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Comment: Fixed a Change on Zephyrus Entry. V5>V6 change was inaccurate, v6 omitted magnetar entry


Softening the target (Optional)

The Ion Disrupter and Ion Cannon weapons of the Boron not only do high shield damage but also have a high chances to chance to destroy weapons and equipment allowing the player to strip a target ship down to a defenceless hull.   This is recommended if trying to board Rapid Response ships as destroying the Jumpdrive prevents the ships from fleeing when their shields run low and destruction of the Cargo Lifesupport System removes any enemy personnel (which tend to have high skills).   Skilled players can even perform the softening of targets using some support TM ships (Angel, Pleco and Magnetar), otherwise use Argon Eclipse/Centaur or Boron Mako/Skate/Thresher ships.


With this kind of boarding the player uses Wildfire and Silkworm missiles (Wasp and Dragonfly missiles also work) at a long range to lower the shields of the target if no softening is performed before launching the drones.   Drones are launched at a distance of 6-8Km from the target and ordered to Attack Shields of the target.   Once the target shields are <10% the player can either start flying away from the target and uses the Launch Marines command to allow the target ship to fly into the cloud of Marines while being far enough away from the player ship that it is not actively firing towards the player and oncoming Marines (this is where you will pointlessly lose your personnel) or the player can try and fly underneath the target ship and launch the marines just as the ship flies overhead that all marines instantly contact the target hull (player is more likely to take damage with bigger targets but more synchronised boarding and lower losses however, fatal collisions with the target ship are more likely).   Ships recommended for spacewalk boarding are the TP class ships, Geochen (Teladi) (high shielding for a TP), Ocelot (Split) (has enough speed to dodge incoming fire) and Angel (Boron) (has Ion Disrupters to help reduce target shields and soften them up) and the Argon  Argon TM class ship Zephyrus (high shielding , has Ion Disrupters to help reduce target shields and soften them up and Thunderbolt Missile compatibility for depleting for depleting the shields and can carry all ships and equipment needed for clean boarding and escape tactics) and Magnetar (Has Ion Disrupters to help reduce target shields and soften them up).   It typically takes up to 50 missiles for a boarding operation of an M6 using a TP.   The Mechanical Skill of the personnel used limits what ship classes can be boarded with this method


Boarding Operation Mechanics


Personnel Training

Marines/Mercenaries have Fighting, Engineering, Mechanical and Hacking skills that range from 0 to 100 affecting their performance during boarding operations.   The Fighting Skill can only be trained by performing successful boarding operations, increasing by 5-9 points with each successful operation.   All other skills can be trained at NPC Trading Stations, Equipment Docks, Military Outposts, Military Bases, Marine Training Barracks, Rehabilitation Facilities, Pirate Bases, Stock Exchanges, Orbital Defence Stations, Orbital Patrol Bases, Research Stations and Unique Facilities for a price.   The number of stars personnel have are based on the number of Skill points divided by 17 and rounded down.   The Overall stars is based on the average of all Skills.


First contact of the personnel to the hull of the target ship causes a 5% 90% Race Rank point loss followed by an additional 900 points (5%-50 ,000 pointsin TC).   Hull cutting is performed in groups using the same formula as used for determining the number of boarding pods launched.


The target ship will be set to Foe if not hostile already. During this stage of boarding the target ship takes hull damage four times on each deck with a total based on the formula 0.6*(100-Average Engineering Skill)% and boarding will fail if the hull drops below 5% at any stage during the boarding operation.   This means personnel with low Engineering skill should not be used to board ships with under 65% hull and personnel with over 59 points in Engineering are required to board an Aran.   There is then a 10-15 second delay of Fighting to allow other groups to finish cutting through the hull to try and maximise the number of personnel fighting on each deck.   Once Fighting (Deck x) begins any personnel that cut through the hull will have to wait in Fighting until the end of the current deck to join.   Each deck fought on causes a 2% 10% Race Rank point loss followed by an additional -20,000 points100 points (2%-20 in TC).   This means 5 deck ships will cost at least 1649,517 556 Race Rank points which is enough to bring the Race Rank of the boarded ship owner race from 28% 6% of +9 6 down to 0.   The Boarding Strength of the player personnel is then pitted against the Boarding Resistance of the target ship.


  • Rapid Response M7M ships will waste their personnel by launching it in Boarding Pods they spawn with at any enemy boardable ship that loses shielding.   If these missiles are shot down by the player they have a 50% chance to drop several 4-5 star Marine personnel for the player to collect.  This makes the south gate of Circle of Labour a good early source of highly trained personnel (assuming the Argon are not shooting holes in the player ship).
  • Cloudbase South East, Montalaar, Heaven's Assertion, Great Reef, Ocean of Fantasy and Senator's Badlands (add more) are good sectors for boarding TLs since there is almost always a TL present and seldom more than 3 fighters to defend the sector.
  • Keep the new personnel coming.   It takes a long time to fully train marines/mercenaries so hire every individual with a high Fighting Skill >40 from the start of the game until there are about 100 60 in training (enough to obtain at least one of every boardable ship including Xenon which mince personnel).
  • Use Return Ship and Return Abandoned Ship missions to train the fighting skill of personnel (can spawn M6/M7 ships if the player has a Race Rank of ≥+8 for the mission giver race).   
