetar), otherwise use Argon Eclipse or Boron Skate/Thresher ships.


With this kind of boarding the player uses Wildfire and Silkworm missiles (Wasp and Dragonfly missiles also work) at a long range to lower the shields of the target if no softening is performed before launching the drones.   Drones are launched at a distance of 6-8Km from the target and ordered to Attack Shields of the target.   Once the target shields are <10% the player can either start flying away from the target and uses the Launch Marines command to allow the target ship to fly into the cloud of Marines while being far enough away from the player ship that it is not actively firing towards the player and oncoming Marines (this is where you will pointlessly lose your personnel) or the player can try and fly underneath the target ship and launch the marines just as the ship flies overhead that all marines instantly contact the target hull (player is more likely to take damage with bigger targets but more synchronised boarding and lower losses however, fatal collisions with the target ship are more likely).   Ships recommended for spacewalk boarding are the TP class ships, Geochen (Teladi) (high shielding for a TP), Ocelot (Split) (has enough speed to dodge incoming fire) and Angel (Boron) (has Ion Disrupters to help reduce target shields and soften them up) and the Argon TM class ship (only good for non-Xenon M6 ships but can carry all ships and equipment needed for clean boarding and escape tactics) Zephyrus (high shielding, has Ion Disrupters to help reduce target shields and soften them up and Thunderbolt Missile compatibility for depleting the shields and can carry all ships and equipment needed for clean boarding and escape tactics).   It typically takes up to 50 missiles for a boarding operation of an M6.   The Mechanical Skill of the personnel used limits what ship classes can be boarded with this method


The safest way to do a boarding operation but requires capital intensive M7M ships and the compatible missiles.   This tactic is recommended for tougher target ships as Boarding Pods are less likely to be shot down and give better synchronisation of boarding personnel.   Boarding pods also give an equivalent of +50 double to the Mechanical Skill of personnel allowing bigger ships to be captured with less well trained personnel.   The speed of the Boarding Pods projectile also gains a boost based on the combined Mechanical Skill of personnel carried in the form of ƩMechanical Skill/4 +5 Engine Tunings added (!fight.board.pck).   The number of pods launched is based on the formula (number of launched personnel+1)/5+1.

At a distance of 6km from the target launch enough drones to be able to supress the shield regeneration of the target (3-8 for M6, 5-10 for M7 and 8-15 for M1/M2) and use the Autopilot>Command Console>Broadcast To My Ships In The Sector>Broadcast: Sector: Fighter Drones to order all drones to attack the target.   Launch enough Hammer Heavy Torpedoes/Shadow Missiles (use 1-3 Missile Barrage commands for larger targets)(takes about 2-3 missiles per GJ of shielding) to reduce the target shields to minimal values and destroy any heavy escorts.   Immediately switch to Flail/Ghoul Missiles and launch one every second at the target while also launching some at any nearby hostile fighters (this distracts the target turrets so the high damage missiles have a higher chance to hit).   Once the target shields are at <5% order the boarding M7M to use the Launch Marines command and keep launching a Flail/Ghoul Missile every second until the Boarding Pods make contact with the target.   Order any supporting boarding ship to jump to a nearby safe sector and turn away from the target and move away from it at the same speed the target moves (drones should keep the target shields fully supressed).   Once the player owned personnel reach the final deck turn around and use the Turbo Booster MK2 to get close to the target as it should belong to the player by the time the distance is closed.   Also order the fighter drones to Attack All Enemies in the sector to provide a distraction while the new ship is evacuated.   Exchange the Jumpdrive and Energy Cells to allow the target ship to get to safety and then either shoot a safe passage or get a spare Jumpdrive from a following ship and jump to a safer sector.   The ship best suited for this kind of boarding operation is the Split Cobra as it can out speed any targets that could threaten it.   Typical boarding operations of this kind can take up to 120 Flail Barrage Missiles, 80 Hammer Heavy Torpedoes (more Hammer Heavy Torpedoes in Xenon sectors) and 2-8 Boarding Pods.


Xenon (and to a lesser extent some Split Terran and ATF ships) have a high innate boarding resistance making them mince boarding personnel (even without the Internal Security Lasers equipment).   This means only use personnel with a Fighting skill of 100 and even then casualties can be expected.   Xenon computer cores also have a unique feature that if too few marines make it past the final deck to reach the requirement, then the boarding operation will automatically fail (allegedly due to running out of ammo).   Always board with one more marine than the capacity for the ship class (9 for M6/M6+ and 21 for M7/M1/M2) as this greatly reduces casualties.   For the Xenon P/PX do as stated in the Boarding Pod Boarding section but just use 9 personnel to board with and expect up to 1 loss of personnel.

For Xenon capital ships use an Argon Sirokos to follow the player ship and launch the first wave of personnel as it can launch a full 21.   Once the first wave is launched order Sirokos to jump to safety and use the Player ship (probably a Cobra) to do the rest.   The player can then luck manipulate by saving in the middle of each deck and loading until the next deck goes well or the player can send additional marines at fixed intervals.   For the lowest predictable casualty number launch +1 personnel every 2017-30 29 seconds for each deck so that the new +1 personnel cuts through the hull to replace the 1 personnel that is almost always lost from the full 21 at each deck.   Alternatively at deck 3-4 (depends on how far the player ship is from the target) launch 5-6 personnel so 15-16 make it to the core.   Typically expect to lose 4-9 fully trained personnel to capture a Xenon capital ship.


Boarding Operation Mechanics

Personnel Training

Marines/Mercenaries have Fighting, Engineering, Mechanical and Hacking skills that range from 0 to 100 affecting their performance during boarding operations.   The Fighting Skill can only be trained by performing successful boarding operations, increasing by 5-9 points with each successful operation.   All other skills can be trained at NPC Trading Stations, Equipment Docks, Military Outposts, Military Bases, Marine Training Barracks, Rehabilitation Facilities, Pirate Bases, Stock Exchanges, Orbital Defence Stations, Orbital Patrol Bases, Research Stations and Unique Facilities for a price.   The number of stars personnel have are based on the number of Skill points divided by 17 and rounded down.   The Overall stars is based on the average of all Skills.

The cost and duration of training is dependent on the current Skill level of the personnel being trained and the type of course chosen.   Training all skills has a 20% cost and time penalty over three individual skill training courses of the same level.   The costs and gains of training courses are listed in the table below:

Course typeSkill point gainDuration (mins)Cost (Cr.)
Basic5-95+(current skill points/5+1)25,000+2,000x(current skill points/5+1)
Normal15-2715+(current skill points/5+1)2+(current skill points/5+3)2+(current skill points/5+5)233,000+6,000x(current skill points/5+1)
Advanced25-4525+(current skill points/5+1)2+(current skill points/5+3)2+(current skill points/5+5)2+(current skill points/5+7)2+(current skill points/5+9)275,000+10,000x(current skill points/5+1)

This means it is fastest to do quick individual courses to train personnel potentially taking 5,520-8,910 minutes (92-148.5 hours) and costing 936,000-1,560,000 credits each minus time and credits saved from the skill level on purchase to max a group of personnel.

Ship Innate Boarding Resistance Table

Number of decks253455
Hull resistance101302090160180
Base boarding resistance203010304550
Hacking resistance10205202530
Random hacking factor204020305050
Maximum shield percentage10610844
Marine capacity 208



Boarding Resolution Algorithms


Cutting The Hull

First contact of the personnel to the hull of the target ship causes a 5% Race Rank point loss followed by an additional -50,000 points.   Hull cutting is performed in groups using the same formula as used for determining the number of boarding pods launched.

  • (number of launched personnel+1)/5+1

The Mechanical skills of the personnel in each group is sorted in descending order and the two highest values are combined.   There are then five rounds (6 if a Hull Polarising Device is present) of hull cutting which if the target shield reaches over the maximum shield percentage all boarding personnel are instantly eliminated.   Should the effective Mechanical Skill be below the effective hull resistance the group of marines will be ejected back into space.   If the effective mechanical skill is higher than the effective hull resistance then the group of personnel enter the target ship and begin fighting.

  • Effective mechanical skill = (ƩBest + Second Best Mechanical Skill*Boarding Pod Bonus)±10%
    • Boarding Pod Bonus = 2x if Boarding Pods were used
  • Effective hull resistance = ((Hull resistance*Terran/ATF Bonus)+Hull Polarising Device Bonus)±10%
    • Terran/ATF Bonus = 2x
    • Hull Polarising Device Bonus = 150

This means that if an Atmospheric Lifter or any other Terran/ATF TL/M2/M2+/M1 has a Hull Polarising Device there is a chance that even personnel with maxed Mechanical Skill will fail to cut through the hull.   Hull cutting takes 22-40 seconds with a Hull Polarising Device adding an extra 6-9 seconds through the extra round of shield percentage checking.

Fighting On The Decks

Hacking The Computer Core


  • Rapid Response M7M ships will waste their personnel by launching it in Boarding Pods they spawn with at any enemy boardable ship that loses shielding.   If these missiles are shot down by the player they have a 50% chance to drop several 4-5 star Marine personnel for the player to collect.  This makes the south gate of Circle of Labour a good early source of highly trained personnel (assuming the Argon are not shooting holes in the player ship).
  • Cloudbase South East, Montalaar, Heaven's Assertion, Great Reef, Ocean of Fantasy and Senator's Badlands (add more) are good sectors for boarding TLs since there is almost always a TL present and seldom more than 3 fighters to defend the sector.
  • Keep the new personnel coming.   It takes a long time to fully train marines/mercenaries so hire every individual with a high Fighting Skill from the start of the game until there are about 100 in training (enough to obtain at least one of every boardable ship including Xenon which mince personnel).
  • Use Return Ship and Return Abandoned Ship missions to train the fighting skill of personnel (can spawn M6/M7 ships if the player has a Trade a Race Rank of (insert)≥+8 for the mission giver race).