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New side quests (full list)

HoL-onlyTHINKAnother Gate OpenSign up and explore the stars
HoL-onlyFIGHTXenon InvasionA chain of events with a violent crescendo


New generic missions (full list)

4.00THINKFragile SalvageHelping to retrieve a ship
4.00THINKHacking Specialist WantedHelp pull a station heist by sabotaging a station
4.00THINKValuable Cache for SaleTake a risk of paying up front to get info on a valuable hidden cache
HoL-onlyTHINKScan AnomalyChecking out peculiar signals in a new system
HoL-onlyFIGHTShip in DistressAn emergent rescue mission
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  1. Anonymous


    Need help with Another Gate Open

    I keep flying around Home of Light system, its does nothing, its just say "keep continue" something but no indicator to tell me what to do after that

    Its need me to map every sector/system/zone to complete the quest??? that quite.... chore work! (thanks to SET)

    1. Anonymous

      As far as I know, you have to map all zones in all of the three new systems: Home of Light, Toride and Cold Star. X2

  2. Anonymous

    Same here. I think i missed one or Two zones in Home of light. For Frost Star and Toride i've got an Achievement that i Maped it Completly.

  3. Anonymous

    how do you trigger the xenon invasion?

      1. Anonymous

        thank you, but I can't seem to open the spoiler tags. informative post anyways though, thanks.

        1. You're welcome.

          If you mean on tags on the forum, i don't think they can be opened as such. I just drag a selection box over the area within the tags because the text is only hidden by using the same font colour as the forum background.