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Sv translation
titleProper Feedback Channels

Players are welcome to organise and share their thoughts on X4 via the wiki. However, please be aware that for practical reasons, Egosoft Developers and volunteer Moderators primarily use the Egosoft forum to gather and coordinate feedback. Therefore as ideas solidify here, wiki users are strongly encouraged to post related feedback on the Egosoft forum to help raise its awareness with Egosoft. Whilst this may not seem ideal, it is a practicality that we need to be aware of. To help with that process, a "Forum feedback thread" column has been added to the tables below. Thank you in advance  - Wiki Moderators.

Feedback intro

  • Players are welcome to share feedback and ideas for what they think would improve the current state of the game.
  • If you have feedback for the current game? Write it down here but please keep in mind the "Feedback Channel" section above!
  • Please include your forum/steam user name to ensure everyone is fairly represented, and please add a link to corresponding forum thread.
  • This page existing won't mean that Egosoft will implement something.
  • If you would like to see info on how content on this page has developed over time, see "Page History" under the "Tools" menu button.

General User Interface

Short title
Description / Discussion link
User name Forum feedback thread
Encyclopedia links

In the Encyclopedia are many things linked to each other. I would link all entries and mentions in the pages to the Encyclopedia.

Click on "Something" --> Page "Something", In the list is "Energy cells" --> Click --> Open page "Energy cells" --> Click back

Fast Key overview

While holding a button (for example "^ °" (zirkumflex)), a quick key overview should be visible. With a little bit transparent background, showing most of the key bindings.


Enemy sightings/


It would be nice to see a general history of faction strengths in a sector so say in Hatikvah's choice my traders are attacked by scale plate pirates fairly often, but its usually just a single ship.

it could say something like "Active Hostiles: Scale Plate Pirates, Fairly Weak" or in a Xenon Sector "Active Hostiles: Xenon, Overwhelming" or have a time component like with trade data.

Also a Faction History like "This System is Ruled by the Paranid, this system was once ruled by the Argon Federation"



Short title
Description / Discussion link
User nameForum feedback thread 
Ship and Equipment construction animation

When i build ships or change the equipment, the new ship or equipment is beeing visible constructed (or "drawn"). Lets use all these walking people in the station to construct the equipement/ship visually (with a "glowing/burning/welding" effect). Immersive!


Artificial Intelligence & Life

Short title
Description / Discussion link
User nameForum feedback thread 
Auto Trader Feedback

When using Auto Trader you receive messages pertaining to their action and trades, it would be useful to see what the actual profit from their trade was in this notification,

or a graph on an information page showing the amount spent vs the amount earned- per trader- per time cycle, to better understand how profitable an area is/was.


Other feedback

Short title
Description / Discussion link
User nameForum feedback thread 
Racing missions

The speed in this game feels great. Especially at the big highway. Lets make some racing mission.
Probably, add boosting and more control at the highway to get an advantage against the competitor.
Without competitor, drive as fast as you can to a target station and bring - for example - a small package of something. But dont make the mission "loose" if you were not fast enough, just descrease the reward (prevents completely frustrating).

Station announcementsWhoever thought to add in the announcement "Egosoft would like to thank you for buying their product" needs a friggin raise that was cool as hell hearing that. (hey feedback is feedback am i right?)Hellguard3 
List of Potential Quality of Life Improvementssee  

Declined Feedback (Will probably not be implemented)

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Sv translation
titleUmgang mit Feedback

Es wird immer gerne gesehen, wenn Spieler ihre Ideen und Gedanken von X4 im Wiki teilen. Bitte denkt jedoch daran, dass die Egosoft Entwickler und freiwillige Mitarbeiter in erster Linie das Egosoft-Forum nutzen, um das Feedback zu sammeln und weiter zu bearbeiten. Wenn sich hier die Ideen mehren, wird den Wiki-Benutzern dringend empfohlen, entsprechende Rückmeldungen im Egosoft-Forum zu veröffentlichen. Dies mag zwar nicht ideal erscheinen, ist jedoch eine Praktikabilität, deren wir uns bewusst sein müssen. Um diesen Prozess zu unterstützen, wurde den folgenden Tabellen eine Spalte "Forum-Feedback-Thread" hinzugefügt. Vielen Dank im Voraus - Eure Wiki-Moderatoren.

Einleitung Feedback

  • Es wird immer gerne gesehen, wenn Spieler Rückmeldungen und Ideen darüber äußern, was ihrer Meinung nach geändert werden sollte, um das Spiel weiter zu verbessern.
  • Hast du Feedback zum aktuellen Spiel? Schreibe es hier auf, aber beachte bitte die Infobox "Umgang mit Feedback" oben.
  • Bitte hinterlasse uns dein Forum/Steam- Nickname, damit alle gleich fair vertreten sind. Solltest du einen Beitrag zum selbigen Inhalt auch im Forum gepostet haben, kannst du diesen auch hier hinterlassen.
  • Gesammeltes Feedback auf dieser Seite bedeutet nicht, dass Egosoft dies definitiv umsetzen wird.
  • Wenn duInformationen darüber erhalten möchtest, wie sich der Inhalt dieser Seite im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt hat, klicke dazu auf "Änderungshistorie" unter der Menüschaltfläche "Extras".

Allgemeine Benutzeroberfläche

Kurze ÜberschriftBeschreibung / DisskusionslinkNicknameForum-Feedback



kurze ÜberschriftBeschreibung / DiskussionslinkNicknameForum-Feedback

Künstliche Intelligenz & Verhalten

kurze ÜberschriftBeschreibung / DiskussionslinkNicknameForum-Feedback

Weiteres Feedback

kurze ÜberschriftBeschreibung / DiskussionslinkNicknameForum-Feedback

Abgelehntes Feedback (wird nicht implementiert)

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