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Drones are robotic craft that are only used when supporting their owning ships or stations.


  1. Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV; remotely-piloted by the player).
    • Only available for the Player Ship).
    • Offer a range of fighting and support capabilities.
  2. Unmanned Ranging Vehicle (URV; autonomous drones).
    • Fighting class (able to be equipped by capital ships and the Player Ship).
    • Support class (only available for the Player Ship).
    • Civilian class (only available for non-player ships).

Player ship drones

The Skunk may equip a maximum of 8 drones, which can be of most of drone types. There is a maximum drone control range of 20 km outside which drones self-destruct. <Playership> drones must be bought from drone dealer NPCs: they cannot be bought from Shipyard Ship Dealers. All drones in the Skunk can be accessed through the Ability Menu ("T"). 


While the Skunk is capable of carry up to eight fighting URVs, the player is MUCH better served bringing along a Light Sul or even a Rahanas if they wish for sustained drone support. While these two ships are unlikely to survive heavy combat they do provide the potential for many waves of drone reinforcement, whereas the Skunk has none after the first eight are gone.

Drones for other ships

Drones for L and XL ships (plus M Miners) are obtained from stations.

  • When ordering a ship the player can specify a number of drones to come with it.
  • An L or XL ship dealer can be ordered to retrofit drones to existing ships of the appropriate type. This is done using the 'Modify Ships' option in the 'Equip Drones' section. As ship dealers are end consumers it is likely going to cost more than other ways to obtain drones.
  • L and XL ships can be ordered to "transfer drones as drones" from one ship to another; this is done by the 'Transfer Wares' order and requires both ships to have operational drone bays. NOTE: When dealing with cargo ship transfers, care must be taken not to accidentally transfer drones as wares (ie to the recipient's cargo bay) rather than equipping them for use; and also that drones are not unintentionally transferred from equipped (on the transferring ship) instead of from its cargo.  
  • Drones can be acquired as tradable wares from factories & will be stored in the buyer's cargo, not equipped; being able to find a good drone deal from a URV manufacturer can save quite a bit of credits using this method, especially if multiple discounts are applied.


  • URV production stations are obvious candidates. 
  • Theoretically, any station set up to buy many drones via the new Resupply Options menu. 
  • HoL DLC's Warehouses can be setup to buy drones directly.

Drones for stations

Rebirth 4.00 simultaneously introduces the ability for stations to use fighting drones, and a streamlined way for station Managers to replace lost drones through the new Supply Options menu. Perhaps if we're lucky, the next game or a mod could support the automatic resupply of combat drones on ships (related L3+ Ideas thread, requiring DevNet membership via forum profiles, is here).

ROVs ("Remotely Operated Vehicles")

As the name suggests, these are drones that <player> needs to remotely control; as such, only one may be used at a time. When <player> exits the drone it will automatically return to <playership>. If "retain speed in menus" is set to "no", the Skunk will be immobile during this time; if not, which may include while in Flight Assist Off mode (not tested), the Skunk will drift away. No more than two of a particular Support ROV may be equipped at a time. The Trojan is a little odd in that it is described as an "ROV/URV" but in practice, it only behaves as an ROV.



HullEquipment / roleMax effective
range to target (m)
FightingAssassin-24k2001k2 x Pulsed Maser 12,3802 x 1,400
SupportBeholder120k1001kDetailed scanning of Info
Points for revealing greater
%s for hardened modules;
Higher Marks unlock further 

Trojan-456k1001kHacking ships or stations100-
Traitor-327k1501kDeployment of limpet mines<1,000?lots

URVs ("Unmanned Ranging Vehicles")

Strictly speaking these should be called Autonomous URVs: they are drones that fly themselves and help in combat situations. Within the Skunks maximum, there are no limits on how many of an individual URV type may be equipped. Fighting URVs operate with rules of engagement similar to a Defence Officer's "Defending" order: once launched, they will automatically attack targets that are attacking the Skunk, but not those that are no longer able to attack at that time (eg if <player> has nuked all their weapons).


  * The Fighting Class also includes Assault URVs, which are essentially a URV equivalent of the Traitor ROV, but they do not work so are not listed.
 ** Whilst they look very nice and hint at potentially unique versatility, the shield walls don't seem to prevent weapon fire or ships passing through them. The Skunk bumps off their wall, or passes through with a bump at speed, so the walls may potentially detonate missiles (if they do, this could allow for some amusing but niche interactions with Balors and missile turrets).
*** Employed by Mining Ships.

Effects of Drone Launch Pad destruction

Destroying the Drone Launch Pad destroys all docked drones (even cargolifters, which don't even launch from there) and prevents the equipping of new drones until it is repaired. Drones that are in space when the pad is destroyed while the player is IZ are unaffected.


Unfortunately, drone pads are always one of the last components for an Engineer to repair and without one it is impossible to launch Construction URVs (cURVs) which would otherwise increase repair speed drastically. This is especially the case for bigger ships where the drives take forever to repair and so cURVs would be most helpful, but the drives are fully repaired before the drone bay is.

Varied susceptibility and resistance of the Drone Launch Pad on different ships

Taking the Balor as an extreme example, it is small for a Large ship so more hits to the hull are likely to hit the Drone Launch Pad than hits to larger ship hulls. The small size of the Balor also makes it more likely that if part of the Balor hull is in range of an exploding ship's reactor blast, it could include the Pad. Fortunately in this case, Rebirth 4.00 increased the strength of the shield generator protecting the Balor's Pad from Mk1 (50,000 HP) to mk3 (150,000 HP).
