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  • Command Console
    • Navigation
      • Standby: Cancels current commands and gets the ship to come to a stop. Will engage attacking ships.
      • Idle: Ship will wander aimlessly around the sector when the player ship is In Sector. Will not respond to attacks.
      • Dock At My Target: Orders the commanded player owned ship to dock at the ship/station currently selected by left mouse click of the player ship.
      • Dock At: Orders the ship to fly to and dock at a designated ship/station. Opens the Universe Map centred on the sector the ship is currently in.
      • Fly To Sector: Orders the ship to fly to the designated sector on the Universe Map. The ship will enter Standby once it is a short distance from the jump gate in the designated sector.
      • Follow: Orders the ship to follow the designated ship.
      • Follow Me: Orders the ship to follow the player ship.
      • Return Home: Makes the ship return to the assigned Home Base if it has one.
      • Move To Position: Orders the ship to fly to the designated position in the Sector Map. Use the num pad (2, 4, 6 or 8) or left mouse click the map to move the destination position. Opens the Universe Map centred on the sector the ship is currently in.
      • Move To Coordinates: (WIP)
      • Fly Through Gate: (WIP)
      • Map Sector: (WIP)
      • Scan Asteroids: (WIP)
      • Jump To Sector (Jumpdrive required): Orders the ship to jump to the designated sector on the Universe Map. The ship will enter Standby once it is a short distance from the jump gate in the designated sector. If the ship does not have enough Energy Cells to jump the complete distance it will jump to the sector closest to the destination and fly the rest of the way.
      • Jump and Fly To Station: (WIP)
      • Jump and Fly To Pos: (WIP)
      • Jump To Me (other player owned ships): (WIP)
    • Combat
      • Attack: Orders the ship to attack the designated target
      • Attack All Enemies: Systematically attacks all ships set to Foe under the Adjust Friend-Foe setting in the sector until there are no more targets in the sector.
      • Protect: Orders the ship to protect the designated ship/station and attack ships attacking it. Weapon System: Missile Defence Mosquito (C) will use Mosquito Missiles to intercept missiles heading towards the protected ship. Turrets of the protecting ship set to Missile Defence or Missiles Only will try to intercept missiles targeting the ship it is trying to protect.
      • Protect Me (Other ships only): (WIP)
      • Attack My Target: Orders the ship to attack the ship/station currently selected by left mouse click of the player ship.
      • Attack Nearest Enemy Of: Orders the ship to attack the nearest ship/station that is hostile to the designated ship/station
      • Defend Position: Orders the ship to attack any hostile ships that approach within 10km of the designated point. Ships with this command will patrol the sphere of space around the point. Opens the Universe Map centred on the sector the ship is currently in.
      • Defend Station: Orders the ship to attack any hostile ships that approach within 10km of the designated station. Ships with this command will patrol a 10km radius sphere of space around the station. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in.
      • Defend Sector: Orders the ship to attack any hostile ships that are in or enter the designated sector. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in. This command is not advisable for lone ships as they will attack ships that they cannot handle. This order is continuous until cancelled.
      • Attack Target Of: Orders the ship to attack the targets of the designated ship.     
      • Attack Shields OfOrders the ship to attack the designated target but stop once the shields are down. A useful command for preparing ships to board. As the ship given this command will only stop shooting when the target shields are down there still will be some hull damage.
      • Attack enemy and land: (WIP)
      • Attack All enemies, land: (WIP)
      • Attack Fighters: Systematically attacks all fighter ships set to Foe under the Adjust Friend-Foe setting in the sector.
      • Attack Capital Ships: Systematically attacks all capital ships set to Foe under the Adjust Friend-Foe setting in the sector. 
      • Launch Fighter Attack: (WIP)
      • Patrol Sectors: Orders the ship to patrol between the designated sectors using Attack All Enemies in each sector visited and moving to the next sector if no more enemies are present.
      • Retreat: (WIP)
    • Trade
      • Manual Trade Run: Opens the Universe Map allowing the player to select a station and ware to buy before opening the universe map again to select a station to sell at. There is then a final yes/no window to order the ship to repeat the run indefinitely or not.
      • Remote Best Buy: (WIP)
      • Remote Best Sell: (WIP)
      • Manual Trade Buy: Opens the Universe Map allowing the player to select a station and ware to buy before opening a window to input a number to buy
      • Manual trade Sell: Opens the Universe Map allowing the player to select a station and ware to sell before opening a window to input a number to sell
      • Mine and Trade Minerals: (WIP)
      • Buy Ware For Best Price: Buys as many units of the selected ware for the best price within ? (WIP) sectors
      • Buy Ware: Buys the inputted amount of the specified ware from the specified station
      • Sell Ware For Best Price: Sells as many units of the selected ware for the best price within ? (WIP) sectors     
      • Sell Ware: Sells the inputted amount of the specified ware at the specified station     
      • Transfer Freight via Drones: Requires at least one Freight Drone in the cargo hold. Transfers or buys/sells the specified number of ware from the target/ship cargo. Able to be used to obtain PBCs from deploying laser towers and for some dupe methods.
        • (WIP)
      • Start commercial representation: (WIP)
      • Start external commodity logistics: (WIP)
      • Start external Commodity Logistics: (WIP)
    • Special
      • Collect Wares In Sector: Orders the ship to continually search for wares to collect in the designated sector. Opens the Universe Map centred on the sector the ship is currently in.
      • Collect Ware: Orders the ship to collect a specific ware. Opens the Universe Map centered on the sector the ship is currently in.
      • Collect Astronaut: Orders the ship to collect a specific Astronaut which can be a bailed passenger or a Marine/Mercenary from a boarding operation.
      • Drop Station:  Requires a TL with a station in the freight and Special Command Software. Must be In Sector for the command to appear. Opens the sector map to allow placement/rotation of the selected station using the num pad. Hit the Return key to confirm placement.
      • Collect Rocks In Sector: Orders the ship to collect the smallest rocks from debris in the designated sector.
      • Resupply Ships: (WIP)
      • Rearm Ships: (WIP)
      • Refuel Ships: (WIP)
      • Equip Ships Like: (WIP)
      • Mine Minerals: Orders the ship to break up and collect the specified mineral from rocks and debris in the designated sector and deliver them to the specified station (if any).
        • Require player owned stations to be set as the Home Base to unload free of charge.
        • TS ships given a laser will break up larger rocks while those with a Mobile Mining System will destroy unclaimed asteroids for resources
        • A TS using this order is equivalent to 0.18x Ore and 0.79x Silicon Wafer productivity if travel time to the destination station is excluded
    • Piracy
      • Board Ship: (WIP)
        • Select Ship: (WIP)
    • General


      • Administration Commercial Agent: (WIP)


        • Administration: (WIP)

      Sector production overview
      Sector production overview including standalone factories
      Global Configuration
     Station Settings
      Station Status
       Allows the factory production to the toggled on or off
      Money Transfer
       Pricing Disabled
       Restore Pricing
     Complex Settings
       Shows production vs consuption of products
       Toggles the ware classification as a product or intermediate product
      Intermediate Products
       Shows production vs consuption of intermediate products
       Toggles the ware classification as a product or intermediate product
       Shows production vs consuption of resources
       Shows all factories in the complex and allows the factory production to the toggled on or off
    Administration Commodity Logistics
     Administration global configuration internal Commodity Logistics
      Data storage
       Select Data
       Move Data
       Delete Data
      Send Configuration
       Send to sector colleagues
       Send to all colleagus
       Send filter
        Send Filter
         Ship type
         Ship class
         Ship name
        New homebase
        Data selection
         Homebase products
         Price of product
         Minimum storage space filled - supplier
         Minimum storage space filled - consumer
         Freighter cargo bay
         Fly to supplier only
         Dock with ship only in the same sector
         Wait for request signal
         Quit working in home base
         Take training
         Trader salary
         Jump Drive Energy
         Configure automatic naming
         Ship number
         Configure reports
         Acoustic signals at messages
         Trade log
       Send filter
     Administration global configuration external Commodity Logistics
      Same options as internal
     List of ships with CLS
      Trader Settings
       Delete Account Information
       Take Training
        Toggles if the pilot levels up or not
       Trader Salary
        Toggles if the trader uses the player or home base account to pay the pilot
       Fire trader
        Resets the pilot level
        Only do this if very short on credits
       Reassign Trader
        Swaps the pilot to another ship
       List of waypoints
        Add station
         Opens the Universe Map to select a sector and station before opening a window to Buy/Sell/Load/Unload/Refuel jump energy/Fly to station. Clicking one of the first 4 options opens a window of possible wares to perform the action on.
           Manual price setting
           Minimum product price
           Average product price
           Maximum product price
           Manual price setting
           Minimum product price
           Average product price
           Maximum product price
          Manual input
          Manual imput up to
          Maximum cargo space
          Half cargo space
          Half cargospace up to
         Refuel jump energy
         Fly to station
        Add ship
        Delete all waypoints
       Restore Defaults
      Generate Waypoints
       Opens a window to input a number before selecting a ware category and specific ware followed by Buy/Sell/Load/Unload and amount before automatically generating waypoints.
       Avoid this generally
      Supply Conditions
       Minimum transfer amount on collection
       Minimum transfer amount on delivery
       Dock with ship only in the same sector
       Wait for request signal
       Quit working at station
       Restore defaults
      Jump Drive settings
       Use Jump Drive
       Jump Drive Energy
        Sets the amount of freight reserved for Energy Cells as jump fuel
       Minimum Jump Range
       Restore defaults
      Automatic naming
       Configure automatic naming
       Ship number
       Factory number
       Restore defaults
      Data storage
       Load data
       Save data
       delete data
      Restore defaults


The Heavy Centaur Prototype is not only fast at 156m/s and has 800MJ shielding but can equip PBGs, CIGs, IPGs, HEPTs, PRGs and PBEs on all Laser slots. This makes it extremely versatile for bail capping smaller ships, boarding similar size ships and dueling capital ships. For bail capping have PBEs on the main with PRGs/HEPTs on the turrets, for boarding TM, M6 and M7M have 3 CIG and 3 IPG on main with PRGs/HEPTs on the turrets and 6 spare IDs for anti-boarding equipment and Flail Barrage missiles and for engaging capital ships have 2 IPGs on the rear and one of the side turrets, 2 CIGs on the other side turret and 6 IDs on the main weapons with 6 spare HEPTs for clearing escorts/missiles if needed. With this ship the player can easily take on entire military patrols. Use Advanced Satellites set to use the Satellite Early Warning Network to detect when a hostile capital ship containing military patrol is approaching a Jump Gate. When the lead target ship has gone through jump to the sector it was previously in and focus on the tailing M8 escorts. Focus on the missiles they launch until the M8 is in weapon range before attacking it. With luck the M8 will shoot a missile that will be hit by the incoming fire wiping it and nearby escort ships out. The player can then eliminate any remaining escorts in the sector before pursuing the target ship as has been done with previous targets. Once the first generation of boarding crew have finished their retraining swap them back in letting the second generation train to 80 Mechanical and 66 Hacking skill and start looking for an M7M to board. Make sure the boarding crew has at least 525-710 combined Fight skill (trained by boarding more TMs and M6s). Any M7M is better than having none however the Split Cobra is preferable due to it having a rear turret and good speed. Good sectors to find Cobras are Contorted Dominion, Ghinn's Escape and Rhonkar's Might. When capping M7Ms there are two strategies where the player uses a Kestrel series ship to outspeed the missiles fired until they expire (slow) or to use an M6 to intercept them head on (requires skill). Using a Heavy Centaur prototype go with 3 Cigs and 3 IPGs in the main laser slots and IDs in the turrets. Approach the target and if hostile it will start barraging missiles at the player ship when within 30km range, otherwwise otherwise use missiles to get it to go hostile, and keep at maximum range with a Jump Gate to the rear of the player ship. Stop moving and focus on intercepting the Hammer Heavy Torpedoes with the main lasers until it runs out and starts spamming Flail Barrage Missiles. Turn around and use the turbo booster to head to the nearest Jump Gate but wait before going through until the incoming missiles are nearly hitting the player ship. When the player ship passes through the jump gate any Flail Barrage Missiles in flight will despawn allowing the player to go back in to trick the M7M into wasting more missiles. Once the M7M has run out of missiles go in close and start shooting the shields while avoiding the rear turret. As usual use IDs to remove any anti-boarding equipment, save before launching the marines (especially if the 4 have <55 Mechanical and save again to roll for the 1GJ shields (worth 299,168 credits each) and the Jump Drive (if possible) before jumping it to safety and getting a spare Jump Drive and Energy Cells from the supporting TM if necessary. If targeting a military M7M the proceedure is the same except it is recommended to cut it off from escorting M8s or the player will have to spend more time intercepting their missiles as well before the escorts can be taken out and boarding can begin. Launching Marines/Mercenaries from an M7M using Boarding Pods doubles their effective Mechanical skill making Hull Polarization Devices less problematic and allowing them to board larger ships with less skill. Once the M7M is repaired and operational transfer the boarding crew back to it if necessary and give it at least 2 Boarding Pods (a stock of 20 is recommended) and 1.5k Energy Cells. With the M7M as a support ship and >40 Mechanical skill the player can now board TL ships.
