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Sv translation

Naves de Reabastecimento


Table of Contents

A partir da versão 2.50, é possível que naves recebam reparos, munição, unidades, equipamentos lançáveis das naves de reabastecimento que pertençam à sua facção.


No caso mais simples, tudo o que você precisa para usar uma nave de reabastecimento é: prepare as naves de reabastecimento, assegure-se que elas tem recursos e ative a função de reabastecimento automático.

Preparando sua nave:

  • Se sua nave de reabastecimento é um transportadorcargueiro, anexe-a à sua frota
  • Se sua nave de reabastecimento é uma nave auxiliar de frota, de a ordem de Abastecer Frota em um local do espaço ou ao anexa-la à frota. (detalhes aqui)

Pegando Recursos:

Clique com o botão direito e de a ordem Pegue Suprimentos. Note que naves auxiliares da frota também comprarão recursos de maneira passiva de negociantes livres.

Ativando reabastecimento automático:

Vá até a seção Ordens Globais do menu do Império e configure o Reabastecimento Automático para qualquer opção diferente de Desligado.


Se você quiser mais controle o gostaria de entender mais sobre como isso funciona, continue lendo.

Naves de Reabastecimento e Suas Capacidades

Dois tipos de naves podem ser usadas para fornecer suprimentos para outras naves:


e Naves Auxiliares de Frota.

Transportadoras Cargueiros são capazes de fazer reparos e rearmar naves que pousam nelasneles, sendo, geralmente, naves de classes de tamanho S ou M.

Naves Auxiliares de Frota são capazes de fazer reparos e rearmar naves de todas as classes de tamanho, incluindo Transportadoras Cargueiros e outras Naves Auxiliares de Frota. Naves desse tipo também fazem ofertas de negócios para conseguirem recursos que elas precisam enquanto elas estiverem ativamente fornecendo suprimentos.

Para que se fique claro, o temo Nave de Reabastecimento refere tanto a trasportadoras quanto nave auxiliares de frota.

Ativando Naves Auxiliares de Frota

Enquanto as Naves Trasportadoras os Cargueiros sempre farão reparos e rearmarão naves de combate subordinadas à elas (naves transportadoras)eles, as naves auxiliares de frota devem ser ativadas para que fiquem disponíveis para naves que precisam de reparos e reabastecimento. Isso também instrui naves auxiliares de frota a buscarem recursos que elas precisam para reabastecer as naves.
Para ativar as naves auxilares de frota, há duas maneiras:

  1. Designar a nave como subordinada de outra nave com a tarefa: Abastecer essa frota

  2. Ou configurar o comportamento Abastecer Frota e especificar o local.

    Clique no campo Destino: e clique na posição desejada no mapa.

    Não se esqueça de clicar em Confirmar para ativar o novo comportamento.

Isso fará com que sua nave auxiliar de frota comece a adquirir recursos para torna-los disponíveis para que outras naves que pertencem a você sejam reabastecidas.

Note que esse passo não é nem necessário, nem disponível para TransportadorasCargueiros.

Abastecendo Naves de Reabastecimento

Enquanto para se fazer reparos, recursos não são necessários, munição, unidades e equipamentos lançáveis são produzidos sob demanda e para cumprir os pedidos desses itens, naves de reabastecimento precisam de alguns recursos.

Determining what resupply ships need:

To find out what a resupply ship needs, right-click on the ship and click on Information.  The wares that it needs and the corresponding target amounts can be found in the Storage section of the Info menu for that ship

Determinando o que naves de reabastecimento precisam:

Para descobrir o que uma nave de reabastecimento precisa, clique com o botão direito na nave e clique sobre Informações. Os produtos que a nave necessita, assim como as quantidades podem ser encontradas na seção de Armazenamento no menu de Informações daquela nave.

Supplying resupply ships:

  1. You can manually order the resupply ship to purchase resources that it requires.

    Note that the amount of scanning arrays needed is indicated in the trade menu in parentheses.
    This method is available to both Carriers and Fleet Auxiliary Ships.

  2. You can manually order one or more of your own freighters to deliver resources that it requires.

    The number of scanning arrays that the Nomad needs is also indicated here in parentheses.
    This method is available to both Carriers and Fleet Auxiliary Ships.

  3. You can also tell your resupply ship to Get Supplies.

    This will order the ship to look for trades on its own and buy all of the resources that it needs.  As long as you know of trades within a few sectors of the ship that are selling the resources that it needs, this will result in a series of trade orders to purchase these resources.  You can verify that the ship is going off to trade by looking at that ship's Order Queue.

    Note the maximum gate distance over which the ship will look for trades at the bottom of this image.  This gate distance depends on the Piloting skill of the ship's captain.
    While this is the fastest method by which resupply ships automatically get resources, this is also usually the most expensive.
    This method is available to both Carriers and Fleet Auxiliary Ships.

  4. You can allow the resupply ship to acquire resources on its own.
    - Fleet auxiliary ships advertise trade offers for the resources that they need.  Free traders will occasionally entertain these offers and spontaneously fly to these ships to deliver resources.  Do note, however, that resupply ships deactivate these trade offers when they engage in certain activities such as going into combat.

    To activate this, all that needs to be done is to order your fleet auxiliary ship to Supply Fleet as detailed in the section above labeled Activating Fleet Auxiliary Ships.

    To verify that these trade offers are active, right-click on the ship's icon on the map and select Trade Offers.

    This brings up a menu that details all of the wares that your resupply ship is trying to purchase, and in which amounts.
    This is the most hands-off method, but also tends to be the slowest.
    Note that this method is only available to Fleet Auxiliary Ships.

Resupplying at Resupply Ships

There are three ways to get ships to rearm and get repairs at resupply ships: automatic resupply, by ordering a resupply ship to resupply all docked ships, and by ordering a ship to resupply at a resupply ship.

  1. Automatic: by default, all ships periodically check to see if they need supplies or repairs.  If they find a resupply ship that is owned by their own faction, they go there to rearm and get repairs.  Preference is given to resupply ships attached to their fleet, with further preference to resupply ships that they are already docked at when they do this check.

    When rearming in this manner, the equipment that they get is determined by the loadout level set for automatic resupply.  A global policy is set in the Global Orders section of the Empire menu:

    Options are: Off, Low, Medium, and High.

    In general, Low, Medium, and High sets the number and quality of ammunition and deployables that your ships get when they automatically rearm.  Off instructs them to never automatically rearm.  Default is Off.

    It is possible to override this global policy for each individual object.  This is done in the ship's Order Queue menu:

    Scroll down.

    The per-object setting defaults to use their commander's setting.  In this way, you could change the loadout level of an entire fleet by setting a level of their commanding ship.

  2. Order a resupply ship to resupply all docked ships: if you have a resupply ship that has ships docked at it selected, then right-click on it, you have the option to Resupply / Repair all docked ships.

    Clicking on this option pulls up the Ship Configuration menu in a mode that allows you to select any of the ships docked at your resupply ship.  You could order any combination of ammunition and deployables as well as order repairs for them in this way.

    The menu as well as this procedure is described in more detail in this section of the manual.

  3. Order ships to resupply at a resupply ship: With one or more ships selected, right-click on a resupply ship that you own.

    This will give you the option to Resupply / Repair at the resupply ship.
    Selecting this option will pull up the Ship Configuration menu where you can configure your selected ships.

    The menu as well as this procedure is described in more detail in this section of the manual.
    Note that capital ships cannot resupply at a Carrier.
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    They would need either a Fleet Auxiliary Ship, a Shipyard, or an Equipment DockO menu, assim com esse procedimento, são descritos em mais detalhes nessa seção do manual.

    Note que naves capitais não podem ser reabastecidas em Cargueiros.
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    Elas precisam de: ou uma Nave Auxiliar de Frota, ou um Depósito de Naves ou uma Doca de Equipamentos.