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Comment: Added Argon Sector 418 template


Output: 19x Weapon/Missile/Shield productivity and 0.4x (725/h) Energy Cells productivity 

Argon Sector M148

General Information


Sun Strength: 10/9 multiplier (150%)

Silicon Productivity: 4x (305/h)(40 yield)

Ore Productivity: 3.5x (1,168/h)(25 and 13 yields)

NPC Activity

Argon Large orbital Weapons Platform

Split M7M and M2 with several fighters patrol the sector

Paranid and Boron fighters patrol the sector

Frequently used by Jonferco, Plutarch and RR capital ships to repair


A diplomatically complicated sector to build in because there are Argon, Boron, Paranid and Split owned fight ships patrolling the sector at all times. It is not advisable to build in this sector if hostile to any Commonwealth race other than the Teladi. The comparative excess of silicon to ore means the complex can support a factory producing drones or Advanced Satellites in addition to 7 factories for missile support/ship equipping/stock market manipulation. There are two military outposts and an equipment dock in the sector to sell excess products at. It is advisable to place the complex hub >30km behind or above the of the Nouth gate. This sector cannot singlehandedly support a PHQ.

Wares Only Core Complex

  • 1x Silicon Mine L (Teladi)
  • 2x Ore Mine L (Teladi)
  • 3x Solar Power Plant M (Boron)
  • 1x Crystal Fabs L (Boron)
  • 1x Crystal Fabs M (Boron)
  • 1x Bofu Chemical Plants L (Boron)
  • 1x Bio Gas Factory L (Boron)
  • 1x Bofu Chemical Plants M (Boron)
  • 1x Bio Gas Factory M (Boron)
  • 4x Food Medium (Any Race)(one must be for a Race compatible with the drone factory)
  • 4x Bio Medium (Any Race)(one must be for a Race compatible with the drone factory)
  • 7x Weapon/Missile/Shield Forges Small (Any Race)(one must be for a Race compatible with the drone factory)
  • 1x Fighter Drone (MKII) Production Facility (Argon/Split)/Recon Drone Construction Facility (Boron)/Keris Drone Production Facility (Terran)

Output: 3.5x Weapon/Missile/Shield productivity and 0.4x (724/h) Energy Cells productivity

Asteroid Belt


Barren Shores

General Information


Sun Strength: 9/9 multiplier (100%)


Ore Productivity: 0x (0/h)(none)

NPC Activity

Frequent military patrols from all races except Terrans, mainly from the Boron and Split


Several Boron stations including 2 Ore Mine Ls.


A very busy sector due to it being a bottleneck between the southwestern sectors and the southern Paranid sectors. The frequent military patrols mean that the complex should be built in the south of the map far from the ecliptic to avoid discovery by hostile races invading the sector and not be considered if hostile to the Boron. The large flow of traders makes this a good sector for selling products to NPCs for credits. The lack of Ore yield means this sector should be used for producing products that require Silicon Wafers like Microchips, Computer Components, satellites and drones or used to produce Crystals to supply complexes in sectors without silicon containing asteroids. This sector cannot singlehandedly support a PHQ.


Gunne's Crusade

Harmony Of Perpetuity

General Information


Sun Strength: 13/9 multiplier (300%)


Ore Productivity: 3.5x (1,062/h)(16 and 18 yields)

NPC Activity

0-2 Goner stations may spawn on game start which attract TS traffic of mainly Argon and Paranid origin


No instances of military patrols or pirates entering the sector have been observed


For game starts hostile to the Argon getting to the sector can be challenging but the lack of threats unable to be dealt with by a single laser tower or M6, lack of obstacles during mine relocation, complete asteroid utilisation and relative sector neutrality make this sector ideal for a first complex. The comparative excess of silicon to ore means the complex can support a factory producing drones or Advanced Satellites in addition to 7 factories for missile support/ship equipping/stock market manipulation. It is advisable to place the complex hub within 4.5km of the South gate. This sector cannot singlehandedly support a PHQ.

Wares Only Core Complex

  • 3x Silicon Mine L (Teladi)
  • 2x Ore Mine L (Teladi)
  • 3x Solar Power Plant M (Boron)
  • 2x Crystal Fabs L (Boron)
  • 2x Bofu Chemical Plants L (Boron)
  • 2x Bio Gas Factory L (Boron)


LooManckStrat's Legacy

Lost Order

Lucky Planets

General Information


Sun Strength: 9/9 multiplier (100%)


Ore Productivity: 10.5x (3,213/h)(23, 18, 15, 11, 10, 2x8, 5 and 2 yields)

NPC Activity

Frequent military patrols from  the Boron, Paranid and Teladi


Several Boron stations including a Shipyard, Equipment Dock, 2 Ore Mine Ms and 2 Silicon Mine Ms.


A central Boron sector which is popular for setting up early stations and later a complex for generating credits. There are multiple NPC solar power plants, mines and Boron food and bio stations within two jumps to buy resources to feed partially constructed complexes and several equipment docks and military outposts to sell produced lasers, missiles and shields in addition to the numerous NPC traders that pass through the sector. The excess of Ore yield compared to Silicon means not all Ore asteroids are utilised. This sector cannot singlehandedly support a PHQ. The nearby NPC solar power plants and silicon mines can be used for further Ore asteroid utilisation. The close proximity to a shipyard makes hiring NPC TLs to erect Boron stations before the player owns a TL a viable option.


Rolk's Legacy

Sacred Relic

Savage Spur

General Information


Sun Strength: 10/9 multiplier (150%)


Ore Productivity: 244.5x (73,391/h)(3x57, 3x51, 3x46, 3x39, 3x34, 3x32, 6x29, 3x28, 6x27, 3x26, 6x23, 3x22, 3x21, 3x20, 3x19, 9x18, 3x17, 6x16, 3x14, 3x13, 9x12, 3x11, 3x10, 3x9, 3x8, 3x7, 3x6, 12x5, 6x3, 3x1 and 6x0 yields)

NPC Activity

Yaki fighter squads (1-3 M3/M4 ships) frequently patrol the sector

The Paranid Military Outpost in Empire's Edge will periodically send military patrols through the sector on the way to Senator's Badlands


One of the most resource rich sectors in the game and not owned by a major race making this sector an ideal base of operations. There is enough Silicon productivity for a self sustaining complex that can support the PHQ and 198 factories for missile support/ship equipping/stock market manipulation which is enough to instantly supply most ships able to be produced by the PHQ. There is an excess of Ore asteroids so not all are used. The density of the asteroid field is so high that some asteroids need to be destroyed using missiles or a Mobile Drilling System so some mines can be moved out of the asteroid field before returning later to place mines on the asteroids when they respawn. If the player uses an M7M for combat this is one of the six sectors that will need to be used for dedicated missile production. By there being no sector owner the complex and PHQ is safe from RR ships if the player is hostile to a major race while the Yaki patrols are small enough to easily be fought off. It is advisable to place the complex hub in the south west of the sector at least 50km from the South Gate to avoid the infrequent Paranid military patrols. This sector can singlehandedly support a PHQ.


Unknown Sector (8,16)

Unknown Sector (9,7)

General Information


Sun Strength: 10/9 multiplier (150%)


Ore Productivity: 10.5x (3283/h)(30, 25, 17, 13, 8, 2x5 and 1 yields)

NPC Activity

None unless a pirate base spawns or the player builds factories/complexes that sell to NPC traders.


A convenient sector for a complex since it is close to Hatikvah's Faith making it a useful refuelling stop for jumping due to the relative central position in the universe before ownership of the HUB is obtained and for equipping ships brought at the nearby OTAS Shipyard in Legends Home (the neighbouring sector). If hostile to the Argon it also makes a quiet base of operations for launching assaults into argon space from. The slight excess of Ore yield compared to Silicon means not all Ore asteroids are utilised. Due to the medium size of complex able to be sustained it typically makes a good second self sustaining complex. This is a good sector for having 10x Lasertower Factories for keeping other player owned stations/complexes secured. This sector cannot singlehandedly support a PHQ.
