Versions Compared


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Items versus Wares

It is important to understand the difference between Inventory (also known as items) and cargo (usually referred to as wares). Cargo is in your ship, while inventory is on you. Inventory is listed with in the SHIFT+I menu under player information. It moves with you when you go (or later teleport!) from ship to ship. Cargo is in your ships listed in ship storage and can be seen in the ship info menu (Shift+Enter for your current ship or INFO on mapoption in the map).

Trade and Combat ships have CONTAINER class storage, which covers all tradeable goods that are manufactured. Mining ships can have LIQUID or SOLID storage, which covers all materials that can be harvested from space. Trading with ship storage items happens with the TRADE menu when docking, while trading with inventory happens in-person with the trader found on a platform (look out for for the shop sign above the building).


Price Development

The production and exchange of wares is key to any healthy economy and the X-Universe is no different. Despite fierce competition from NPC traders there are always gaps in the market for the player to fill and line their pocket with credits in the process whether it is using a small courier or a huge manufacturing complex.


There will be times when it is preferable for wares or consumables to be on a different player owned ship or station. This can be to free up cargo space for other purposes, stock up a reserve ship for exploration, meet mission requirements or to keep fleets supplied. To transfer wares between ships or stations requires one of the assets to have Cargo Drones before left clicking the asset with the ware to transfer in the Object List or Property Owned menu and then right click a target asset in Map and select the Transfer Wares With action to open a trade menu allowing wares to be transferred between the two ships up to their respective capacities for the ware.    



Ships with Solid or Liquid storage types can harvest nebulae and asteroids for resources which asteroids and nebulae, respectively. This generates resources (see below), which can be sold to NPC stations as source a source of income which that requires no operating costs or . Alternatively, it can be fed into player-owned stations to act as the basis for manufacturing chains.

Manual mining

For solids the player ship can use Scan Mode to detect asteroids with resources of interest before shooting the asteroid or the marked surface spots with a mining laser, to release solid rocks which can be gathered using the Container Magnet. Liquids are unable to be manually mined at this time, which may change in the future.

Mining by Captains

With L ships Mining Drones are used to pick up the resource. All player owned mining ships can be ordered to mine using the Mine order by right clicking a resource region on the map and selecting the Mine order before left clicking a resource to harvest from the list.

Crytal mining

Some asteroids have surface spots that can be individually mined to release crystals for collection with the Container Magnet. The cystals can then be sold to Item Traders (see "Items versus Wares" section above). Depending on rarity, they can be quite valuable.

Auto Trading And Auto Mining


  • Liquid Resources: Helium, Hydrogen and Methane
  • Solid Resources: Ice, Ore, Nividium and Silicon