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Alternatively select the abandoned ship and then right click it to order a Marine onboard on board the player ship playership to go and claim the craft using a boarding pod Boarding Pod (<playership> crew must have at least 1 marine assigned to use this option); the Marine will become the Pilot of the new ship once ownership has been transferred. If you intend to keep the ship, finding at least a one-star pilot is recommended to replace that random marine.. or you could set them to 'explore' for several hours to level up their piloting skill.. 


Large and XL ships need to be boarded to be captured. Boarding requires sufficient Marine crew on the playership. To prepare for boardingacross the player-owned ships participating in the action. Boarding involves Scanning the target to gain intel, planning (using the intel), choosing a Behviour for your boarding ship(s) and initiating the 3-stage operation.

Either before or during the Op (via Behaviour), the target needs to be nullified (taking out the engines, turrets and shields). To initiate boarding, select the playership desired player-owned ship(s) and then right click the target and order Marines to Board the target.

Within the Boarding Menu (see below), plan:

  • Select each boarding ship (top of screen) to set the numbers of Marines on each to be used (lower left of screen)
  • Scanning allowed your ship's computer to provide feedback on chance of success across stages (bottom of screen)

Choosing Behaviour for boarding ships:

  1. Attack escorts

  2. Target engines
  3. Target turrets
  4. Disable Target
  5. Maintain distance

Boarding stages:

  1. Approach (getting Boarding Pods safely to the target)

  2. Infiltration (breaching the hull)

  3. Assault (Defeating the crew)

Stages 1 options instruct their boarding ship(s) how weakly-defended the target should be before launching Boarding Pods. Stages 2 options instruct their Marines to board the targethow strong the target hull should be before breaching (weaken hulls reduce risk to marines but increase risk of destroying the target). Finally during Stage 3, your surviving Marines will attempt to defeat the target's crew.

Try to keep the subsystems destroyed, and work on reducing hull levels but not to the extent that the boarding marines will destroy the ship. Once the target hull is sufficiency low to reduce boarding resistance below the boarding strength of the players forces (20 or more is good) the ship is as good as captured. If successful, a Marine can be assigned as the captain for the ship or the player can move to the ship personally. 

[Multi-ship boarding is possible, using several ships to carry the necessary marines, but I've not yet experimented with it - Snafu]Image Added

Fleet Management
