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Description Summary

Agents are very skilled individuals that who use their contacts and ability to blend in within institutions to abilities to ingratiate themselves with organisations, and engage in diplomatic actionsactivities. Some of these their actions are very may be trivial, such as gathering influence on Influence with a faction, other actions are while others can be considerably more complex. Depending on this complexity, some tasks may take involve more effort, take longer or be riskieror less time, effort and risk. Travel time, for example, depends on the distance from between the Spacelab Headquarters to where the Agent is sent, where tasks completion and the Agent's destination. A task's duration may depend on the faction its targeted at, at which it is targeted: some factions are may be more open to receive Agents receiving Agents ('Diplomats'), or have less restriction fewer restrictions in place, allowing for swifter completion. Dynamic Relations can also have an impact in tasks as well, so its best to be aware of the Dynamic Relations and take that , and should be taken into account when task assigning tasks to Agents.

Several A number of legal tasks are available to agents, Agents: Gather Influence or Blueprints, Negotiate Discount, Boost Notoriety Gain, Increase Notoriety, Acquire Equipment or , and Special Ships. Other less legal tasks are also a possibility such as, tasks, of more questionable legality, are also possible, including: Hack Station, Steal Equipment or or Blueprints,  Sabotage Factory, but those also have and Sabotage Factory. These bear a risk to the Agents Agent's health if they are caught. Finding and finding a recruiting Agents is rare, since not easy: they can only be hired after completing following the completion of risky missions , like such as Defend Object or Transport Passenger and those are , which are, themselves, hard to findcome by.

All the tasks are very exhausting, which limits an agents longevity, some have a higher tolerance then others so they arduous, limiting the operational longevity of Agents. Some Agents have higher tolerance levels then others, and may be able to perform more tasks before they burn out due to exhaustion. Should they survive they eventually run out of enthusiasm to perform more tasks and will leave the Headquarters to go and retire, possibly next to their kin on their homeworld.

Detailed Info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sit amet molestie diam. Quisque aliquam imperdiet justo, at molestie ligula dapibus eu. Vivamus gravida felis ac elementum viverra. Donec eget metus quis lorem porta pretium. Duis nec pulvinar urna, vel faucibus tellus. Nulla sodales justo in sollicitudin luctus. Sed laoreet nisl in ultricies egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non lorem mi.. Once their ability to continue in such a high-pressure environment has been exhausted, they will leave the headquarters, usually retiring to their home world with their close kin.



Detailed Info

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The amount of tasks any given Agent has, is randomly defined. Outside of Plots this varies between 4 and 8 tasks. Generic Missions that allow Agents to be recruited have them listed in the briefing; this way it should be easy to know which ones will allow players to replace retired Agents or just add additional Agents to the pool, with a limit of 5 Agents at any given time. There are only Hard and Very hard versions of these missions.

Agents can only perform diplomatic and espionage tasks if they have influence to spend, which has to be gathered beforehand. Influence is gathered per race and can only be spent on tasks aimed at that race. All races will have varied bonuses that have an impact on the gathering rate. It is displayed on the right side of the diplomacy menu, and clicking on a line will open a window showing the composition of the bonus.

Cultural Bonus

ArgonDemocratic Federation+5%
BoronBoron Culture+15%
GonerGoner Wisdom+5%
ParanidSecretive -20%
SplitSplit Pride-5%
TeladiGreater Profit+5%
TerranIsolationistic -5%


Relation Bonus

6, 7, 810%
-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,55%
-2, -3-5%


Activity Bonus

ArgonDiplomaticVariesGaining any notoriety with ArgonBonus is dependent on the amount gained (up to 10%)
BoronPacifist10%Not attacking anythingOpposite to other bonuses, is removed when ever player attacks ships or stations of any race
GonerLiberator5%Releasing passengers/slaves at goner stations 
ParanidWorshipper of Xaar2%Entering a Paranid SectorPlayer ship only
SplitHonorary SplitVariesKilling Boron or Argon shipsBonus is dependent on ship class
TeladiProfitsss1%Trading with TeladiDouble bonus for the player ship
TerranXenon ExterminatorVariesKilling Xenon ShipsBonus is dependent on ship class


Interaction Bonus

Max Bonus
CombatKilling Friendly Ships-1 to -20-100600Negative bonus for killing a race's ship, depends on size of ship
BoardingBoarding Friendly Ships-1 to -20-100600Negative bonus for boarding a race's ship
PoliceKilling Enemy Ships1-1030600Killing enemy ships in race territory, bonus depends on size of ship
TradeTrading with race110600Favourable trade with a race, ie buying for more than average, or selling for less