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The Phoenix Marauder spawns as a generic Teladi capital ship for generic kill missions. It can be identified as a mark from the mission screen by looking for its distinct red tinting as opposed to the usual green of non Marauder variants. The ships can also spawn as the backup ships for mission marks. Due to how weak Teladi fight ships are any non Phoenix Marauder ships that spawn as part of the mission can be effortlessly dispatched by 2 Taranis or 1 Olmekron. Since the Phoenix Marauder has Plasma/JET turrets it cannot be approached from the front until they are removed. Removal is as simple as flying 9 km away straight in-front of the ship, facing it, switching into reverse and then spamming Sunstalker Missiles at the turrets. The Plasma/JET Laser turrets are divided into 2 banks of 3 with each bank protected by a Mk3 Forcefield Projector. The Mk3 Forcefield Projectors for the front batteries are placed on the edge of the dome at the top and bottom and take 5 Sunstalker Missiles each to remove the shielding and an extra missile to destroy the hardpoint. Targeting the middle Plasma/JET turret of the bank with 8 Sunstalker Missiles however is more effective as the hardpoint is less covered by the dome and the area damage of the missiles will usually result in destruction of the Mk3 Forcefield Projector and do heavy damage to the Plasma/JET turrets on either side which will need an additional 1-2 Sunstalker Missiles each. Due to the compact size of Teladi ships the missiles will more than likely cripple some of the 12 engines and expose the Forcefield Generators of other banks. After the Plasma/JET Laser turrets are destroyed stripping the ship is trivial as it only has 6 HIT/MA turrets remaining for defense. Of note is the ships absolutely absurd boarding resistance which fully repaired exceeds powerful ships like the Arawn despite the low hull maximum. Not only does this limit boarding to very low hull amounts but care must be taken to watch for repairs as single percent of hull can correspond to a boarding resistance increase of several units. The ship has a very long full repair time after boarding due to the need to repair 12 engines. 

Heart of Light (Interlude)


Start exploring Omicron Lyrae placing trade agents on the various stations. If the TTO DLC is owned and not already explored now would be a good time to do so by taking the Jump Gate south of Drippy Ascent. The R&D Chem Lab in The Great Basin and Licenced Distillery in Ratfish Waters are good places to hire personnel due to having several large platforms which may be useful if the <player> wants to start boarding Lyramekron, Lyranea and Sanahar trade ships from the Heretic Vanguards. In Murky Skies be wary of the heavily armed Heretic Vanguards Licenced Distillery which usually has an Olmekron patrolling nearby (there are several forum threads about destroyed assets if stations are built in this zone).If the DLC sectors have not been visited then this will be the first time the <player> will  This Olmekron will also occasionally do an evasive jump to Commerce Core where it will try to destroy any ships waiting by the Jump Beacon.

The Olmekron is an XL fight ship with 8 Plasma/JET turrets, numerous Plasma/MA turrets and moderate shielding. These ships are commonly found as the target or escort of tougher fight missions in Omicron Lyrea. The Plasma/JET turrets are in pairs  protected by Mk1 Forcefield Projectors on the prongs at the front of the ship on both the top and bottom sides.   There are 6 engines in two banks of 3 protected by Mk2 Forcefield Projectors. To board an Olmekron approach the rear and at 9 km launch 3 Sunstalker Missiles at the Mk2 Forcefield Projector for an engine bank then 5 Sunstalker Missiles at the middle engine and an additional 2 for both the top and bottom. After disabling both engine banks the Jump Tunnel Device and Drone Launch Pad can be destroyed with 4 Sunstalker Missiles each. Fly around to 10 km above or below the Plasma/JET turrets at the front of the ship and launch 3 Sunstalker Missiles at the Mk1 Forcefield Projector for the bank on the closest side and an additional 2 at each Plasma/JET turret on both the top and bottom side of the prong. The area damage of the missiles usually is able to heavily damage or destroy the Plasma/JET bank on the other side due to how flat the prong is. After repeating on the Plasma/JET turret banks of the other prong and double checking none escaped destruction start stripping the numerous hardpoints for boarding.

If the DLC sectors have not been visited then this will be the first time the <player> will encounter Xenon ships (both for missions and free flying), these usually have upgraded versions of conventional ship weapons and a higher chance to drop Weapon Mods on death. If engaging Xenon kill Xenon Ps first since they deal shield penetrating damage. Due to the high hull strength and shield penetration, the Xenon P may be the only light fight craft worth keeping as an asset.


Bug: The Xenon Ks spawned here by scripts are boardable (version 4.0) meaning the ones found here and spawned by missions can be obtained by the <player>.

Omicron Lyrae

Head to a crater in the upper (z axis) south east side of Core Dig in Last Stand for a Unique Lockbox containing the Kha'ak Crystalline Scale of the Kha'ak Relic Collection. By the time Commerce Core has been explored there will be enough trade deals available to reactivate any <player> owned trade ships that were idle in DeVries. It might also be a good idea to start hoarding Fusion Reactors and Reinforced Metal Plating since those are the main bottleneck during the construction of additional stations. When exploring Omicron Lyrae/ Devoid Clime/Cosy Shade use the Long Range Scanner to find the Unique Lockbox to the west of the stations containing the Gate Seed of the Ancient Relic Collection
