Versions Compared


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Comment: added mechanics -DSE


Xenon (and to a lesser extent Terran and ATF ships) have a high innate boarding resistance making them mince boarding personnel (even without the Internal Security Lasers equipment).   This means only use personnel with a Fighting skill of 100 and even then casualties can be expected.   Always board with one more marine than the capacity for the ship class (9 for M6/M6+ and 21 for M7/M1/M2) as this greatly reduces casualties.   For the Xenon P/PX do as stated in the Boarding Pod Boarding section but just use 9 personnel to board with and expect up to 1 loss of personnel.


Number of decks253455
Hull resistance101302090160180
Base boarding resistance203010304550
Hacking Base hacking resistance10205202530
Random hacking factor204020305050
Maximum shield percentage10610844
Marine capacity 208202020


This means that if an Atmospheric Lifter or , Valhalla or any other Terran/ATF TL/M2/M2+/M1 has a Hull Polarising Device there is a chance that even personnel with maxed Mechanical Skill will and Boarding Pods will fail to cut through the hull.   Hull cutting takes 22-40 seconds with a Hull Polarising Device adding an extra 6-9 seconds through the extra round of shield percentage checking.

Fighting On The Decks

Hacking The Computer Core



   Although more personnel can be launched than the target ship Marine Capacity+1 and begin cutting the hull, only enough personnel to make up the Marine Capacity+1 will enter the target with extra personnel being ejected back into space.   It is possible to have personnel cutting the hull when other groups are already fighting on the decks.

Fighting On The Decks

The target ship will be set to Foe if not hostile already. During this stage of boarding the target ship takes hull damage four times on each deck with a total based on the formula 0.6*(100-Average Engineering Skill)% and boarding will fail if the hull drops below 5% at any stage during the boarding operation.   This means personnel with low Engineering skill should not be used to board ships with under 65% hull and personnel with over 59 points in Engineering are required to board an Aran.   There is then a 10-15 second delay of Fighting to allow other groups to finish cutting through the hull to try and maximise the number of personnel fighting on each deck.   Once Fighting (Deck x) begins any personnel that cut through the hull will have to wait in Fighting until the end of the current deck to join.   Each deck fought on causes a 2% Race Rank point loss followed by an additional -20,000 points.   This means 5 deck ships will cost at least 164,517 Race Rank points which is enough to bring the Race Rank of the boarded ship owner race from 28% of +9 down to 0.   The Boarding Strength of the player personnel is then pitted against the Boarding Resistance of the target ship.

  • Boarding Strength = ƩFighting Skill of all Fighting personnel aboard the target (including those not on a deck)±10%
  • Boarding Resistance (Commonwealth) = (Base Boarding Resistance+ƩFighting Skill of all NPC personnel aboard+Internal Security Lasers Bonus)±10%
  • Boarding Resistance (Terran/ATF) = (Base Boarding Resistance*4+ƩFighting Skill of all NPC personnel aboard+Internal Security Lasers Bonus)±10%
  • Boarding Resistance (Xenon) = (Base Boarding Resistance*2+85*Marine Capacity-80*Number of Decks Passed)±10%
    • Internal Security Lasers Bonus = 200

Possible casualties on both sides are then calculated between the first and second audio played for the deck (means save before this point).   The number of potential casualties are then scaled according to how big the difference between Boarding Strength and Boarding Resistance is before playing roulette as to who dies from the player personnel.   If Boarding Resistance - Boarding Strength is  40, then there is an additional 2% chance to adjust Attacker possible Casualties by +1 and Defender Possible Casualties by -1.

Attacker Possible Casualties = (((Marine Capacity+1)/Number of Decks)+Random Number(0 to 2))-1

Defender Possible Casualties = ((Marine Capacity/Number of Decks)+Random Number(0 to 2))-1

Boarding Resistance - Boarding StrengthPossible Casualties Scaling

Attacker actual casualties are determined by going through all living attacker personnel using the formula 10%-((Fighting Skill-1)/10), adding them to a group if chosen and randomly killing the unlucky one of the group.   The process is then repeated for every possible casualty   This means personnel with a high Fighting Skill have a decent chance that none will be picked for the elimination group.   Defender actual casualties is the same as the possible casualties.

After the final deck there is a battle for the Bridge using slightly modified formulas.

  • Boarding Strength = ƩFighting Skill of all Fighting personnel aboard the target (including those not on a deck)±6.66%
    • Boarding Resistance (Commonwealth) = (Base Boarding Resistance+ƩFighting Skill of all NPC personnel aboard+Internal Security Lasers Bonus)±6.66%
    • Boarding Resistance (Terran/ATF) = (Base Boarding Resistance*4+ƩFighting Skill of all NPC personnel aboard+Internal Security Lasers Bonus)±6.66%
    • Boarding Resistance (Xenon) = (Base Boarding Resistance*2+85*Marine Capacity-50*Number of Decks)±6.66%
      • Internal Security Lasers Bonus = 200

If Boarding Strength  Boarding Resistance then the personnel "run out of ammo" and are all killed.   If Boarding Strength >  Boarding Resistance then any remaining target personnel are ejected into space for collection and the boarding personnel begin to hack the computer core.   In total this phase of boarding takes 10-15 seconds+(7-14)*Number of Decks seconds.

Hacking The Computer Core


Despite all the audio played during the hacking process there are only three stages that count.   If Hacking Strength ≥ Hacking Resistance then hacking proceeds to stage two.   If Hacking Strength < Hacking Resistance there is a 2% chance of hacking proceeding to stage two, otherwise the boarding fails and all boarding personnel are ejected into space.

  • Hacking Strength = ƩBest + Second Best Hacking Skill (from all living attacker personnel)
  • Hacking Resistance = (Base Hacking Resistance*Racial Factor)+Random Hacking Factor+Advanced Firewall Software Bonus
    • Racial Factor Commonwealth = 1
    • Racial Factor Terran/ATF = 4
    • Racial Factor Xenon = 5
    • Advanced Firewall Software Bonus = 70

Stage two has an 80% chance of adding a 2-4 second delay to hacking if the target ship has the Advanced Firewall Software equipment.   During stage three there is a 5% chance the safety will turn back on causing the boarding operation to fail and ejecting the boarding personnel into space.   Ship ownership is then transferred.   In total hacking takes 20-37 seconds + 2-4 from Advanced Firewall Software delay.   This process means that personnel with no Hacking Skill still have a 1.96% chance to hack a ship and personnel with maxed Hacking Skill only have a 95% chance of success.

Wares Kept

When ownership of the target ship is transferred, 90% of equipped lasers, missiles and shields are destroyed.   Kyon Emitter type lasers only have a 50% chance of destruction.   Of the remaining equipment and wares in the cargobay the amount kept is determined by two sequential number generators.   Stations in TLs are exempted and always kept.

Round 1 = 0 to (Ware Number+1)

Round 2 = 0 to (Round 1 Number+1)


  • Rapid Response M7M ships will waste their personnel by launching it in Boarding Pods they spawn with at any enemy boardable ship that loses shielding.   If these missiles are shot down by the player they have a 50% chance to drop several 4-5 star Marine personnel for the player to collect.  This makes the south gate of Circle of Labour a good early source of highly trained personnel (assuming the Argon are not shooting holes in the player ship).
  • Cloudbase South East, Montalaar, Heaven's Assertion, Great Reef, Ocean of Fantasy and Senator's Badlands (add more) are good sectors for boarding TLs since there is almost always a TL present and seldom more than 3 fighters to defend the sector.
  • Keep the new personnel coming.   It takes a long time to fully train marines/mercenaries so hire every individual with a high Fighting Skill from the start of the game until there are about 100 in training (enough to obtain at least one of every boardable ship including Xenon which mince personnel).
  • Use Return Ship and Return Abandoned Ship missions to train the fighting skill of personnel (can spawn M6/M7 ships if the player has a Race Rank of ≥+8 for the mission giver race).