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The campaign requires the construction of an unique station to progress. This requires a certain amount of wares to complete which can be more easily acquired now than when they are needed. As this station is quite useful it is recommended to fully build it which will require considerably more wares. No Reinforced Metal Plating is required since 2,799 units will be provided which is more than enough for full construction. Fusion Reactors are extremely under supplied and often not available for sale so regular checks are required to acquire some.

In order for the previously mentioned station to operate efficiently it will need 2 bulk mining ships with approximately 32 Surface Miner Mk1 drone units to supply its raw material needs. The Sequana L mine ship is a good choice as it offers a good combination of capacity, speed and toughness. Although such ships could be boarded from factions like PMC they are such low value it is more convenient to buy them off one of the 2 L shipyards. It may be possible to use only 1 Sequana with a lot of Surface Miner Mk1/2 drone units however the cost of the drones likely exceeds the cost of another Sequana.


This small DLC adds the Fields of Opportunity system comprising of 2 unusual sectors that are connected between Albion/Far Out/Exhaustless Mines and Omicron Lyrae/Eclipse Clouds/Drippy Ascent. All mechanic vendors in this system offer the Heavy Laser Mk1 (Slot 1) and Pulsed Maser Mk3 (Slot 2) weapons for the Albion Skunk. Some new ship types are also added, including the very useful Phoenix Marauder. There is also a unique chain mission called The Rising Tide which can be completed for a steam achievement. Trading through the system is very perilous due to pirate factions which will always try to loot traders using fast XL capital ships.

The sector Fields of Opportunity/Serpentine Haze connects with Albion. It possesses no highways, is filled with hazards and has some unique object. The lack of highways means speedy navigation requires extensive use of boost. Hazard zones include electrical storms which periodically deal damage, dense mine fields which will wreck devastation on big or slow ships and radioactive nebulas which will deal heavy continuous very heavy damage when continuously when entered. The sector is laid out such that there are a number of gaps around huge radioactive nebula clouds. Radioactive nebula can be spotted by a combination of electrical storms and the presence of bright glowing chunks. NPC ships are extremely poor at navigating the hazards, and will often commit suicide by trying to fly through them. The Jump Gate is located inside a huge hollowed out rock near the shipyard at Verdant Profit.

The sector Fields of Opportunity/Fatal Path connects with Omicron Lyrae. It possesses 2 disconnected highways and is filled with a variety of bases and minerals. Boost has to be used to get between the highway networks efficiently. The main highway loop connecting the Jump Gate with the superhighway contains 2 stations. On the other highway are bases for CAR, UA and XEN. The CAR/UA bases seem especially prone to being trashed up by marauding XEN K Class Destroyer ships. The Jump Gate is near the station at Sea-green Oasis.

Heavy Laser is Mk1 is an improved Mining Laser which Mk1/2 which deals high damage to all objects, not just asteroids. In addition to good DPS, it also has moderate shield penetration allowing it to damage ships and components slightly while still underneath shields. It suffers from poor heat management in the form of initial activation heat cost, continuous heat generation while in use and very slow heat cooldown. Although its 1.5 km range is low, weapon mods can greatly extend this. Much like the Mining Laser, it still requires manual aiming and impacts practically instantly. This weapon is very useful at damaging capital ship engines as it can start damaging them, and slowing down the ship, before the protecting forcefield generators are depleted. It also has use in dogfights since as long as the <player> can aim the targeting cursor accurately then it will always hit and the high damage melts lesser small craft very quickly. Players with the HoL DLC should ignore this weapon as it is obsoleted by the Railgun Mk1 The laser is also very effective against Drone unit waves as despite the small size of drones it is surprisingly easy to hit them and a single sweep of the laser can quickly destroy an entire wave.

Note: With the Heart of Light DLC the Heavy Laser Mk1 is mostly obsoleted by the Railgun Mk1 which shares the same weapon slot.

Pulsed Maser Mk3 is a redesign of the weapon series. It periodically fires glowing sticky spheres which deal very little immediate damage but instead deal continuous stacking damage over a long time. Although the DPS output starts out very low, it quickly ramps up to levels similar to other weapons as more spheres are stuck to the target. It has extremely good heat management allowing for continuous use over extended periods, potentially infinitely if a strong enough cooling rate mod is used. Although it has a massive 3.0 km range, it has slow projectile speed making it hard to hit moving targets. The continuous damage from sticky spheres supresses target shield regeneration. The shield suppression and good damage make it effective at removing capital ship components. Its high DPS and good heat management make it effective at lowering and managing capital ship hulls in preparation for boarding. Usefulness in dogfights is badly affected by the slow projectile speed and the delayed damage. Due to the delayed damage mechanic, practice is needed in order to avoid wasting time by sticking additional spheres to an already as good as dead target.

Heart of Light (Interlude)

Author's Note: As I do not possess or plan to get this DLC currently, all comments are made based on expectations or comments from other people.


Into the Unknown (N/A)

  1. Explore: Superhighway
    Flee: Plutarch Forces
  2. Fly to: Highway 

The <player> comes out of the Jump Gate in Twilight Sentinel. Ignore the marker and take the trade lane to heading west getting off at Persistent Darkening. Although there is a hostile REI Waystation in the zone, it is of no concern.   Use the Long Range Scanner to locate a unique Lockbox behind the station to obtain the Kha'ak Ship Debris from the Kha'ak Relic Collection.   Follow the marked trade lanes to Crimson Rocks.   When approaching the superhighway further into the system Yisha will wonder if "people are living closer to the sun". In the next sector Yisha will detect some unknown ships and after trying to hail them a dogfight occurs. At this point a sub-mission Anonymous Enemies starts.

Bug: The mission objective points may seem to make no sense at some point. Eventually more reasonable/correct ones will be shown.

Anonymous Enemies

    1. Survive

The <player> has the option to flee from this encounter but should have no problem dispatching of the 2 hostile small craft. Yisha cheers seeing the destruction.

Following the trade lanes further along Barren Heart, Yisha comments about some abandoned mines with models similar to those from X3. At Torid Veil Yisha will pick up a distress call however, the location of the sender cannot be traced. Follow the marker to Fervid Corona where a cinematic sequence plays with Yisha commenting on the design of the nearby station. Nakano then hails the <player> requesting the Albion Skunk to identify itself before Ren Otani negotiates landing permission.

Old Ties (Medium)

  1. Talk to: Pedro Nakano
  2. Talk to: Karen Stringer

Follow the markers for a conversation with Nakano about the status of Albion and potential trade opportunities between the two sectors before the <player> is instructed to talk to Karen Stringer on a different station. Once back onboard the Albion Skunk, Yisha voices concerns that Karen Stringer might use force to interrogate them. Follow the markers to Gushing Spring where the Albion Skunk sounds a hostile ship warning.

Bug: The warning lights will appear in the same location regardless of cockpit configuration resulting in them appearing to float freely in some.

Yisha will then state the obvious about Terran ships before some Reivers will spawn starting the Protect Station sub-mission

Protect Station (Medium)

    1. Protect: ?? Crystal Castle

There are 4 hostile small craft consisting of 2 Cennelath and 2 Dolmech ships. The station is surrounded by 10 Daito small craft but both the surrounding ships and station defences seem to ignore the threat forcing <player> intervention.

Old Ties

After dispatching the hostiles dock at the marked landing pad on the Crystal Castle. Talk to Karen Stringer who says that the above attack was "the worst Reivers raid they have had in weeks" and that the system is in need of Food and Refined Metals. Ironically one of the few products made in DeVries is Food and no stations buy Refined Metals. The <player> is then free to ask a number of optional questions. Asking about "Who are the Reivers?" gets an answer closer to superstition than anything while the "Who are you people?" is a bit more informative about the origins of the people in the sector.   The "Is there anything we can trade" option just emphasises how poor the economy and military in the system is. A sequence plays explaining DeVries.

Ren Otani then implies that the <player> ship still "requires a lot of work to be done on her" irrespective of the actual quality of equipment and Karen Stringer then offers a "Terran shield generator". Despite the "Terran shield generators" being nothing more than obsolete Mk2 shields, the vendor is the first of 3 plot opportunities that offer a massive 40% discount. Although intended just for the shields, this also includes software so consider getting the usually ludicrously priced Trading Computer Mk3 and Economy Analytics Software Mk1.

  • Trading Computer Mk3 82,842,000 Cr. (46,235,000 Cr. with discount)
  • Economy Analytics Software Mk1 1,656,840 Cr. (807,151 Cr. with discount)

At this point try and obtain the following things for later on...

  • 1 * Capital ship crew (recommended)
  • 1 * Trojan ROV (~455,600 Cr) (required)

A capital ship crew will be needed to man a powerful fight ship practically given away later on so it is recommended they are as skilled as possible. A Trojan ROV will be needed for some hacking, these are commonly sold by Drone Dealer merchants and can be purchased remotely. If Overrun URV Mk2 are being used to speed up boarding operations 1 of them may have to be sold in the process to free up a drone unit slot.

When back onboard the Albion Skunk, Yisha questions not wanting to "upgrade" shields despite what was offered being inferior to the Mk4 shields acquired earlier. Nakano then issues a Reiver raiding party alert.

Reiver Raids (N/A)

  1. Destroy: REI Dolmech
  2. Fly to: Canterran Rearguard
  3. Fly to: Superhighway
  4. Fly to: REI Hermod (Bulk & Liquid)
  5. Protect: RoC Hermod (Bulk & Liquid)
  6. Fly to: Jump Gate

Yisha suggests lending a hand in this "warzone" so it is time to destroy some more small craft. When at Fervid Corona 3 REI Dolmech ships will be marked for termination who have rather poor pilots that may not even shoot back. After swatting the three small craft, Nakano sends a transmission which Yisha hopes will be a reward of some "guns". Unfortunately it is a hostage crisis, fortunately this can be helped by blowing up a few ships in Glaring Truth that come out of the superhighway. The <player> is then instructed to "help" with the boarding operation which is guarded by 3 REI small craft. The Reivers will try to attack the Hermod (Bulk & Liquid) when it changes ownership as the player approaches. After the ship is safe Nakano will give the <player> a Mercancias (Bulk) small trader as a reward while Yisha say it is time to head back to Albion "to get our stuff back".

At the gate, Yisha states that the PMC are being distracted by the REI so now is a good time to pass through unnoticed. There is actually now more small craft activity here than if using the Jump Gate previously.

Albion Rendezvous (Medium)

  1. Enter: Trojan ROV
    Hack: Location

On the other side Yisha hopes Commander Borman has started with his distractions. Markers will lead the <player> to Albion/Inner World/Cuspid Splint before pointing to a remote location nearby. There will be nothing at the waypoint and Yisha will say to wait for HoA to contact them.

Borman will express his concerns about the disappearance of the Albion Skunk and Yisha will update him about DeVries. Borman explains "Things became chaotic" and that HoA have gathered dirt on the illegal operations of PMC and now want to broadcast it to everybody in Albion. After the cinematic sequence head to the Metalworks Yard I in Albion/Inner World/Distress Reek. Here the <player> will be given a tutorial on how to hack with a Trojan ROV. Navigate the drone to within 100m of the flagged up hacking points and perform a hack challenge, after hacking enough points the hack will succeed. The challenges are the same sliding bar as the smalltalk challenges but faster.

After recalling the drone back to the Albion Skunk a cinematic sequence will play and Commander Borman will contact the Albion Skunk about what to do next with the information gathered and about the Terrans in DeVries. Yisha will then momentarily disable ship control to tell the <player> about how it is "time to get out of here".

Find Yoolis

  1. Enter: Trojan ROV
    Hack: Location

Information is now required as to a suitable PMC target to strike. Yoolis, a famous Teladi whose business is information, must be found. Yisha suggests hacking some stations to find Yoolis's location.

Finding Yoolis may not require hacking the stations if the Construction Vessel AL she is on is visited directly (confirmation needed). The stations to hack are sequentially Albion Energy Array I, II and III at Albion/Lookout Alpha/Auspicious Excavation with hacking beginning automatically upon entering the Trojan ROV. After completing the hacks Yisha will have some idea where Yoolis is and a Construction Vessel AL will be marked. As hacking will not be required again until much later in the plot it might be a good idea to sell the Trojan ROV to simplify boarding operations.

Image Removed
Map showing the Construction Vessel AL where Yoolis is located.

Yoolis is aboard a Construction Vessel AL in Dwarfish Tinderbox. After getting clearance to land on the Construction Vessel AL talk to Uliroos Tugloras Yoolis IV. After a brief introduction Yoolis reassures Otanni that all his assets still exist. She also mentions that PMC has been rounding up HoA sympathisers and has placed them on a prison ship. Although described by her as "a converted freighter" the ship is actually an XL fight ship, a Taranis, which has unique design and no trade counterpart.

After the conversation return to space. Otani suggests boarding the prison ship rather than just freeing the prisoners and Yisha strongly agrees.

Prison Break (Medium)

  1. Board: Taranis
  2. Protect: HoA Construction Vessel AL

Fly to a different Construction Vessel AL at Albion/Inner World/Distressed Reek and dock at it. Speak to the onboard Engineer Jo Jovi and confirm to begin the operation. As soon as the Construction Vessel AL jumps head back into space to find a neutral and stationary Taranis just waiting to be boarded. The large HoA fleet will keep most hostile ships from engaging the Albion Skunk. As the Taranis has no defence officer it will not retaliate making boarding just a matter of stripping the surface elements. Once the ship is captured the HoA fleet will start to jump out including the newly acquired Taranis which will get the Jumpdrive automatically repaired. Now is a good time to land on the Taranis and transfer the capital ship crew obtained earlier onto it while waiting for the fleet to jump. When back in space Commander Borman will then say he has attacked the ship impound area and that he will be in contact. Yisha says to head back towards the Jump Gate to DeVries.

Impound Raid (Medium)

  1. Fly to: Jump Gate

At the Jump Gate Commander Borman will say the impounded <player> ships are safe and PMC has reved up drone production and suggests expanding HoA operations into DeVries.   The missing ships will suddenly appear by the Jump Gate and Yisha will suggest getting gifts for the Canterrans. The <player> will also receive a unique and fully crewed Construction Vessel able to set up an Integrative URV Forge which comes preloaded with 1,299 Reinforced Metal Plate. Now is a good opportunity to move all player assets to DeVries (Glaring Truth is a good temporary location). The capital ship crew on the Construction Vessel may be poor however, as it ends up stationary, the <player> only needs to consider replacing the Engineer and Defence Officer. 

Bug: all recovered ships will have the Engineer command set to None as opposed to the usual Repair. This leaves the Engineer inoperable (cannot self repair) until reassigned back to the ship.

Rebuilding DeVries (Medium)

  1. Deliver: 300 units of Food Rations to RoC Solar Energetics
    Build: Integrative URV Warf in Glaring Truth

Now is a good time to explore DeVries installing trade agents along the way. Use this time to transfer the construction materials gathered earlier onto the Construction Vessel. When at Darned Hot Air consider looking for a good Manager. The RoC BTO Ship Line I in Darned Hot Air is a good place for hiring employees of all non-specialist professions as candidates are usually found in high numbers on the several large platforms making the "Ask for best job applicant." option of smalltalk stage 3 highly likely to find someone who has near perfect skills.

Order a container compatible trade ship to purchase 300 Food Rations, probably from a station in the same sector as RoC Solar Energetics, and deliver them to RoC Solar Energetics. Next find a build site and order the Construction vessel to "Select station for construction" to start building the only station option it has, the Integrative URV Forge. Confirm Build and set the upgrade levels, if the recommended materials have been brought then all upgrades can be installed. The list of required materials will be shown but all should already be on the Construction Vessel. Which build site is chosen is entirely up to the <player> although the build site near the Jump Beacon has the advantage of a short travel distance for mining ships returning with Crystals. If all the recommended recources were purchased the next stage of station construction can be initiated as soon as the first is completed. After completing the first construction stage the Construction Vessel will receive 1,500 extra units of Reinforced Metal Plating.

While the station is being built Commander Borman will give an update on the situation in Albion and tell about a potential refugee crisis wanting to potentially evacuate them to DeVries. To help build relationships with the people of DeVries a joint mining venture is suggested and Nakano agrees. Ren and Yisha express concern that Borman may be trying to hurry an alliance.

Joint Operation (Medium)

  1. ???
    Fly to: Lava Flow
    Patrol: Lava Flow
    Fly to: Canteran Freighters
    Escort: RoC Mercancias (Bulk)
    Destroy: Plasma/MA Turret
    Defend: Canteran Freighters
  2. Talk to: Pedro Nakano
  3. Fly to: Jump Gate

There will be some heavy fighting ahead so it is recommended to get the Taranis that was boarded earlier (make sure it is fuelled up) to join the squad of the Albion Skunk. When the Albion Skunk reaches Furnace Chamber, the mining ship jumps in. After some dialog and a mention of the war, the <player> joins the scout party to look ahead. When in Fiendish Moloch a cinematic will play and there will be 7 REI light craft ahead to kill which should be trivial with the number of NPC allies. The convoy will next progress to Lava Flow where 12 REI light craft will be waiting. After killing the ships there will be more dialog and ? more REI light craft will spawn. If the <player> owned Taranis has arrived it will be a slaughter. After a while Nakano will contact the Albion Skunk about unknown ships heading towards the mining convoy. At this point the HoA mining ship will jump out and 3 PMC light craft will spawn and try to attack the Mercancias (Bulk) ships the <player> has to escort. A PMC Light Sul jumps in and Yisha says that the <player> has to distract it. This ship is unable to be boarded and will try to jump away if it takes some damage (so kill the Jump Tunnel Device first). Managing to kill the Light Sul (easy even without the Taranis helping) will get "Woah! Can't believe we pulled that off!" from Yisha and a cinematic of the ship blowing up.

Before leaving Lava Flow use the Long Range Scanner facing upwards to find a unique lockbox with the Ancient Drone for the Ancient Relic Collection.

Bug: If the mission is done well and all the miners and their escorts survive they can be found idling in Vapour Stream at the end of the highway waiting for REI raiding parties to kill them

Place a trade agent on the station and then head back to Glaring Truth where the first module of the Intergrative URV Forge should be finished and waiting for a Manager. Assign the two bulk mining capable ships and Mercancias (Bulk) as subordinates of the Intergrative URV Forge Manager.

Head back to RoC Solar Energetics and talk to Nakano. He will inquire about the survivors before offering HoA asylum in exchange for helping defend DeVries. A cinematic sequence will play explaining that RoC is now at war with PMC. Return to the ship for some nostalgic dialog.

Joint Operation (Medium)

  1. Fly to: HOA Arawn 

Head back towards the Albion Jump Gate. The <player> will now find there are several PMC Taranis ships patrolling the zone by the gate so be careful. On route to Borman in Distant Fume consider picking up a spare capital ship crew.

Bug: Although the Arawn the <player> must dock at is invulnerable the escort Balors are not so given enough time may be destroyed by marauding SS Titurels.

Commander Falk Borman mentions the "massacre" in DeVries and commits half the HoA force to help DeVries.   To get the ships through the gate requires a "distraction" so will need an attack on the Beryll Astrolabs which is working on a secret project that is causing scientists to flee their cause.   At Sinister Poem head to the marker in empty space.   Yisha will wait for a contact. Li Kathwin will contact the Albion Skunk and explain the details of the project. Unmanned AGI warships ships using Xenontech. Yisha will forward the information to Borman. Borman wants to attack a facility and get the refugees out. A cinematic sequence about the Xenon will play. Head to the PMC Tech Laboratory in Buried Treasure. After jokingly saying this was a bad idea the remainder of the HoA fleet is sent in to help. Kill any ships that ignore the Arawn. After some time passes and a lot of dialog, Borman will tell you "it is time to split".

Albion Exodus (Medium)


Follow the markers to Auspicious Excavation and then through the Jump Gate. Consider sending in the <player> owned Taranis to the location of the Jump Gate the other side. Kill all attacking PMC ships while the HoA ships come through. As there is a lonely PMC Taranis nearby consider boarding it. This one fights back so use Sunstalker missiles to first disable the engines and then the Plasma/JET Turrets. Fly around the Taranis and at 8-9km launch 2 missiles to kill the engine shields then >5 missiles per engine. To kill the Plasma/JET Turrets, at a range of 10km use >3 missiles to kill the shield then 3 to kill one Plasma/JET Turret of the pair and an extra >1 missile to finish the other turret of the bank off, repeat on the other side. Next kill the Jump Tunnel Device, Drone Launch Bay and Astrobee Launchers. The rest of the boarding is standard procedure. As the Taranis is among a dense asteroid field more missiles than the 26 Sunstalkers minimum will be required. If the <player> is unable to board this ship then continue along the marked highways to Burning Truth to engage 13 REI light craft. Again use of the <player> owned Taranis will make light work of the task. The <player> will then be tasked to fly to Fervid Corrona. Nakano will welcome the HoA fleet. Yisha will wonder why everyone is saying "Glad to see you made it.". A cinematic sequence plays about the RoC and HoA alliance. Yisha will say "people like you are going to win us this war".

Alliance (Medium)

  1. Extend: integrative URV Forge with URV Warf

This task should already be completed and another cinematic will play. Nakano makes a fleet wide broadcast about a planned assault on a PMC station (boss time!). Now is a good opportunity to stock up on Sunstalker, Hellbuster and Tristar missiles.

The Battle for The Gate (Hard)

  1. Fly to: Superhighway
  2. Fly to: Twilight Sentinel
    Destroy: Drone Launch Bay
    Destroy: PMC Vasio
  3. Fly to: HOA Arawn
  4. Fly to: Fervid Corona
  5. Fly to: Jump Beacon

Follow the markers to Crimson Rocks, a cinematic sequence will play followed by a cinematic. Ahead will be Plutarch Overwatch, a station of formidable firepower, and another Taranis protecting it. Despite 3 HoA Arawns, this will be a tough battle. Use missiles to kill the Drone Launch bay of the Taranis assuming the Arawns do not kill it first. Taranis ships will continue to jump in when destroyed unlike the HoA Arawns. PMC Overwatch cannot be targeted so sit back and watch it mince the HoA Arawns. Even though during the battle Reiver ships are shot at by PMC Overwatch, suddenly they are allies (for this single battle). After a humiliating thrashing, Borman give the order to retreat.

Bug: upon entering Vapour Stream, Yisha starts several dialogs simultaneously. The result is an incoherent mass of words.

When taking the superhighway back to Unmet promise, a cinematic sequence will play and Yisha will gripe about loses of more Arawns. Back in Fervid Corona Nakano will ask you to look for more survivors at another jump beacon. Follow the markers to Vapour Stream. When at 4km from the jump gate a stern warning will be received from a nearby Fulmekron. Fly through the gate to Omicron Lyrae. Vice Admiral Bayes will hail the Argon Skunk and tell the <player> not to go back through the gate and to head to a Jonferco Station. A cinematic sequence about Omicron Lyrae will play (interestingly showing an image of the Xenon HUB from X3).

Omicron Lyrae

  1. Dock at: Entertainment District
    Talk to: Jimee Tomson
    Talk to: Neyl Colburn

Heading back to DeVries at this time will cause a rep loss to -15 with the Argon Government which is enough to prevent docking, trade and missions but not enough that they will shoot on sight. This does not apply to visiting Albion via the TTO or other DLC sectors. The restriction also does not apply to any <player> owned assets like traders. Entry to Maelstrom will also cause no penalty.

Start exploring Omicron Lyrae placing trade agents on the various stations. If the TTO DLC is owned and not already explored now would be a good time to do so by taking the Jump Gate south of Drippy Ascent. The R&D Chem Lab in The Great Basin and Licenced Distillery in Ratfish Waters are good places to hire personnel due to having several large platforms which may be useful if the <player> wants to start boarding Lyramekron, Lyranea and Sanahar trade ships from the Heretic Vanguards. In Murky Skies be wary of the heavily armed Heretic Vanguards Licenced Distillery which usually has an Olmekron patrolling nearby (there are several forum threads about destroyed assets if stations are built in this zone)Teladi capital ships are of a dome shaped design series. This is considerably different from X3 where their ships were more a merger of tech from other races. All these ships offer great mobility, often with the highest speeds and turn rates of ships in their class. Offensively they tend towards few but strategically placed turrets under powerful forcefield generators. The capital shipwrights are located aboard Serpentine Haze/Verdant Profit/TU Overwatch.

Teladi Trade ships only come in specific cargo varieties. The XL variants have top end mobility with competitive toughness and decent anti-capital defenses in the form of numerous Plasma/MA Turrets. The Energy variants suffer from very low capacity XL offerings making them considerably worse than ships like the Lyranea. Although the Container variants are beaten for speed by the Sanahar, the XL offerings have unparalleled capacity. Likewise the bulk offerings also have unprecedented capacity. Although the liquid variants cargo space is only mediocre, they do still have mobility and toughness advantages for their price. With exception of Container, the Vulture L series is very competitive in the L transport class. The Albatross and Crane XL series are not that useful as they are mostly obsoleted by the Albatross XL series which offers the same mobility but with better capacity, toughness and weapon systems for similar value efficiency. The Albatross XL series large cargo capacities generally cannot be fully utilized during trading however the Container variant makes a good mobile warehouse for hoarding various high value products such as construction materials and the bulk version can be a decent mining ship.

Teladi Fight capital ships are only available in XL variants and are the most physically compact XL fight ships. They consist of just the Teladi style dome with most of the firepower mounted on the front surface and very little protection for the back. Each feature 6 anti-capital weapons on the front of a mix between Plasma/MA and Jet turrets with the back protected by trivial HIT/MA turrets. Toughness wise they are by far the weakest XL fight ships with hull and shield values in the L range. During in zone combat all 6 anti-capital weapons can fire which can result in decent long range damage comparable with other XL fight ships. Despite the fire power they are effortlessly destroyed by all other XL fight ships and even many XL trade ships due to the paper like toughness. The compact shape and weapon placement should mean that they work well for in zone combat if massed and ordered to attack a target together so that multiple engage at once. Unfortunately the Taranis level price tag of the ships makes them completely useless as a Taranis has similar mobility and offers a lot more firepower and toughness.

Although the purchasable fight ships are useless, the boarding only Phoenix Marauder is far from it. Not only does it use a massive 6 Plasma/JET turrets on the front but it is also the second fastest capital ship. However what makes the ship so special is that it has 50k universal storage, a feature unique to it out of all player obtainable ships (Xenon I is not player obtainable). As it is classed as a fight ship it is subject to being treated as one meaning that non-hostile Teladi pirates will completely ignore the ship even when carrying wares. This makes owning one very profitable as some of the trade deals offered between TU Overwatch and UA Haunt with places like Albion and Omicron Lyrae can make several million per trip. Although most commonly seen belonging to UA and CAR, they can also spawn as generic enemy mission marks allowing them to be obtained with no loss in reputation. Despite the high speed of the Phoenix Marauder it has a comparatively slow boost speed making it slower than some dedicated trade ships for general purpose trading.

The Phoenix Marauder spawns as a generic Teladi capital ship for generic kill missions. It can be identified as a mark from the mission screen by looking for its distinct red tinting as opposed to the usual green of non Marauder variants. The ships can also spawn as the backup ships for mission marks. Due to how weak Teladi fight ships are any non Phoenix Marauder ships that spawn as part of the mission can be effortlessly dispatched by 2 Taranis or 1 Olmekron. Since the Phoenix Marauder has Plasma/JET turrets it cannot be approached from the front until they are removed. Removal is as simple as flying 9 km away straight in-front of the ship, facing it, switching into reverse and then spamming Sunstalker Missiles at the turrets. The Plasma/JET Laser turrets are divided into 2 banks of 3 with each bank protected by a Mk3 Forcefield Projector. The Mk3 Forcefield Projectors for the front batteries are placed on the edge of the dome at the top and bottom and take 5 Sunstalker Missiles each to remove the shielding and an extra missile to destroy the hardpoint. Targeting the middle Plasma/JET turret of the bank with 8 Sunstalker Missiles however is more effective as the hardpoint is less covered by the dome and the area damage of the missiles will usually result in destruction of the Mk3 Forcefield Projector and do heavy damage to the Plasma/JET turrets on either side which will need an additional 1-2 Sunstalker Missiles each. Due to the compact size of Teladi ships the missiles will more than likely cripple some of the 12 engines and expose the Forcefield Generators of other banks. After the Plasma/JET Laser turrets are destroyed stripping the ship is trivial as it only has 6 HIT/MA turrets remaining for defense. Of note is the ships absolutely absurd boarding resistance which fully repaired exceeds powerful ships like the Arawn despite the low hull maximum. Not only does this limit boarding to very low hull amounts but care must be taken to watch for repairs as single percent of hull can correspond to a boarding resistance increase of several units. The ship has a very long full repair time after boarding due to the need to repair 12 engines. 

Heart of Light (Interlude)

Author's Note: As I do not possess or plan to get this DLC currently, all comments are made based on expectations or comments from other people.


Into the Unknown (N/A)

  1. Explore: Superhighway
    Flee: Plutarch Forces
  2. Fly to: Highway 

The <player> comes out of the Jump Gate in Twilight Sentinel. Ignore the marker and take the trade lane to heading west getting off at Persistent Darkening. Although there is a hostile REI Waystation in the zone, it is of no concern.   Use the Long Range Scanner to locate a unique Lockbox behind the station to obtain the Kha'ak Ship Debris from the Kha'ak Relic Collection.   Follow the marked trade lanes to Crimson Rocks.   When approaching the superhighway further into the system Yisha will wonder if "people are living closer to the sun". In the next sector Yisha will detect some unknown ships and after trying to hail them a dogfight occurs. At this point a sub-mission Anonymous Enemies starts.

Bug: The mission objective points may seem to make no sense at some point. Eventually more reasonable/correct ones will be shown.

Anonymous Enemies

    1. Survive

The <player> has the option to flee from this encounter but should have no problem dispatching of the 2 hostile small craft. Yisha cheers seeing the destruction.

Following the trade lanes further along Barren Heart, Yisha comments about some abandoned mines with models similar to those from X3. At Torid Veil Yisha will pick up a distress call however, the location of the sender cannot be traced. Follow the marker to Fervid Corona where a cinematic sequence plays with Yisha commenting on the design of the nearby station. Nakano then hails the <player> requesting the Albion Skunk to identify itself before Ren Otani negotiates landing permission.

Old Ties (Medium)

  1. Talk to: Pedro Nakano
  2. Talk to: Karen Stringer

Follow the markers for a conversation with Nakano about the status of Albion and potential trade opportunities between the two sectors before the <player> is instructed to talk to Karen Stringer on a different station. Once back onboard the Albion Skunk, Yisha voices concerns that Karen Stringer might use force to interrogate them. Follow the markers to Gushing Spring where the Albion Skunk sounds a hostile ship warning.

Bug: The warning lights will appear in the same location regardless of cockpit configuration resulting in them appearing to float freely in some.

Yisha will then state the obvious about Terran ships before some Reivers will spawn starting the Protect Station sub-mission

Protect Station (Medium)

    1. Protect: ?? Crystal Castle

There are 4 hostile small craft consisting of 2 Cennelath and 2 Dolmech ships. The station is surrounded by 10 Daito small craft but both the surrounding ships and station defences seem to ignore the threat forcing <player> intervention.

Old Ties

After dispatching the hostiles dock at the marked landing pad on the Crystal Castle. Talk to Karen Stringer who says that the above attack was "the worst Reivers raid they have had in weeks" and that the system is in need of Food and Refined Metals. Ironically one of the few products made in DeVries is Food and no stations buy Refined Metals. The <player> is then free to ask a number of optional questions. Asking about "Who are the Reivers?" gets an answer closer to superstition than anything while the "Who are you people?" is a bit more informative about the origins of the people in the sector.   The "Is there anything we can trade" option just emphasises how poor the economy and military in the system is. A sequence plays explaining DeVries.

Ren Otani then implies that the <player> ship still "requires a lot of work to be done on her" irrespective of the actual quality of equipment and Karen Stringer then offers a "Terran shield generator". Despite the "Terran shield generators" being nothing more than obsolete Mk2 shields, the vendor is the first of 3 plot opportunities that offer a massive 40% discount. Although intended just for the shields, this also includes software so consider getting the usually ludicrously priced Trading Computer Mk3 and Economy Analytics Software Mk1.

  • Trading Computer Mk3 82,842,000 Cr. (46,235,000 Cr. with discount)
  • Economy Analytics Software Mk1 1,656,840 Cr. (807,151 Cr. with discount)

At this point try and obtain the following things for later on...

  • 1 * Capital ship crew (recommended)
  • 1 * Trojan ROV (~455,600 Cr) (required)

A capital ship crew will be needed to man a powerful fight ship practically given away later on so it is recommended they are as skilled as possible. A Trojan ROV will be needed for some hacking, these are commonly sold by Drone Dealer merchants and can be purchased remotely. If Overrun URV Mk2 are being used to speed up boarding operations 1 of them may have to be sold in the process to free up a drone unit slot.

When back onboard the Albion Skunk, Yisha questions not wanting to "upgrade" shields despite what was offered being inferior to the Mk4 shields acquired earlier. Nakano then issues a Reiver raiding party alert.

Reiver Raids (N/A)

  1. Destroy: REI Dolmech
  2. Fly to: Canterran Rearguard
  3. Fly to: Superhighway
  4. Fly to: REI Hermod (Bulk & Liquid)
  5. Protect: RoC Hermod (Bulk & Liquid)
  6. Fly to: Jump Gate

Yisha suggests lending a hand in this "warzone" so it is time to destroy some more small craft. When at Fervid Corona 3 REI Dolmech ships will be marked for termination who have rather poor pilots that may not even shoot back. After swatting the three small craft, Nakano sends a transmission which Yisha hopes will be a reward of some "guns". Unfortunately it is a hostage crisis, fortunately this can be helped by blowing up a few ships in Glaring Truth that come out of the superhighway. The <player> is then instructed to "help" with the boarding operation which is guarded by 3 REI small craft. The Reivers will try to attack the Hermod (Bulk & Liquid) when it changes ownership as the player approaches. After the ship is safe Nakano will give the <player> a Mercancias (Bulk) small trader as a reward while Yisha say it is time to head back to Albion "to get our stuff back".

At the gate, Yisha states that the PMC are being distracted by the REI so now is a good time to pass through unnoticed. There is actually now more small craft activity here than if using the Jump Gate previously.

Albion Rendezvous (Medium)

  1. Enter: Trojan ROV
    Hack: Location

On the other side Yisha hopes Commander Borman has started with his distractions. Markers will lead the <player> to Albion/Inner World/Cuspid Splint before pointing to a remote location nearby. There will be nothing at the waypoint and Yisha will say to wait for HoA to contact them.

Borman will express his concerns about the disappearance of the Albion Skunk and Yisha will update him about DeVries. Borman explains "Things became chaotic" and that HoA have gathered dirt on the illegal operations of PMC and now want to broadcast it to everybody in Albion. After the cinematic sequence head to the Metalworks Yard I in Albion/Inner World/Distress Reek. Here the <player> will be given a tutorial on how to hack with a Trojan ROV. Navigate the drone to within 100m of the flagged up hacking points and perform a hack challenge, after hacking enough points the hack will succeed. The challenges are the same sliding bar as the smalltalk challenges but faster.

After recalling the drone back to the Albion Skunk a cinematic sequence will play and Commander Borman will contact the Albion Skunk about what to do next with the information gathered and about the Terrans in DeVries. Yisha will then momentarily disable ship control to tell the <player> about how it is "time to get out of here".

Find Yoolis

  1. Enter: Trojan ROV
    Hack: Location

Information is now required as to a suitable PMC target to strike. Yoolis, a famous Teladi whose business is information, must be found. Yisha suggests hacking some stations to find Yoolis's location.

Finding Yoolis may not require hacking the stations if the Construction Vessel AL she is on is visited directly (confirmation needed). The stations to hack are sequentially Albion Energy Array I, II and III at Albion/Lookout Alpha/Auspicious Excavation with hacking beginning automatically upon entering the Trojan ROV. After completing the hacks Yisha will have some idea where Yoolis is and a Construction Vessel AL will be marked. As hacking will not be required again until much later in the plot it might be a good idea to sell the Trojan ROV to simplify boarding operations.

Image Added
Map showing the Construction Vessel AL where Yoolis is located.

Yoolis is aboard a Construction Vessel AL in Dwarfish Tinderbox. After getting clearance to land on the Construction Vessel AL talk to Uliroos Tugloras Yoolis IV. After a brief introduction Yoolis reassures Otanni that all his assets still exist. She also mentions that PMC has been rounding up HoA sympathisers and has placed them on a prison ship. Although described by her as "a converted freighter" the ship is actually an XL fight ship, a Taranis, which has unique design and no trade counterpart.

After the conversation return to space. Otani suggests boarding the prison ship rather than just freeing the prisoners and Yisha strongly agrees.

Prison Break (Medium)

  1. Board: Taranis
  2. Protect: HoA Construction Vessel AL

Fly to a different Construction Vessel AL at Albion/Inner World/Distressed Reek and dock at it. Speak to the onboard Engineer Jo Jovi and confirm to begin the operation. As soon as the Construction Vessel AL jumps head back into space to find a neutral and stationary Taranis just waiting to be boarded. The large HoA fleet will keep most hostile ships from engaging the Albion Skunk. As the Taranis has no defence officer it will not retaliate making boarding just a matter of stripping the surface elements. Once the ship is captured the HoA fleet will start to jump out including the newly acquired Taranis which will get the Jumpdrive automatically repaired. Now is a good time to land on the Taranis and transfer the capital ship crew obtained earlier onto it while waiting for the fleet to jump. When back in space Commander Borman will then say he has attacked the ship impound area and that he will be in contact. Yisha says to head back towards the Jump Gate to DeVries.

Impound Raid (Medium)

  1. Fly to: Jump Gate

At the Jump Gate Commander Borman will say the impounded <player> ships are safe and PMC has reved up drone production and suggests expanding HoA operations into DeVries.   The missing ships will suddenly appear by the Jump Gate and Yisha will suggest getting gifts for the Canterrans. The <player> will also receive a unique and fully crewed Construction Vessel able to set up an Integrative URV Forge which comes preloaded with 1,299 Reinforced Metal Plate. Now is a good opportunity to move all player assets to DeVries (Glaring Truth is a good temporary location). The capital ship crew on the Construction Vessel may be poor however, as it ends up stationary, the <player> only needs to consider replacing the Engineer and Defence Officer. 

Bug: all recovered ships will have the Engineer command set to None as opposed to the usual Repair. This leaves the Engineer inoperable (cannot self repair) until reassigned back to the ship.

Rebuilding DeVries (Medium)

  1. Deliver: 300 units of Food Rations to RoC Solar Energetics
    Build: Integrative URV Warf in Glaring Truth

Now is a good time to explore DeVries installing trade agents along the way. Use this time to transfer the construction materials gathered earlier onto the Construction Vessel. When at Darned Hot Air consider looking for a good Manager. The RoC BTO Ship Line I in Darned Hot Air is a good place for hiring employees of all non-specialist professions as candidates are usually found in high numbers on the several large platforms making the "Ask for best job applicant." option of smalltalk stage 3 highly likely to find someone who has near perfect skills.

Order a container compatible trade ship to purchase 300 Food Rations, probably from a station in the same sector as RoC Solar Energetics, and deliver them to RoC Solar Energetics. Next find a build site and order the Construction vessel to "Select station for construction" to start building the only station option it has, the Integrative URV Forge. Confirm Build and set the upgrade levels, if the recommended materials have been brought then all upgrades can be installed. The list of required materials will be shown but all should already be on the Construction Vessel. Which build site is chosen is entirely up to the <player> although the build site near the Jump Beacon has the advantage of a short travel distance for mining ships returning with Crystals. If all the recommended recources were purchased the next stage of station construction can be initiated as soon as the first is completed. After completing the first construction stage the Construction Vessel will receive 1,500 extra units of Reinforced Metal Plating.

While the station is being built Commander Borman will give an update on the situation in Albion and tell about a potential refugee crisis wanting to potentially evacuate them to DeVries. To help build relationships with the people of DeVries a joint mining venture is suggested and Nakano agrees. Ren and Yisha express concern that Borman may be trying to hurry an alliance.

Joint Operation (Medium)

  1. ???
    Fly to: Lava Flow
    Patrol: Lava Flow
    Fly to: Canteran Freighters
    Escort: RoC Mercancias (Bulk)
    Destroy: Plasma/MA Turret
    Defend: Canteran Freighters
  2. Talk to: Pedro Nakano
  3. Fly to: Jump Gate

There will be some heavy fighting ahead so it is recommended to get the Taranis that was boarded earlier (make sure it is fuelled up) to join the squad of the Albion Skunk. When the Albion Skunk reaches Furnace Chamber, the mining ship jumps in. After some dialog and a mention of the war, the <player> joins the scout party to look ahead. When in Fiendish Moloch a cinematic will play and there will be 7 REI light craft ahead to kill which should be trivial with the number of NPC allies. The convoy will next progress to Lava Flow where 12 REI light craft will be waiting. After killing the ships there will be more dialog and ? more REI light craft will spawn. If the <player> owned Taranis has arrived it will be a slaughter. After a while Nakano will contact the Albion Skunk about unknown ships heading towards the mining convoy. At this point the HoA mining ship will jump out and 3 PMC light craft will spawn and try to attack the Mercancias (Bulk) ships the <player> has to escort. A PMC Light Sul jumps in and Yisha says that the <player> has to distract it. This ship is unable to be boarded and will try to jump away if it takes some damage (so kill the Jump Tunnel Device first). Managing to kill the Light Sul (easy even without the Taranis helping) will get "Woah! Can't believe we pulled that off!" from Yisha and a cinematic of the ship blowing up.

Before leaving Lava Flow use the Long Range Scanner facing upwards to find a unique lockbox with the Ancient Drone for the Ancient Relic Collection.

Bug: If the mission is done well and all the miners and their escorts survive they can be found idling in Vapour Stream at the end of the highway waiting for REI raiding parties to kill them

Place a trade agent on the station and then head back to Glaring Truth where the first module of the Intergrative URV Forge should be finished and waiting for a Manager. Assign the two bulk mining capable ships and Mercancias (Bulk) as subordinates of the Intergrative URV Forge Manager.

Head back to RoC Solar Energetics and talk to Nakano. He will inquire about the survivors before offering HoA asylum in exchange for helping defend DeVries. A cinematic sequence will play explaining that RoC is now at war with PMC. Return to the ship for some nostalgic dialog.

Joint Operation (Medium)

  1. Fly to: HOA Arawn 

Head back towards the Albion Jump Gate. The <player> will now find there are several PMC Taranis ships patrolling the zone by the gate so be careful. On route to Borman in Distant Fume consider picking up a spare capital ship crew.

Bug: Although the Arawn the <player> must dock at is invulnerable the escort Balors are not so given enough time may be destroyed by marauding SS Titurels.

Commander Falk Borman mentions the "massacre" in DeVries and commits half the HoA force to help DeVries.   To get the ships through the gate requires a "distraction" so will need an attack on the Beryll Astrolabs which is working on a secret project that is causing scientists to flee their cause.   At Sinister Poem head to the marker in empty space.   Yisha will wait for a contact. Li Kathwin will contact the Albion Skunk and explain the details of the project. Unmanned AGI warships ships using Xenontech. Yisha will forward the information to Borman. Borman wants to attack a facility and get the refugees out. A cinematic sequence about the Xenon will play. Head to the PMC Tech Laboratory in Buried Treasure. After jokingly saying this was a bad idea the remainder of the HoA fleet is sent in to help. Kill any ships that ignore the Arawn. After some time passes and a lot of dialog, Borman will tell you "it is time to split".

Albion Exodus (Medium)

  1. Fly to: Auspicious Excavation
  2. Fly to: Jump Gate
    Defend: Jump Gate
    Fly to: Jump Beacon
    Defend: Jump Beacon
  3. -???
  4. Fly to: Fervid Corrona

Follow the markers to Auspicious Excavation and then through the Jump Gate. Consider sending in the <player> owned Taranis to the location of the Jump Gate the other side. Kill all attacking PMC ships while the HoA ships come through. As there is a lonely PMC Taranis nearby consider boarding it. This one fights back so use Sunstalker missiles to first disable the engines and then the Plasma/JET Turrets. Fly around the Taranis and at 8-9km launch 2 missiles to kill the engine shields then >5 missiles per engine. To kill the Plasma/JET Turrets, at a range of 10km use >3 missiles to kill the shield then 3 to kill one Plasma/JET Turret of the pair and an extra >1 missile to finish the other turret of the bank off, repeat on the other side. Next kill the Jump Tunnel Device, Drone Launch Bay and Astrobee Launchers. The rest of the boarding is standard procedure. As the Taranis is among a dense asteroid field more missiles than the 26 Sunstalkers minimum will be required. If the <player> is unable to board this ship then continue along the marked highways to Burning Truth to engage 13 REI light craft. Again use of the <player> owned Taranis will make light work of the task. The <player> will then be tasked to fly to Fervid Corrona. Nakano will welcome the HoA fleet. Yisha will wonder why everyone is saying "Glad to see you made it.". A cinematic sequence plays about the RoC and HoA alliance. Yisha will say "people like you are going to win us this war".

Alliance (Medium)

  1. Extend: integrative URV Forge with URV Warf

This task should already be completed and another cinematic will play. Nakano makes a fleet wide broadcast about a planned assault on a PMC station (boss time!). Now is a good opportunity to stock up on Sunstalker, Hellbuster and Tristar missiles.

The Battle for The Gate (Hard)

  1. Fly to: Superhighway
  2. Fly to: Twilight Sentinel
    Destroy: Drone Launch Bay
    Destroy: PMC Vasio
  3. Fly to: HOA Arawn
  4. Fly to: Fervid Corona
  5. Fly to: Jump Beacon

Follow the markers to Crimson Rocks, a cinematic sequence will play followed by a cinematic. Ahead will be Plutarch Overwatch, a station of formidable firepower, and another Taranis protecting it. Despite 3 HoA Arawns, this will be a tough battle. Use missiles to kill the Drone Launch bay of the Taranis assuming the Arawns do not kill it first. Taranis ships will continue to jump in when destroyed unlike the HoA Arawns. PMC Overwatch cannot be targeted so sit back and watch it mince the HoA Arawns. Even though during the battle Reiver ships are shot at by PMC Overwatch, suddenly they are allies (for this single battle). After a humiliating thrashing, Borman give the order to retreat.

Bug: upon entering Vapour Stream, Yisha starts several dialogs simultaneously. The result is an incoherent mass of words.

When taking the superhighway back to Unmet promise, a cinematic sequence will play and Yisha will gripe about loses of more Arawns. Back in Fervid Corona Nakano will ask you to look for more survivors at another jump beacon. Follow the markers to Vapour Stream. When at 4km from the jump gate a stern warning will be received from a nearby Fulmekron. Fly through the gate to Omicron Lyrae. Vice Admiral Bayes will hail the Argon Skunk and tell the <player> not to go back through the gate and to head to a Jonferco Station. A cinematic sequence about Omicron Lyrae will play (interestingly showing an image of the Xenon HUB from X3).

Omicron Lyrae

  1. Dock at: Entertainment District
    Talk to: Jimee Tomson
    Talk to: Neyl Colburn

Heading back to DeVries at this time will cause a rep loss to -15 with the Argon Government which is enough to prevent docking, trade and missions but not enough that they will shoot on sight. This does not apply to visiting Albion via the TTO or other DLC sectors. The restriction also does not apply to any <player> owned assets like traders. Entry to Maelstrom will also cause no penalty.

Start exploring Omicron Lyrae placing trade agents on the various stations. If the TTO DLC is owned and not already explored now would be a good time to do so by taking the Jump Gate south of Drippy Ascent. The R&D Chem Lab in The Great Basin and Licenced Distillery in Ratfish Waters are good places to hire personnel due to having several large platforms which may be useful if the <player> wants to start boarding Lyramekron, Lyranea and Sanahar trade ships from the Heretic Vanguards. In Murky Skies be wary of the heavily armed Heretic Vanguards Licenced Distillery which usually has an Olmekron patrolling nearby (there are several forum threads about destroyed assets if stations are built in this zone). This Olmekron will also occasionally do an evasive jump to Commerce Core where it will try to destroy any ships waiting by the Jump Beacon.

The Olmekron is an XL fight ship with 8 Plasma/JET turrets, numerous Plasma/MA turrets and moderate shielding. These ships are commonly found as the target or escort of tougher fight missions in Omicron Lyrea. The Plasma/JET turrets are in pairs  protected by Mk1 Forcefield Projectors on the prongs at the front of the ship on both the top and bottom sides.   There are 6 engines in two banks of 3 protected by Mk2 Forcefield Projectors. To board an Olmekron approach the rear and at 9 km launch 3 Sunstalker Missiles at the Mk2 Forcefield Projector for an engine bank then 5 Sunstalker Missiles at the middle engine and an additional 2 for both the top and bottom. After disabling both engine banks the Jump Tunnel Device and Drone Launch Pad can be destroyed with 4 Sunstalker Missiles each. Fly around to 10 km above or below the Plasma/JET turrets at the front of the ship and launch 3 Sunstalker Missiles at the Mk1 Forcefield Projector for the bank on the closest side and an additional 2 at each Plasma/JET turret on both the top and bottom side of the prong. The area damage of the missiles usually is able to heavily damage or destroy the Plasma/JET bank on the other side due to how flat the prong is. After repeating on the Plasma/JET turret banks of the other prong and double checking none escaped destruction start stripping the numerous hardpoints for boarding.

If the DLC sectors have not been visited then this will be the first time the <player> will encounter Xenon ships (both for missions and free flying), these usually have upgraded versions of conventional ship weapons and a higher chance to drop Weapon Mods on death. If engaging Xenon kill Xenon Ps first since they deal shield penetrating damage. Due to the high hull strength and shield penetration, the Xenon P may be the only light fight craft worth keeping as an asset.


Bug: The Xenon Ks spawned here by scripts are boardable (version 4.0) meaning the ones found here and spawned by missions can be obtained by the <player>.

Omicron Lyrae

Head to a crater in the upper (z axis) south east side of Core Dig in Last Stand for a Unique Lockbox containing the Kha'ak Crystalline Scale of the Kha'ak Relic Collection. By the time Commerce Core has been explored there will be enough trade deals available to reactivate any <player> owned trade ships that were idle in DeVries. It might also be a good idea to start hoarding Fusion Reactors and Reinforced Metal Plating since those are the main bottleneck during the construction of additional stations. When exploring Omicron Lyrae/ Devoid Clime/Cosy Shade use the Long Range Scanner to find the Unique Lockbox to the west of the stations containing the Gate Seed of the Ancient Relic Collection
