Versions Compared


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Primary Resources section shows all the resources needed for production and their current stock level.  The number underneath in \ [Brackets\] is the required amount per cycle.  If its red, it means there are not enough resources available to start production


The Trade bar at the bottom is used to change the current price between its minimum and maximum price

The number in \ [Brackets\] shows the current production cost.  This is how much it costs to produced, based on the current price of your resources.  So setting a price above this will make a profit.


The command slots allow you to select additional commands to run on the station.  Each command needs a separate slot, and are mainly used to automate certain areas of the station.  This includes things like the Station Manager, Automatic Money Transfer and Automatic Pricing.


These are the settings used by the station manager (see Station Manager for more info)


Adjust Friend/Foe


If you prefer, you can hand control over the station to the Station Manager, who will take control of the ships and buy/sell wares where needed.  This however costs you wages for the station manager, and reduces the control you have over the station and ships.


As well buying and sell wares, you can also move goods between your own stations, and essentially connect multiple stations together via ships rather than relying on NPC stations.

You can do this by assigning ships to your station and using either the basic Fetch/Deliver commands, or the more complex Trade Distribution Run.

The Fetch/Deliver commands work in the same way as the Buy/Sell ware commands, except they will use your own stations as the destination, and they will not use money, just loading and unloading wares between stations

These commands are also limited to 1 ware per ship.


The Trade Destruction Run command can setup a trade route between your stations, its more complex to setup, but allows you to moving multiple wares, between multiple stations without only a single ship.


3.5 Reports and Graphs

To help you run your stations, there are a number of reports and graphs available to see how your station is doing
