Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: did more formatting of the menu options


  • The list of currently active missions showing the current ojective for each mission, difficulty, reward and time remaining to complete the mission. Left click individual missions to view the full mission briefing, toggle guidance or abort the mission.

My Property


  • A list of player owned assets that can be used to send commands to specific assets. This will be used frequently once the player owns multiple ships.
  • All: Shows all player owned assets in alphabetical order grouped by sector
  • Stations: Only shows player owned stations and complexes in alphabetical order grouped by sector
  • Ships: Only shows player owned ships in alphabetical order grouped by sector
  • Wings: Only shows player owned ships that have been assigned to a wing
  • Sectors: Lists all sectors that the player has assets in. Once the player has a setellite network established this menu becomes meaningless.
  • Personnel: All Marines, Mercenaries and Pilots owned by the player, where they are and what they are currently doing. Personnel performing boarding operations appear at the top of the list. Use this menu to know if a boarding operation is going badly and the previous save needs to be loaded.
  • Statistics: A condensed list of player owned assets by categories.
  • Options: Shows or hides ships based on wing/fleet leader/escort roles and stats shown

                          Shows or hides specific ship classes
                          Has options to show ships by assigned tasks
                          Determines what warnings are shown
                          Has filters for personnel shown
                          At the bottom is the toggle for grouping ships by sector. It is recommended to keep this on.

My Pilot Status


  • Lists current Credits owned by the player, player Trade and Fight ranks, Race Ranks with encountered races, player kill counts, owned police


  • licences and salvage insurance and miscellaneous statistics done by the player


My Wings


  • Opens the Wing Management menu which shows all player owned ships
  •   Filter Options


  • : Allows filtering by class or current wing
  •   Sorting Options


  • : Sorts the list by current Wing or ship Class
  •   Ships


  • : Left click to add ships to one of 8 wings or 4 SEWN Sector signal connected wings 

 Stock Exchanges


  • View Local Stock Exchanges


  • : Opens the menu for selecting local Stock Exchanges for trading natural product and other ware shares. Stock Exchanges only appear if the player ship has docked at the stock exchange and met the criteria for trading at that Stock Exchange and the player has an asset in the sector with the Stock Exchange station. Useful for seeing what wares are available in a group of sectors.


  • Corporate/Company indexes


  • : Opens the menu for trading corporate and company shares.


  • Detailed Summary Of Shares Owned


  • : List of shares owned and in what stock market region.


  • View Commodities Transaction Report


  • : Log of share transactions done in the local Stock Exchanges.


  • View Corporate Transaction Report


  • : Log of corporate share transactions


  • View Company Transaction Report


  • : Log of company share transactions


  • Broker Settings


  • : Options for adjusting the stock exchange UI. In general the player does not need to alter this.


My Message Log


  • View message Log


  • : Views all past messages received from plots, missions, ships and Marine/Mercenary training sessions (unless deleted).


  • New Entry


  • : Adds a custom log message for role playing or reminder purposes.


  • Clear Logs


  • : Deletes all previous messages


My Achievements

  •    List of Steam achievements
  •    How to obtain is covered under the Achievements section




  • Global Commands


  • : Adjusts the settings of all player owned ships


    • Global Friend-Foe


    • : Sets the Friend-Foe settings of each race for all ships. Affects if player ships will begin combat with NPC ships or ignore them.


    • Transmit To


    • : Sends commands to all player owned ships. This becomes less useful if the player has a diverse range of ship roles.


    • Wing Control


    • : Opens the same menu as My Wings.


    • Global Missile Resupply


    • : Sets the missile resupply amounts for all ships. This is only useful when the player does not have several different classes of missile using ships.


  • Encyclopaedia


        • Database of stations, ships and wares encountered by the player ship. The location of wares and stations for sale only appear if the player ship has docked at the station selling them. Other player owned ships used for exploration will not contribute to the


        • encyclopaedia.


        • Useful for finding what stations sell stuff.


      • Change Name


            • Allows the player to change the name of their avatar from the Starting Scenario default name.


            • Enter Thereshallbewings to enable the script editor
          • All Tips


                • Allows the player to look over tips given early on in the game. Only useful for forgetful players.


              • Export Statistics



              • Graphs


                    • Displays one of several graphs showing player progress and assets over time.



                  Sector Map


                  • Opens the map of the sector with a list of discovered stations and assets in the scanner range of player owned ships listed to the right.
                  • Default view is from the +Y axis.
                  • Areas within scanner range are a paler colour (2D view of maximum diameter), friendly NPC and abandoned assets are blue, player owned assets are green and hostile assets are red.
                  • Press the Insert key to swap to a view from the -Z axis (useful for station and satellite placement).
                  • Does not show missiles.
                  • If there is an Advanced Satellite in the sector the camera icon at the top right of the map to the left of the zoom buttons can be used to give a 3D rendition of the sector if in sector.
                  • The default zoom is the sector diameter.


                  Universe Map


                  • Map of the explored X-universe. Left clicking a sector will go to the sector map for that sector.
                  • Pressing a letter key will open the search filter (although it is equally fast to navigate manually).
                  • Typing in "Do a barrel roll" spins the universe map a few times.




                  • Requires a Jump Drive equipment ware to be installed on the ship to show.
                  • Left clicking or using the hotkey (Shift + J) will go to the universe map showing sectors able to be jumped to as flashing white brackets and the jump cost in Energy Cells shown in the upper right of the screen. Left clicking a sector will go to the sector map of the sector and the player can select a Jump Gate or Jump Beacon to jump to. If the ship lacks enough Energy Cells the ship will not be able to jump. After selecting a jump target there is a 10 second delay before jumping to the target sector.


                  Unfocussed Jump


                  • Requires the Unfocussed Jump Drive obtained from the plots (starting scenario dependent). Uses Energy Cells to jump to the randomly generated Unknown Sector. Useful for obtaining the Aran, PALCs and


                  • Pandora Tunings.
                  • All assets left in the Unknown Sector are destroyed when returning to the known universe.


                  Best Buys Locator


                  • Requires the Best Buys Locator equipment ware.
                  • Sets the


                  • autopilot to go to the cheapest selling station for the selected ware within a selected jump range.
                  • Only useful in the early game before the player gets Trade Command Softwares for automating TS ships.


                  Best Selling Price Locator


                  • Requires the Best Selling Price Locator equipment ware.
                  • Sets the


                  • autopilot to go to the most expensive buying selling station for the selected ware within a selected jump range.
                  • Only useful in the early game before the player gets Trade Command Softwares for automating TS ships.

                  Current Ship

                    Lists the encyclopedia information of the current player ship. Useful for remembering laser and missile compatabilities
                    Command Console
                       Cancels current commands and gets the ship to come to a stop. Will engage attacking ships.
                       Ship will wander aimlessly around the sector when the player ship is In Sector. Will not respond to attacks.
                      Dock At My Target
                       Orders the commanded player owned ship to dock at the ship/station currently selected by left mouse click of the player ship.
                      Dock At
                       Orders the ship to fly to and dock at a designated ship/station. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in.
                      Fly To Sector
                       Orders the ship to fly to the designated sector on the Universe Map. The ship will enter Standby once it is a short distance from the jump gate in the designated sector.
                       Orders the ship to follow the designated ship.
                      Follow Me
                       Orders the ship to follow the player ship.
                      Return Home
                       Makes the ship return to the assigned Home Base if it has one.
                      Move To Position
                       Orders the ship to fly to the designated position in the Sector Map. Use the num pad (2, 4, 6 or 8) or left mouse click the map to move the destination position. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in.
                      Move To Coordinates
                      Fly Through Gate
                      Map Sector
                      Scan Asteroids
                      Jump To Sector (Jumpdrive required)
                       Orders the ship to jump to the designated sector on the Universe Map. The ship will enter Standby once it is a short distance from the jump gate in the designated sector. If the ship does not have enough Energy Cells to jump the complete distance it will jump to the sector closest to the destination and fly the rest of the way.
                      Jump and Fly To Station
                      Jump and Fly To Pos
                      Jump To Me (other player owned ships)
                       Orders the ship to attack the designated target
                      Attack All Enemies
                       Systematically attacks all ships set to Foe under the Adjust Friend-Foe setting in the sector until there are no more targets in the sector.
                       Orders the ship to protect the designated ship/station and attack ships attacking it. Weapon System: Missile Defence Mosquito (C) will use Mosquito Missiles to intercept missiles heading towards the protected ship. Turrets of the protecting ship set to Missile Defence or Missiles Only will try to intercept missiles targeting the ship it is trying to protect.
                      Protect Me (Other ships only)
                      Attack My Target
                       Orders the ship to attack the player ship.
                      Attack Nearest Enemy Of
                       Orders the ship to attack the nearest ship/station that is hostile to the designated ship/station
                      Defend Position
                       Orders the ship to attack any hostile ships that approach within 10km of the designated point. Ships with this command will patrol the sphere of space around the point. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in.
                      Defend Station
                       Orders the ship to attack any hostile ships that approach within 10km of the designated station. Ships with this command will patrol a 10km radius sphere of space around the station. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in.
                      Defend Sector
                       Orders the ship to attack any hostile ships that are in or enter the designated sector. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in. This command is not advisable for lone ships as they will attack ships that they cannot handle. This order is continuous until cancelled.
                      Attack Target Of
                       Orders the ship to attack the targets of the designated ship.    
                      Attack Shields Of
                      Attack enemy and land
                      Attack All enemies, land
                      Attack Fighters
                       Systematically attacks all fighter ships set to Foe under the Adjust Friend-Foe setting in the sector.
                      Attack Capital Ships
                       Systematically attacks all capital ships set to Foe under the Adjust Friend-Foe setting in the sector.
                      Attack Shields Of
                       Orders the ship to attack the designated target but stop once the shields are down. A useful command for preparing ships to board. As the ship given this command will only stop shooting when the target shields are down there still will be some hull damage.
                      Launch Fighter Attack
                      Patrol Sectors
                       Orders the ship to patrol between the designated sectors using Attack All Enemies in each sector visited and moving to the next sector if no more enemies are present.
                      Manual Trade Run
                       Opens the Universe Map allowing the player to select a station and ware to buy before opening the universe map again to select a station to sell at. There is then a final yes/no window to order the ship to repeat the run indefinitely or not.
                      Remote Best Buy
                      Remote Best Sell
                      Manual Trade Buy
                       Opens the Universe Map allowing the player to select a station and ware to buy before opening a window to input a number to buy
                      Manual trade Sell
                       Opens the Universe Map allowing the player to select a station and ware to sell before opening a window to input a number to sell
                      Mine and Trade Minerals
                      Buy Ware For Best Price
                       Buys as many units of the selected ware for the best price within ? sectors
                      Buy Ware
                       Buys the inputted amount of the specified ware from the specified station
                      Sell Ware For Best Price
                       Sells as many units of the selected ware for the best price within ? sectors    
                      Sell Ware
                       Sells the inputted amount of the specified ware at the specified station    
                      Transfer Freight via Drones
                       Requires at least one Freight Drone in the cargo hold. Transfers or buys/sells the specified number of ware from the target/ship cargo. Able to be used to obtain PBCs from deploying laser towers and for some dupe methods.
                      Start commercial representation
                      Start external commodity logistics
                       Start external Commodity Logistics
                      Collect Wares In Sector
                       Orders the ship to continually search for wares to collect in the designated sector. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in.
                      Collect Ware
                       Orders the ship to collect a specific ware. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in.
                      Collect Astronaut
                       Orders the ship to collect a specific Astronaut which can be a bailed passenger or a Marine/Mercenary from a boarding operation.
                      Drop Station
                       Requires a TL with a station in the freight and Special Command Software. Must be In Sector for the command to appear. Opens the sector map to allow placement/rotation of the selected station using the num pad. Hit the Return key to confirm placement.
                      Collect Rocks In Sector
                       Orders the ship to collect the smallest rocks from debris in the designated sector.
                      Resupply Ships
                      Rearm Ships
                      Refuel Ships
                      Equip Ships Like
                      Mine Minerals
                       Orders the ship to break up and collect the specified mineral from rocks and debris in the designated sector and deliver them to the specified station (if any).
                       Require player owned stations to be set as the Home Base to unload free of charge.
                       TS ships given a laser will break up larger rocks while those with a Mobile Mining System will destroy unclaimed asteroids for resources
                       A TS using this order is equivalent to 0.18x Ore and 0.79x Silicon Wafer productivity if travel time to the destination station is exluded
                      Board Ship
                       Select Ship
                      Administration Commercial Agent
                        Sector production overview
                        Sector production overview including standalone factories
                        Global Configuration
                       Station Settings
                        Station Status
                         Allows the factory production to the toggled on or off
                        Money Transfer
                         Pricing Disabled
                         Restore Pricing
                       Complex Settings
                         Shows production vs consuption of products
                         Toggles the ware classification as a product or intermediate product
                        Intermediate Products
                         Shows production vs consuption of intermediate products
                         Toggles the ware classification as a product or intermediate product
                         Shows production vs consuption of resources
                         Shows all factories in the complex and allows the factory production to the toggled on or off
                      Administration Commodity Logistics
                       Administration global configuration internal Commodity Logistics
                        Data storage
                         Select Data
                         Move Data
                         Delete Data
                        Send Configuration
                         Send to sector colleagues
                         Send to all colleagus
                         Send filter
                          Send Filter
                           Ship type
                           Ship class
                           Ship name
                          New homebase
                          Data selection
                           Homebase products
                           Price of product
                           Minimum storage space filled - supplier
                           Minimum storage space filled - consumer
                           Freighter cargo bay
                           Fly to supplier only
                           Dock with ship only in the same sector
                           Wait for request signal
                           Quit working in home base
                           Take training
                           Trader salary
                           Jump Drive Energy
                           Configure automatic naming
                           Ship number
                           Configure reports
                           Acoustic signals at messages
                           Trade log
                         Send filter
                       Administration global configuration external Commodity Logistics
                        Same options as internal
                       List of ships with CLS
                        Trader Settings
                         Delete Account Information
                         Take Training
                          Toggles if the pilot levels up or not
                         Trader Salary
                          Toggles if the trader uses the player or home base account to pay the pilot
                         Fire trader
                          Resets the pilot level
                          Only do this if very short on credits
                         Reassign Trader
                          Swaps the pilot to another ship
                         List of waypoints
                          Add station
                           Opens the Universe Map to select a sector and station before opening a window to Buy/Sell/Load/Unload/Refuel jump energy/Fly to station. Clicking one of the first 4 options opens a window of possible wares to perform the action on.
                             Manual price setting
                             Minimum product price
                             Average product price
                             Maximum product price
                             Manual price setting
                             Minimum product price
                             Average product price
                             Maximum product price
                            Manual input
                            Manual imput up to
                            Maximum cargo space
                            Half cargo space
                            Half cargospace up to
                           Refuel jump energy
                           Fly to station
                          Add ship
                          Delete all waypoints
                         Restore Defaults
                        Generate Waypoints
                         Opens a window to input a number before selecting a ware category and specific ware followed by Buy/Sell/Load/Unload and amount before automatically generating waypoints.
                         Avoid this generally
                        Supply Conditions
                         Minimum transfer amount on collection
                         Minimum transfer amount on delivery
                         Dock with ship only in the same sector
                         Wait for request signal
                         Quit working at station
                         Restore defaults
                        Jump Drive settings
                         Use Jump Drive
                         Jump Drive Energy
                          Sets the amount of freight reserved for Energy Cells as jump fuel
                         Minimum Jump Range
                         Restore defaults
                        Automatic naming
                         Configure automatic naming
                         Ship number
                         Factory number
                         Restore defaults
                        Data storage
                         Load data
                         Save data
                         delete data
                        Restore defaults       
                     Broadcast to my ships in the sector
                      Sends a command to all ships of the specified type in the player sector. If no ships of that type are present in the sector the option will be unable to be selected
                      Broadcast: Sector: Wingmen
                       Commands all ships in a wing
                      Broadcast: Sector: M5/M4/M3 Ships
                       Commands smaller fight ship types
                      Broadcast: Sector: M6/M7 Ships
                       Commands larger fight ship types
                      Broadcast: Sector: M5/M4/M3/M6/M7 Ships
                       Commands most fight ship types
                      Broadcast: Sector: TS/TP Ships
                       Commands most trader ship types
                      Broadcast: Sector: M5/M4/M3/M6/M7/TS/TP Ships
                       Commands most ship types
                      Broadcast: Sector: Figher Drones
                       Commands all fighter drones
                       Useful if several have been manually ejected
                     Turret Control
                       Sets the turret to do nothing
                       Not recommended
                      Turret: Attack Enemies
                       Attacks any enemies in range of the turret lasers. Has a problem of drawing additional enemies into fights and depleting laser energy without finishing off single targets
                      Turret: Protect Ship
                       Only attacks ships that attack the ship.
                      Turret: Attack My Target
                       Only attacks ships selected by the player left clicking.
                      Turret: Missiles Only
                       Only fires at missiles aiming for the ship or ships being protected.
                      Turret: Missile Defence
                       Prioritises missiles aiming for the ship or ships being protected but will also shoot at ships which attack the ship. Recommended for general use.
                      Turret: Attack Fighters
                       Prioritises attacking hostile fighters and bombers.
                      Turret: Attack Capitals
                       Prioritises attacking hostile corvettes and capital ships
                     Additional Ship Commands
                      Launch All Marines
                       Launches all Marine/Mercenary personnel in the freight. Ignores the current target shields.
                      Weapon System: Missile Defence Mosquito
                       Automatically uses Mosquito Missiles in the freight to intercept missiles targeting the ship
                      Weapon System: Missile Defence Mosquito (C)
                       Automatically uses Mosquito Missiles in the freight to intercept missiles targeting the ship, ships that are set to use the ship as a homebase and other ships being protected by the ship
                      Hide From Property Menu
                       Toggles if the ship appears in the Property menu
                       Useful for decluttering univeral traders and fleet escort ships from the menu
                      Notify Me When Order Completed
                       Toggles if a message is sent to the message log when the current order for the ship is completed
                       It is recommended to toggle this on by default
                       Determines if ships set to follow or protect this ship follow in a V or X formation behind it
                      Missile Fire Probability
                       Probability of the ship using a missile every 10 seconds against a target In Sector when ordered to attack on autopilot
                       Set to either 0 or 100 depending if you want to use missiles or not since numbers inbetween can be too unpredictable
                      Home Base
                       Sets the player owned ship/station to act as a homebase for the ship. The ship uses the credits of the home base station instead of the player account for any transactions performed when ordered to act as a CAG or Sector/Universal Trader
                      Clear Homebase Setting
                       Sets the home base to the default of none
                     Fleet Control (WIP)
                      Become A Fleet Commander
                      View N ship in fleet
                      Assign new fleet commander
                      Disband fleet
                     Wing Control
                      Add To Wing
                       Add the ship to one of the 12 wings
                      Flight Wing
                       Toggles the wing the ship is in
                      Flight Wing Management
                       Filter Options
                        Display only ships already in this wing
                        Disply only ships of this class
                       Sorting Options
                        Sort ships by
                        The ships in the wing
                     Advanced Jumpdrive Configuration
                       Toggles automatic use of the Jump Drive when the ship is given orders for another sector
                      Autojump Minimum Jump Range
                       If the ship is given an order to move to another sector this is the minimum jump distance before the ship will automatically try to jump to the destination sector instead of just flying there
                      Emergency Jump
                       Toggles if the ship will try to perform an emergency jump if attacked. Not able to be relied on.
                      Emergency Jump Shield Threshold
                       The Shield % that will trigger an emergency jump if attacks cause the ship to fall below the threshold
                      Fuel Resupply Quantity (jumps)
                       How many jumps the ship is willing to jump to refuel on Energy Cells (0-?)
                     Adjust Friend-Foe
                      Set from global settings
                       Sets the friend foe settings of the ship to those under Global Commands
                      Show as enemy if enemy to me
                       Shows ships as foe (red) if they see the player as a foe
                    Attack all enemies
                     Tells the player ship to attack all enemies in the sector using autopilot. Should not be used by any player able to fly or aim.
                    Lists all freight and equipment on the player ship. Left clicking specific freight wares allows them to be ejected (eg. drones, Lasertowers and satellites).
                     Allows manipulation of what slot has what Laser equipped
                      Lists the encyclopedia information of the selected laser.
                     Uninstall Laser
                      Removes the lasers from the seleted laser slot back into the freight hold
                     Install Laser
                      Installs a laser from the freight hold into the selected laser slot
                     Add/Remove from Group 1-4
                      Links specific groups of lasers in the Main laser battery to a hotkey. Useful for swapping between specialised lasers like Mass Drivers and Ion Disrupters.
                     Remove from all Groups
                      Removes the laser slot from all hotkey groups
                    Change Ship
                     Swaps the player ship with another player owned ship. Requires both the player ship and the new ship to be docked at the same ship/station or the new ship to be docked at the player ship. Only able to be performed in space within 4.5km of the new ship if the player has a Transporter Device on one of the ships. Changing to a docked ship immediately launches it.
                    Freight Exchange
                     Exchanges wares and equipment with the selected ship. Requires both the player ship and the other ship to be docked at the same ship/station or one ship to be docked at the other ship. Only able to be performed in space within 4.5km of the other ship if the player has a Transporter Device on one of the ships.
                    Best Buys Locator
                     See Navigation section Best Buys Locator
                    Best Selling Price Locator
                     See Navigation section Best Selling Price Locator
                     Renames the player ship. Useful if the player owns multiple ships of the same type.
                    Self Destruct
                     Sets the player ship to self destruct. Complete waste of resources since ships can be sold for credits at shipyards or recycled at the PHQ if unwanted.
                   Landed Ships
                    Ships landed at the player ship
                   Locate In Sector Map
                    Opens the sector map and selects the player ship
                   Display On Monitor
                    Displays the ship on the left or right monitor.


                   Commands for the selected ship, station, ware, asteroid, debris or other selectable object
                   Adjust Station Parameters
                    See Station>Adjust Station Parameters
                    Tries to communicate with the selected ship or station if the player ship is within 25km. Useful for accepting missions and "apologising for friendly fire" with hostile ships but othwerwise limited outside of plots.
                   Claim Ship
                    Gives the player ownership of the abandoned ship
                    Requires the player ship to be within 40m of the target ship
                    Only able to be performed by the player Astronaut ship type Space Suit and ships with the System Overide Software
                   Enter Ship
                    Makes the target player owned ship the player ship
                    Only able to be performed when ejected and in control of the player Astronaut ship type Space Suit
                    Requires the Freight Scanner or Mineral Scanner equipment ware and the player ship to be within 4.5km of the target ship or 10km of the target asteroid. Freight Scanner reveals the freight of the target NPC ship to the player along with Laser installations and current commands when within scan range. Use of a Freight Scanner in a sector owned by a major race without the approtriate police license will cost 1% Race Rank. Mineral Scanner reveals the mineral type and yield of the target asteroid.
                    Lists all freight and equipment on the selected ship. NPC ships require to be scanned first to show their freight. Left clicking specific freight wares on player owned ship allows them to be ejected (eg. drones, Lasertowers and satellites).
                     Allows manipulation of what slot has what Laser equipped
                      Lists the encyclopedia information of the selected laser.
                     Uninstall Laser
                      Removes the lasers from the seleted laser slot back into the freight hold
                     Install Laser
                      Installs a laser from the freight hold into the selected laser slot
                     Add/Remove from Group 1-4
                      Links specific groups of lasers in the Main laser battery to a hotkey. Useful  for swapping between specialised lasers like Mass Drivers and Ion Disrupters.
                     Remove from all Groups
                      Removes the laser slot from all hotkey groups
                    Change Ship
                     Swaps the player ship with another player owned ship. Requires both the player ship and the new ship to be docked at the same station. Only able to be performed in space within 4.5km of the new ship if the player has a Transporter Device on one of the ships.
                    Freight Exchange
                     Tells a player owned ship which is not the player ship to exchange wares with the player ship. Requires the other ship to be docked at the same station or one ship to be docked at the other ship. Only able to be performed in space within 4.5km of the other ship if the player has a Transporter Device on one of the ships.
                    Freight Exchange With
                     Tells a player owned ship which is not the player ship to exchange wares with another player owned ship. Requires the other ship to be docked at the same station or one ship to be docked at the other ship. Only able to be performed in space within 4.5km of the other ship if the player has a Transporter Device on one of the ships.
                    Best Buys Locator
                     See Navigation section Best Buys Locator
                    Best Selling Price Locator
                     See Navigation section Best Selling Price Locator
                     Allows the target player owned ship to be renamed. Useful if the player owns multiple ships of the same type or is using them to follow a ship of interest.
                   Connected Stations
                    Complexes only
                    Shows all connected stations in the complex and their status
                     Display On Monitor
                   Landed Ships
                    Ships landed at a ship or station
                   Owned Ships
                    NPC ships designated as escorts for the ship or ships that have the ship set as their Home Base.
                   Autopilot: Command Console
                    Command console for the target player owned ship. See Comamnd Console section for the Current Ship
                   Autopilot: Dock At
                    Tells the player ship to dock at the target station. Docking at a player owned ship immediately changes ship. Should not be used by players with a Docking Computer or if the station has docking clamps.
                   Autopilot: Fly To
                    Tells the player ship to fly closer to the target.
                   Autopilot: Fly Through
                    Tells the player ship to fly through the selected Jump Gate
                   Autopilot: Follow
                    Tells the player ship to follow the target ship using autopilot.
                   Autopilot: Attack
                    Tells the player ship to attack the target ship using autopilot. Should not be used by any player able to fly or aim.
                   Attack: Launch Marines (TP/M6/M7M with Marine/Mercenary in freight only)
                    TP, M6 and M7M only. Launches all carried marines at the target ship even if more are launched than can board the target ship.
                   Launch Marines
                    TP, M6 and M7M only. Launches all Marine/Mercenary personnel in the freight of the player ship for a boarding operation. Requires the target shields to be low enough for boarding.
                   Locate In Sector Map
                    Opens the sector map and selects the target ship 
                   Display On Monitor
                    Displays the target on the left or right monitor. 


                    Lists the encyclopedia information of the station docked at.
                   Adjust Station Parameters
                    Player owned stations and complexes only.
                    Intermediate Products
                    Product Selling Price Setting
                     Slider to set the price any products are sold at. Clamped between the min and max price for the ware.
                    Intermediate Resource Buying Price Limit
                     Slider to set the price any intermediate products are brought/sold at. Clamped between the min and max price for the ware.
                    Primary Resource Buying Price Limit
                     Slider to set the price any resources are brought at. Clamped between the min and max price for the ware.
                    Add to Production Queue (PHQ only)
                    Remove from Production Queue (PHQ only)
                    Add to Reverse Engineering Queue (PHQ only)
                    Remove from Engineering Queue (PHQ only)
                    Add to Repair Queue (PHQ only)
                    Remove from Queue (PHQ only)
                    Add to Recyce Queue (PHQ only)
                    Remove from Queue (PHQ only)
                    Spray Shop (PHQ only)
                    Save Loadouts (PHQ only)
                    Fund Transfer
                     Allows the manual transfer of credits between the player account and the station/complex account
                    Advanced Parameters
                     Maximum Jumps
                      Maximum number of sectors away from the station/complex sector commercial agents working for the station/complex will trade in
                     Other races can trade with this station
                      Toggles if NPC traders can buy/sell wares at the station
                      Defaut is Yes
                      Should be set to No if the station/complex is not there to sell wares to NPC traders for reputation or is an equipment or trading dock
                     Intermediate Product Trading
                      Toggles if the complex will trade intermediate products.
                      As well designed complexes have intermediates in equilibrium this should be set to No.
                    NPC stations only
                    Opens the menu for buying and selling wares traded at the station. Resources will only be brought and products will only be sold
                    Allows batering with NPC traders docked at the station. Potentially allows good deals early on if there are any NPC ships docked.
                    Some deals are locked by Race Rank requirements.
                    Wildfire Missiles are commonly requested
                    See Comms of the station
                   Landed Ships
                    List of ships landed at the station. Commands can be given to player owned ships from this menu
                   Owned Ships
                    Ships that have the stations et as their home base. Useful for locating Atmospheric Lifters and ships belonging to Military Outposts and Corporate Headquarters. Requires an Advanced Satellite in the sector to get details of the ship locations.
                   Gate Realignment (Xenon HUB only)
                    Requirements to link gates
                     Needed Energy Cells
                     Time Unit Next Realignment
                    Gates Available
                    Command Console
                     Report Inbound Ships
                      Player owned stations only
                      Creates a log message listing all ships with the station/complex as the target destination
                      Useful if a military strike is suspected
                     Auto money transfer to player account
                      Player owned stations only
                      Sets the threshold to automatically transfer excess funds from the station account into the player account
                      300-500k is a good number
                     Trade barrier (Commercial Agent)
                     Administration (Commercial Agent)
                      Station Settings
                       Station Status
                       Money Transfer
                        Pricing (Activated/Disabled)
                        Restore Pricing
                      Complex Settings
                       Intermetdiate Products
                     Dock Ware Manager
                      Add ware
                     Renames the station/complex
                     Useful if the player has trouble remembering what a complex makes
                      Shows a graph of how the station stock of resources, intermediates and products has changed over time since construction
                     Station Profitability
                      Shows how much profit the station has made over time since construction
                   Locate In Sector Map
                    Opens the sector map and selects the station docked at. 
                   Display On Monitor
                    Displays the ship on the left or right monitor.


                   Only available if docked at a station. Undocks from the station.

                  Eject From Ship

                   Ejects the player controlled Astronaut ship type Space Suit from the ship being currently flown. Used for claiming abandoned ships without a System Override Software, changing ships in space without a Transporter Device and repairing ships with the Repair Laser built into the space suit.
                   Has a limited oxygen supply of 120 minutes after which it self destructs.
                   Only use if there are no hostiles nearby

                  Incoming Message

                   Latest unread message from plots, missions, ships and Marine/Mercenary training sessions.


                    Fast Menu Control
                    Field Of View
                    Postproccess Filter
                    View Distance
                    Volume: Effects
                    Volume: Music
                    Volume: Voice
                    Verbose Ship Computer
                    Disable Station Announcements
                    Seta Factor
                    Gravidar View Range
                    Default External View Mode
                    Full Screen
                    Left Monitor
                     Auto Target
                     Auto Missile
                    Right Monitor
                     Auto Target
                     Auto Missile
                    Autosave In Station
                    Show Warp Tunnel
                    Confirmation On Eject
                    Disable War Reports
                    Numerical shield/hull display
                    Hide Sidebar in Cursor Follow Mode
                    Run Game In Background
                    Turret Command Configuration
                     Turret: Attack My Enemies
                     Turret: Attack Enemies
                     Turret: Protect Ship
                     Turret: Attack My Target
                     Turret: Missiles Only
                     Turret: Missile Defence
                     Turret: Attack Fighters
                     Turret: Attack Capitals
                     Turret Command: Alpha
                     Turret Command: Beta
                     Turret Command: Gamma
                     reset to defaut values
                      Target Selection Priorities
                      Available priorities
                       Attack my cockpit target (personal ship)
                       Attack my cockpit target (all ships)
                       Attack any enemies
                       Attack any enemies while the ship is using an attack command
                       Attack capital ships (M6 and bigger)
                       Attack capital ships (M7 and bigger)
                       Attack Fighters
                       Protect ship. Attack anything that attacks it.
                       Missile Defence
                      Automatic Laser Switching
                       Capital ships may switch lasers
                       All ships may switch lasers
                      Ship equipment required
                    Satellite Early Warning Network
                     Detect Ships
                      All ships
                      Fighters only
                      Fighters and Capital Ships
                      Capital Ships Only
                      Capital Ships Only, excluding M6
                     Message Type
                      Vocal + Log
                     Warning Time in minutes
                     Detect Claimable Ships
                     Wing Protection
                     SEWN Enabled satellites
                      Remove all satellites From Network
                      list of satellites
                     Add satellites
                      Add All satellites to Network
                      list of satellites
                   Pause Game
                    Pauses the game. Pressing any button/key resumes play
                   Save Game
                    Saves the current playthrough to slot 1-10. Only able to be performed when docked unless Salvage Insurance is purchased. Saving in space will consume 1 Salvage Insurance.
                    Saves are stored under Documents>Egosoft>X3AP>save by default
                   Load Game
                    Loads from a previous save. All unsaved progress is lost.
                   Quit Game
                    Exits to the main menu. All unsaved progress is lost.
                   Save & Quit Game (Dead Is Dead mode only)
                    Requires connection to Steam. Saves the game to the DID slot before exiting even if in space.

                  Exchanging Ships and Wares

                   How to exchange ships and wares is one of the common questions new players have. Early on the player will not yet own a Transporter Device so will have click the Eject From Ship button and fly close to the other player owned ship in the Astronaut ship type Space Suit before targeting it and selecting Enter Ship. Alternatively both the player ship and other player owned ship can be docked at the same station and the player ship changed under Station>Landed Ships>(name of the other player owned ship)>Advanced>Change Ship. The exchange of wares can also be performed when two player owned ships are docked at the same station using Station>Landed Ships>(name of the other player owned ship)>Advanced>Freight Exchange to exchange with the player ship or Station>Landed Ships>(name of the other player owned ship)>Advanced>Freight Exchange With>(name of another player owned ship) to exchange between two player owned ships which are not the player ship. Once a Freight Drone has been purchased wares can be exchanged in space by either ejecting the Freight Drone and ordering it to (WIP) or keeping it in the freight and using the Autopilot>Command Console>Trade>Transfer Freight via Drones command (requires Trade Command Software MKII). If a Transporter Device is installed on one of the two ship the two ships need to fly within 4.5km of each other before the Change Ship and Freight Exchange or Freight Exchange With options appear under the Advanced menu of the Autopilot or Target menues. If one of the ships has a hanger able to dock the other ship, freight and the player ship can be changed under the Landed Ships menu while if the player ship is the one docking the ship is automatically changed to the player owned ship docked at.


                   At the start of the game the player would have had to fight for survival against hostile races (especially major races), being persecuted across space, and slowly build up their power to take on isolated targets and eventually entire military patrols. Now that the player has constructed a large manufacturing base for shields, lasers, missiles and ships and amassed a substantial fleet it is time for revenge. It is not possible to fully erradicate a race since some ships and docks will periodically respawn but it is possible to keep them fully supressed and occupy their sectors. Of the lesser races the Pirates and Yaki are relatively easy to supress due to the small number of sectors they control and the limited number of capital ships they possess along with a lack of M7Ms while the Xenon are tougher due to large numbers of decoying fighters potentially allowing Xenon Is to get off 1-3 Firestorm missile barrages if not killed quickly. Major races have rapid response fleets of 2 M2s, 2 M1s (Boron only have onebut one but the wings tend to be full of M3s with Hammerhead Missiles), 2 M7s (usually spawn as M7Ms) and 6 M6s which can jump to any gate, orbital accelerator or the centre of the sector and like to attack together. The Terrans are the hardest race to conquer because they have multiple wings of Skirnirs patrolling their sectors.
