Versions Compared


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WIPMining Ships come in two flavours:

  1. Those with Bulk storage that can harvest Crystals, Ice, Nividium and Ore with Surface Miner URVs and an on-board Mining Laser.
  2. Those with Liquid storage that can harvest Hydrogen, Ions and Plasma with Scoop Collector URVs.

The Player Ship (Skunk) can mount a Mining Laser (but cannot pick up the resulting resources) so in practice, any "Trade" ship with an appropriate cargobay and drones may work as a Mining Ship. When Bulk Mining Ships are in "low attention" (essentially OOS), Mining Lasers are not even needed by the CPU-friendly code. 

There are 3 main types of Mine ships:

  1. Medium miners, which harvest Bulk or Liquid wares.
  2. Large miners, which also harvest Bulk or Liquid wares (may be a Large Trade ship - see above).
  3. The Scaldis (harvests either type; has Mining Lasers) (or other XL Trade ships - see above).

Ships, and Mining ships in particular, are discussed in more detail here.

Implied specialisations

The descriptions of the 8 Mining Ships present since the early Rebirth versions nominally indicate that they have various specialisations within their Bulk/Liquid groupings. In practice, this doesn't seem to be borne out in-game or with efforts at code diving. Mining Ships added subsequently (OnilsOnil, ManorinasManorina, Vultures Vulture and Xenon S) do not have implied specialisation in their descriptions. Taking into consideration that you or your stations may need multiple harvested wares and the uncertainty over whether there an in-game benefit exists, implied specialisation may not be a significant reason for ship selection.


  • Crystals, Nividium and Ore: Dwalin and Fedhelm.
  • Ice: Hymir and Sequana.
  • Ions and plasmaPlasma: Betaver amd Midir.
  • Hydrogen: Nudung and Boann.

Ships, and Mining ships in particular, are discussed in more detail here.

Harvestable resources can be grouped into 2 categories based on how ships carry them:


There are 3 main types of Mine ships:


Further information

Useful info from elsewhere on the web:

  • Guide to visually ID 'roid types by Snafu_X3 (XRebirth forum link and  and direct MS Word 2003 doc link). This is a pure text + screenshots doc: no macros or anything special other than some text effects, so if you don't trust me turn everything off before viewing
  • Harvestable resource locations by Sparky Sparkycorp for v3.61 (exploration spoiler link) and v4.00 b7 (link) - exploration spoilers.