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Sv translation

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Dalla versione 2.50 è possibile richiedere riparazioni, munizioni, unità e dispositivi schierabili alle navi da rifornimento che appartengono alla propria fazione.

In breve

Per usare una nave da rifornimento nel modo più semplice, ti occorrerà: impostare la tua nave da rifornimento, assicurarti che la tua nave abbia risorse sufficienti e attivare il rifornimento automatico.

Impostare la tua nave:

  • Se la tua nave da rifornimento è una carrier, assegnala a una flotta.

  • Se la tua nave da rifornimento è una nave ausiliaria della flotta, assegna l’ordine Fornisci Flotta indicando una posizione nello spazio tramite un comportamento, oppure assegnandola a una flotta. (più dettagli qui)

  • Se vuoi rifornirti di missili per le tue navi, ottieni i progetti specifici.

Ottenere risorse:

Clicca sulla nave di rifornimento con il tasto destro e assegna Ottieni risorse. Ricorda che le navi ausiliarie della flotta acquisteranno automaticamente risorse dai commercianti indipendenti.

Attivare il rifornimento automatico e la riparazione:

Nella sezione Ordini Globali all’interno del Menu Impero (in Informazioni Player) puoi impostare Rifornimento Automatico secondo le tue preferenze, in modo che non sia Off.

Se preferisci avere più controllo sulle modalità di rifornimento, o se vuoi approfondimenti sul suo funzionamento, prosegui con la lettura.

Navi da Rifornimento e le Loro Funzioni

Ci sono due tipi di navi che possono essere usate per procurare forniture ad altre navi:


e navi ausiliarie della flotta.

Le carrier possono riparare e riarmare le navi che possono attraccare, quindi navi di dimensioni S o M.

Le navi ausiliarie della flotta possono riparare e riarmare navi di ogni dimensione, incluse carrier o altre navi ausiliarie della flotta. Navi di questo tipo mettono a disposizione offerte commerciali per ottenere le risorse di cui necessitano, finché procurano forniture in modo attivo.

Il termine “nave da rifornimento” può riferirsi sua a carrier che a navi ausiliarie della flotta.

Attivare Navi Ausiliarie della Flotta

While carriers will always repair and rearm fighters subordinate to them as needed, fleet auxiliary ships must be activated to make them available to ships that require repair and resupply.  This also instructs fleet auxiliary ships to acquire resources that they need to rearm ships.
To activate fleet auxiliary ships, either:

Assign the ship to be subordinate to another ship with Assignment: Supply this fleet.
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Or give it the behaviour to Supply Fleet, and specify a location.
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Click on the field labeled Destination: and click on the desired location on the map.
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Don't forget to click Confirm to lock in the new behaviour.

This will cause your fleet auxiliary ship to start acquiring resources and will make it available to other ships that you own for resupply.

Note that this step is neither necessary nor available for Carriers.

Supplying Resupply Ships

While repairs do not require resources; ammunition, units and deployables are built to order so, in order to fulfill orders for these items, resupply ships need certain resources.

Determining what resupply ships need:

To find out what a resupply ship needs, right-click on the ship and click on Information.  The wares that it needs and the corresponding target amounts can be found in the Storage section of the Info menu for that ship.

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Supplying resupply ships:

You can manually order the resupply ship to purchase resources that it requires.
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Note that the amount of scanning arrays needed is indicated in the trade menu in parentheses.
This method is available to both Carriers and Fleet Auxiliary Ships.
You can manually order one or more of your own freighters to deliver resources that it requires.
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The number of scanning arrays that the Nomad needs is also indicated here in parentheses.
This method is available to both Carriers and Fleet Auxiliary Ships.
You can also tell your resupply ship to Get Supplies.
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This will order the ship to look for trades on its own and buy all of the resources that it needs.  As long as you know of trades within a few sectors of the ship that are selling the resources that it needs, this will result in a series of trade orders to purchase these resources.  You can verify that the ship is going off to trade by looking at that ship's Order Queue.

Se le carrier riparano e riarmano i caccia subordinati quando necessario, le navi ausiliarie della flotta devono essere attivate affinché siano disponibili a riparare e riarmare le navi che ne hanno bisogno. Le navi ausiliarie della flotta provvederanno a recuperare le risorse necessarie a riarmare le navi.
Per attivare le navi ausiliarie della flotta puoi:

  1. Assegnare le navi come subordinate a un’altra nave, con il comando Fornisci questa flotta

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  2. Oppure assegnare il comportamento Fornisci flotta specificando la posizione.

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    Clicca sul campo Destinazione: e indica il luogo desiderato cliccando sulla mappa.

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    Non dimenticarti di cliccare sul tasto Conferma per impostare il nuovo comportamento.

In questo modo la nave ausiliaria della flotta inizierà a procurarsi risorse e sarà disponibile a rifornire le navi che possiedi.

Se la nave da rifornimento è una carrier, non sarà necessario nè possibile seguire questo procedimento.

Fornire Navi da Rifornimento

Le riparazioni non necessitano risorse, tuttavia le munizioni, le unità e i dispositivi schierabili sono costruiti su richiesta, perciò le navi da rifornimento devono acquisire determinate risorse in modo da soddisfare gli ordini.

Determinare i rifornimenti necessari:

Per scoprire di cosa necessita una nave da rifornimento, clicca con il tasto destro sulla nave e seleziona Informazioni. Le merci di cui ha bisogno, con le quantità corrispondenti, sono indicate nella sezione Carico del menu Informazioni.

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Fornire e rifornire navi:

  1. Puoi ordinare manualmente alla nave di rifornimento di acquistare le risorse necessarie.

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    La quantità di sistemi di scansione di cui si necessita è indicata tra parentesi nel menu di commercio.
    Questo metodo è disponibile sia per carrier che per navi ausiliarie della flotta.

  2. Puoi ordinare manualmente a uno o più cargo di consegnare le risorse necessarie.

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    Il numero dei sistemi di scansione di cui la Nomade ha bisogno è indicato anche qui tra parentesi. Questo metodo è disponibile sia per carrier che per navi ausiliarie della flotta.

    Puoi anche richiedere alla tua nave di rifornimento di procurarsi forniture con Ottieni forniture.

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    In questo modo, la nave si occuperà autonomamente degli scambi commerciali e acquisterà tutte le risorse che necessita. Finché ci saranno scambi tra settori della nave che vendono le risorse richieste, sarà attiva una serie di ordini di commercio per l’acquisto delle risorse necessarie. Potrai osservare la Coda degli Ordini per verificare che la nave sia in partenza per commerciare.


    Note the maximum gate distance over which the ship will look for trades at the bottom of this image.  This gate distance depends on the Piloting skill of the ship's captain.
    While this is the fastest method by which resupply ships automatically get resources, this is also usually the most expensive.
    This method is available to both Carriers and Fleet Auxiliary Ships.

  3. You can allow the resupply ship to acquire resources on its own.
    - Fleet auxiliary ships advertise trade offers for the resources that they need.  Free traders will occasionally entertain these offers and spontaneously fly to these ships to deliver resources.  Do note, however, that resupply ships deactivate these trade offers when they engage in certain activities such as going into combat.

    To activate this, all that needs to be done is to order your fleet auxiliary ship to Supply Fleet as detailed in the section above labeled Activating Fleet Auxiliary Ships.

    To verify that these trade offers are active, right-click on the ship's icon on the map and select Trade Offers.

    This brings up a menu that details all of the wares that your resupply ship is trying to purchase, and in which amounts.
    This is the most hands-off method, but also tends to be the slowest.
    Note that this method is only available to Fleet Auxiliary Ships.

Resupplying at Resupply Ships

There are three ways to get ships to rearm and get repairs at resupply ships: automatic resupply, by ordering a resupply ship to resupply all docked ships, and by ordering a ship (or group of ships) to resupply at a resupply ship.

  1. Automatic: by default, all ships periodically check to see if they need supplies or repairs.  If they find a resupply ship that is owned by their own faction, they go there to rearm and get repairs.  Preference is given to resupply ships attached to their fleet, with further preference to resupply ships that they are already docked at when they do this check.

    When rearming in this manner, the equipment that they get is determined by the loadout level set for automatic resupply.  A global policy is set in the Global Orders section of the Empire menu:

    Options are: Off, Low, Medium, and High.

    In general, Low, Medium, and High sets the number and quality of ammunition and deployables that your ships get when they automatically rearm.  Off instructs them to never automatically rearm.  Default is Off.

    It is possible to override this global policy for each individual object.  This is done in the ship's Order Queue menu:

    Scroll down.

    The per-object setting defaults to use their commander's setting.  In this way, you could change the loadout level of an entire fleet by setting a level of their commanding ship.

  2. Resupply docked ships: Order a resupply ship to resupply all docked ships: if you have a resupply ship that has ships docked at it selected, then right-click on it, you have the option to Resupply / Repair all docked ships.

    Clicking on this option pulls up the Ship Configuration menu in a mode that allows you to select any of the ships docked at your resupply ship.  You could order any combination of ammunition and deployables as well as order repairs for them in this way. Blueprints are required for any kind of regearing, ship upgrades, and restocking/changing ammunition types i.e. (Torpedoes, and missiles).

    The menu as well as this procedure is described in more detail in this section of the manual.

  3. Order ships to resupply at a resupply ship: With one or more ships selected, right-click on a resupply ship that you own.

    This will give you the option to Resupply / Repair at the resupply ship.
    Selecting this option will pull up the Ship Configuration menu where you can configure your selected ships.
    After you have reconfigured the first ship that is shown, use the "Add to shopping list" button and then used the drop-down menus in the top-middle of the screen to select other ships you'd selected.

    The above menu, as well as the procedure for using it, is described in more detail in this section of the manual.

    Note that capital ships cannot resupply at a Carrier.

    They would need either a Fleet Auxiliary Ship, a Shipyard, or an Equipment Dock.