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Comment: Finished formatting the random missions part and general minor edits. -DSE


The plot begins as soon as Operation Loose Ends (Terran Commander and Aldrin Adventurer starting scenarios) or the Albion Prelude Main Plot are completed (Commonwealth starting scenarios), the player has a UFJD is owned (Operation Loose Ends is completed for Terran starts or mission 3 of Player Headquarters Plot for Commonwealth starts) and the Trade Rank of +15 (Petty Financier (15) is reached


Corporation Troubles


Objective: Obtain the shares from Frenk Stringer

 Comm the designated station

 Deliver the specified wares

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A


Commentary: When the timer ends the corporation owner will comm the player ship requesting the player to meet up with them at the usual station. Comm the corporation owner on the station to find they need help making a decision for the corporation. The player is given three choices (except Protection Racket and Companies of the Universe) which represent low, medium and high cost solutions. Another 15-20 minutes later the result of the decision will be revealed to the player. The outcomes of the decisions will permanently modify the bank balance, assets, income and outgoings of the corporation. To maximise the reward at the end of the plot it is advisable to choose the decisions to maximise assets an income while minimising outgoings. With choices where there is no beneficial answer (like Industrial Action!) it is best to opt for the once off payments since increased outgoings can add up over several hours of play. When a Corporation Business mission is completed the 15-20 minute timer is started again to repeat the mission until a corporation reputation rank cap is reached. The reputation rank caps are linked to completion of the Share Recovery missions and has a maximum of +10 (Absolute Monopoly). It is advisable to complete Corporation Business missions as soon as one becomes available to maximise the credit discount at the end of the plot.

List of Corporation Business random missions and choice outcomes



Financial Trouble for Corporation Factory


Med: Cost: 2.5 x Small-Large Food Factory credits (

 Impact: 1/30 - 1/20x added to income chance of getting nothing


 Reputation: 0.5-0.57x mission difficulty reputation

 Low: (

Low: Cost: None

 Impact: 50% chance for 500k-750k or 1.5-2.75 million subtracted from income


 Reputation: 50% chance for 0.5-0.57x or loss of 0.14-0.25x mission difficulty reputation


Med: Cost: 3-7 million credits


  Impact: 0.05x added to


income or 200k-400k subtracted from income

  Reputation: 0.57-0.66x mission difficulty


reputation  or 0.5-0.57x mission difficulty reputation


High: Cost: 13-17 million credits


  Impact: 1.5x added to assets


  Reputation: 0.5-0.57x mission difficulty reputation

Disaster Relief Low

Low: Cost: None

 Impact: None

 Reputation: Lose 0.14-0.25x mission difficulty reputation


Med: Cost: 7.5-15 million credits


 Impact: Once off cost


 Reputation: 0.5-0.57x mission difficulty reputation


High: Cost: 0.33-0.5xRelief Cost


 Impact: Once off cost


 Reputation: 0.66-0.75x mission difficulty reputation

Protection Racket
 Low: (chance

Low: Cost: None

 Impact: Chance to lose 3-5 million in assets and 1.25-1.5 x 750k-2 million income subtracted


 Reputation: Chance to lose 0.17-0.25x mission difficulty reputation


High: Cost: 750k-2 million credits


 Impact: Once off cost and added to outgoings with chance of increasing by 20-33%


 Reputation: Chance of also losing 0.17-0.25x mission difficulty reputation

Lobby Work
 Low: (

Low: Cost: None

 Impact: 60% chance 250k-500k credits added to outgoings


 Reputation: 0.14-0.2x mission difficulty reputation


Med: Cost: 750k-1.2 million credits


 Impact: Once off cost with a 50% chance of adding 250k-500k credits to outgoings


 Reputation: 50% chance of 0.5-0.57x mission difficulty reputation or losing 0.17-0.25x mission difficulty reputation


High: Cost: 3-5 million credits


 Impact: Once off cost with 30% chance of adding 250k-500k credits to outgoings


 Reputation: 0.57-0.66x mission difficulty reputation

 Low: (

Low: Cost: None

 Impact: 30k-60k added to income


 Reputation: 0.14-0.2x mission difficulty reputation


Med: Cost: 1-2 million credits


 Impact: 300k-600k added to income


 Reputation: 0.25-0.33x mission difficulty reputation


High: Cost: 3-5 million credits


 Impact: 1.5-3 million added to income


 Reputation: 0.66-0.75x mission difficulty reputation

Companies of the Universe Low

Low: Cost: No Cost


 Impact: Chance of 300k-600k income being subtracted


 Reputation: Chance for 0.14-0.25x mission difficulty reputation or lose 0.17-0.25x mission difficulty reputation


High: Cost: No Cost


 Impact: 70/30 percent chance for 1.5-3 million to be added/subtracted to/from income


 Reputation: 70/30 percent chance to increase/decrease 0.17-0.25x mission difficulty reputation

Changes of Production Process
 Low: (

Low: Cost: None

 Impact: 35% chance for 3-5 million once off gain, 40% chance lose 3-5 million once off and 250k-500k subtracted from income 35% chance lose 3-5 million once off and 600k-1.2 million subtracted from income


 Reputation: 35% chance to gain 0.33-0.5x, 40% chance to lose 0.2-0.33x and 35% chance to lose 0.13-0.14x mission difficulty reputation


Med: Cost: 3-12 million credits


 Impact: 50% chance for 750k-1.5million subtracted from income


 Reputation: 50% chance for 0.14-0.25x mission difficulty reputation or lose 0.17-0.25x mission difficulty reputation


High: Cost: 5-8 million credits


 Impact: 150k-300k added to income


 Reputation: 0.5-0.57x mission difficulty reputation 

Share Recovery (2): Protect Station


 Defend the designated Station

 Comm the designated station

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A


Commentary: The player needs to continue doing Corporation Business missions until a corporation repulation rank of -2 (Increasing Debts) is reached. Three to six minutes after gaining enough rank and completing the last Share Recovery mission, the Corporate accountant will then message the player informing them that the next share holder has been located. The second share holder is a randomly named Teladi on a random Teladi station within at least 3 jumps of the player ship which is not a war sector. In exchange for 11-12.5% of the remaining shares the player will need to defend the station from prirate attack. This is a generic Defend Station mission with a 65% chance of pirate foes and 35% chance of Yaki which can be problematic depending on the OBS due to player Fight Rank or player diplomatic preferences. Having a healthy supply of heavy missiles and some M2s ready to jump in is advisable to prepare for this mission if the player is a high Fight Rank. Again the player earns 30% of the recovered shares and the corporation will gain 0.5-0.57x average mission difficulty corporation reputation rank points. If the station is destroyed the player is made to wait for 20-40 minutes and then given a Generic Assassination mission to complete and forced to pay for the destroyed station to get the shares. There is again a 20-40 minute delay between the completion of this mission and the possibility of activatiing activating the next Share Recovey Mission.


Commentary: Once a corporation repulation rank of +2 (Operating In The Black) is reached and 3-6 minutes have passed, a Terran on a Teladi station (If Terran starting scenario) or a random race on one of their own stations will be revealed to be the next shareholder. Again the station is at least 3 jumps from the corporation owner sector and excludes Aldrin and the war sectors. Comm the shareholder to find they are willing to exchange the shares for the simultaneous escourt of two trade convoys. The first convoy starts in at a random Teladi station 1-4 jumps from Greater Profit (Terran starts) or a station of the shareholder race 1-4 jumps from the shareholder sector (Commonwealth starts) while the second starts in a random station in a sector 1-4 jumps from the starting station of the first convoy. The convoys aim to head to a random station 1-2 jumps from the starting station. Due to the highly random nature of the starting locations and destinations this mission can range from very easy (moving through core sectors) to painful (moving through a Xenon or war sector). As the attacking ships are Yaki it is advisable to do some missions to boost Yaki reputation if the player is friendly with them. Like generic convoy missions the convoy convoys will be periodically attacked by 3-5 M3s belonging to the Yaki so having two M6s protect each convoy should be sufficient to kill any mission spawned enemies while a fast player ship with a Jump Drive and good missile compatability is recommended to give support if any tougher NPC foes are encountered that are not related to the mission. If the convoys are going through core sectors the local police and military ships will clean up alot of the mission spawned enemies before they even get close however if they go through Pirate or Xenon sectors then M6, M7 and even M2 foes will need to be cleared. When the convoys reach their destination or are destroyed the player will have to pay the cost of any destroyed TS convoy ships to obtain 14.2-16.7% of the remaining shares and 0.5-0.57x average mission difficulty corporation reputation rank points.


Commentary: Once a corporation repulation rank of +3 (Profit Orientated) is reached and 3-6 minutes have passed, a Terran or Argon on a random station at least 3 jumps from the corportation owner sector is revealed to be the next shareholder. Comm the shareholder who will exchange the shares if the player does a generic Tour Of A Lifetime mission for him. To do this mission will require a TP (like an Ocelot), a Jump Drive, a Docking Computer and a few energy cells. Dock at the shareholder station with the TP and accept the mission to receive 9-19 passengers which will want to go to a random station within 5 jumps of the starting station. The player needs to visit at least one station within the 250-300 second time limit to complete the mission but visiting additional stations will give some extra credits as a bonus. When docked at the target station the player needs to wait for the tour and will eventually be given a new destination station to go to and the current station can then be commed to tell the tour guide to get all remaining passengers back on the ship. Repeat the cycle until the time runs out before heading back to the share holder station. This mission can only be failed if the player ejects one of the passengers into space, sells the passengers into slavery or abandons them on a station resulting in the player having to pay a penalty to the shareholder to obtain the shares. Completion of the mission gets the player 16.7-20% of the remaining shares, some bonus credits if not failed and 0.5-0.57x average mission difficulty corporation reputation rank points.


Commentary: Once a corporation repulation rank of +5 (Trusted Bank Client) is reached and 3-6 minutes have passed, it will be revealed the a Boron called Molo Do was a shareholder but has been killed and their assortment of papers put up for auction as Lot 42. The auction station is again at least 3 jumps from the corporation owner sector and excludes Aldrin and the war sectors. Dock at the designated auction station and comm it to begin the auction. There are three rival bidders but only bidder number 3 is of importance and will bid up to 1.4-1.9 million. This mission is entirely text based so to end the auction quickly always select the largest increment until 1.4 million credits is reached before choosing the smallest increments. When the auction is won the player is given the option to pay immediately or to come back when they have the spare credits. By this stage in the game 2 million credits should be obtainable from a single generic mission in the unlikely even that the player is out of pocket. Completion of the auction gives 20-25% of the remaining shares, 0.5-0.57x easy mission difficulty corporation reputation rank points and a Blood Stained Note. The Blood Stained Note begins the Breaking Grounds plot and should not be sold.


Commentary: Once a corporation repulation rank of +8 (Top 10 Most Valuable Corporation) is reached and 3-6 minutes have passed, another shareholder will be found which is again not in Aldrin and at least 3 jumps from the corporation owner sector. This time the shareholder wants the player to help frame a business rival in exchange for the shares. If there is no station in the shareholder sector, a sector owner race specific Trading Station/Dock is created (Teladi is the default) and 2-3 jumps from the shareholder station a mission station is selected, otherwise a Teladi solar power plant is created as a default. After comming the shareholder the player is tasked with acquiring 25 Space Fuel. Space Fuel is able to be found in Herrons Nebula, Nyana's Hideout, Argon Trading Stations, Pirate Bases and Trading Docks and player owned illegals complexes. Once the 25 Space Fuel is obtained dock at the shareholder station to collect some mercenaries to pull off the deed (minimal of 16 Medium cargo space and Cargo Life Support System required). The player is then tasked with jumping 2-6 sectors away from the mission destination station where they have to follow a random M3/M4 at over 7.5km and under 20km (below the standard 10-30km distance). It is advisable to use a fast ship incase distance needs to be gained and to aim 10km above the eclyptic incase the ship does a spontaneous turn around and starts heading towards the x/y position of the player ship. Like all follow ship missions never comm the target ship. Eventually the ship being tailed will timeout after 4 minutes and head straight to the mission station. Once the target ship docks do the same at the mission station. The mercenaries will tranfser the Space Fuel to the target ship and a job 30002 police patrol will be spawned within 2km of the station. Comm the police patrol to give them a tipoff which will cause one of four random outcomes to occur. The target ship will be arrested, bribe the police, escape or resist arrest. The probability of the bribed/escaped outcome is based on the value of the playership being flown when the police were commed (more likely in a cheap ship). If the target bribes or escapes the police the player can either assassinate the ship personally for a small -500 Race Rank point loss or hire some pirates from the nearest Pirate base Base for 3 million credits. After the target has been dealth dealt with head back to the shareholder station and comm them to get 33-50% of the remaining shares and 0.5-0.57x average mission difficulty corporation reputation rank points.


Commentary: Once a corporation repulation rank of +9 (Top 3 Most Valuable Corporation) is reached and 3-6 minutes have passed, The final share holder will be located following the same randomisation as the previous shareholder stations. Comm the shareholder at the designated station to find they have lost a TP doing an Extreme Tour Of a Lifetime and need the player to salvage it. The TP spawns in Xenon Sector 17, 10 (the one next to Segaris if a Terran Start) or in Xenon Sector 347 or 472 (bordering Scaleplate Green and Blackhole Sun if Commonwealth Starts). The ship to recover spawns within 40km of the x and z axis and 10 km of the y axis. Depending on where the Xenon capital ships are in the mission sectors can greatly affect how easy it is to complete this mission. It is advised to have System Override Software, Software Signature Scrambler, Transporter Device, a Jump Drive, several energy cells and either a very fast ship like a Kestrel, Spytfire or Springblossom or a TM with a Turbo Booster and a docked ship with a spare Jump Drive. When in Xenon space head straight to the mission ship dodging fire and use the SOS to remotely capture the ship before transferring a Jump Drive and some Energy Cells to it and ordering it to jump the the shareholder sector. The player ship then has the option of heading for the enarest nearest safe Jump Gate (fast ships) or transfering a spare Jump Drive from a docked ship (Hyperion Vanduard and TMs) to make an escape. Once on a safe escape trajectory order the captured mission ship to dock at the shareholder station. When back in safe space head back to the shareholder station and comm it to get the remainder of the shares and 0.5-0.57x very hard mission difficulty corporation reputation rank points. If the mission ship gets destroyed (collision included) the player will need to supply another ship of the same type to the shareholder to get the shares.
