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1.0 Hotfix 1

November 30th, 2018

  • Fixed various crashes when unable to write files to disk.
  • Fixed light blue screen flash after intro video.


February 25th, 2019

  • New Feature: Player-owned stations with Shipyard, Wharf and Equipment Dock facilities.
  • Added options to set custom name for savegames and to delete savegames.
  • Added ware exchange between ships docked at the same station.
  • Added possibility to start/stop travel mode and SETA while map is open.
  • Added warnings about non-working venture modules due to station layout.
  • Added fighter wings directly subordinate to carriers.
  • Added display of partial skill stars to one third of a star accuracy.
  • Added preview of ship storage capacity after all planned trades to info menu.
  • Added trade menu warning that ware is not available after all planned trades.
  • Added separate Remove all Orders and Wait option, replacing parameter to Remove all Orders.
  • Added failure sound when invalid hotkey is used while map is displayed.
  • Added confirmation before closing station build menu if there are unsaved changes.
  • Added tooltip for greyed-out claim option to show reason.
  • Added full Russian and Japanese localisation (text only).
  • Added more details about damage types to weapon and turret entries in Encyclopedia.
  • Added skill-based variants for AutoMine behaviour.
  • Removed duplicated equipment blueprints from trader menu.
  • Improved Xenon threat.
  • Improved turret aiming and target movement prediction.
  • Improved combat movement of frigates.
  • Improved combat movement of capital ships with good captains and crews that do not have forward-mounted weapons against other capital ships or stations.
  • Improved capital ship combat movement against small and medium targets.
  • Improved balancing of capital ship defensive and offensive capabilities.
  • Improved balancing of capital ship use of boost during combat.
  • Improved balancing of capital ship crews bailing when ship is attacked.
  • Improved balancing of missiles.
  • Improved balancing of ware prices and production profitability to emphasize smart business decisions.
  • Improved target acquisition for ships, particularly when attacking stations or capital ships.
  • Improved command information shown by attacking ships when attacking a subcomponent of a bigger target.
  • Improved range over which ships that run out of ammo can look for a known equipment dock from which to re-stock.
  • Improved kinds of stations requested from station building missions.
  • Improved encyclopedia information for production and factions.
  • Improved Logical Station Overview to show station's recommended budget instead of the currently needed money in account settings.
  • Improved quickload hotkey (F9 by default) so it loads the latest saved game, not necessarily a quicksave.
  • Improved playback logic for music tracks from previous games.
  • Improved performance when working with very large stations.
  • Improved menu performance.
  • Improved trade evaluation for free traders.
  • Improved firing logic of missile-armed fighters.
  • Improved guided missile effectiveness.
  • Improved loadout distribution on NPC ships.
  • Improved combat movement of capital ships, particularly those with forward-mounted weapons.
  • Improved balancing of resource requirements for L and XL travel engines.
  • Improved default countermeasure storage capacities.
  • Fixed issues with target elements in the HUD in certain cases (e.g. when using "external view" through the map while standing on a ship/station).
  • Fixed keyboard and gamepad selection not working in scrolling dropdown elements.
  • Fixed previous/next target hotkeys and enemy targets sometimes not working when flying captured venture ships.
  • Fixed previous/next surface element hotkey sometimes not working after loading a savegame.
  • Fixed behaviour of autopilot shortcut in the map (now correctly toggles autopilot on guidance target).
  • Fixed production modules sometimes not updating their animation when production starts/stops.
  • Fixed research wares being listed in economy statistics of the HQ.
  • Fixed storage types in encyclopedia not being localised.
  • Fixed turret modifications breaking ship info menu.
  • Fixed broken Logical Station Overview menu for stations missing a storage type and having no planned modules.
  • Fixed broken menu when firing crew and then hiring new people in the ship buy/upgrade menu.
  • Fixed missing title text in ship construction context menu in map.
  • Fixed ship assignment not being queued correctly (possibly upsetting existing trade deals).
  • Fixed deliver inventory mission not correctly placing the character in some situations.
  • Fixed Bring Item mission offers not being removed properly if destination station or NPC was killed.
  • Fixed several issues with Fleet Delivery mission.
  • Fixed Scan mission not checking for destruction of target station module.
  • Fixed Scan mission to require only normal scan rather than deep scan for station modules.
  • Fixed missing guidance to station module in Scan mission.
  • Fixed Passenger Transport missions to filter out incorrect stations.
  • Fixed Find Lockbox mission to ensure containers remain in mission area.
  • Fixed station ownership not being transferred in Build Station mission
  • Fixed trade and pirate guild mission offers not changing over time.
  • Fixed incorrect faction and other text for several dialog options and briefings in war missions.
  • Fixed introductory mission of war subscriptions getting stuck.
  • Fixed Holy Order outliers sometimes prematurely precipitating conflict with the Godrealm of the Paranid.
  • Fixed attacking ships repeatedly approaching and retreating from target before getting close to it.
  • Fixed ships moving out of pursuit distance to attack targets in their initial approach.
  • Fixed ships attacking stations flying at and firing upon station target box instead of station modules.
  • Fixed patrolling ships attacking build storage.
  • Fixed ships showing excessive DPS when weapons are in more than one active weapon group.
  • Fixed builder ships wandering into hostile territory.
  • Fixed capital ship subordinates of carriers sometimes attempting to dock at their commander's ship.
  • Fixed station-based trading ships setting their current sector as their home sector rather than their station's sector.
  • Fixed ship/station operations being hampered by docked ships working for that ship/station not undocking while player is present.
  • Fixed boarding ships that are missing ammo trying to disable boarding target anyway.
  • Fixed formation skill checks not respecting the player being the pilot.
  • Fixed another case of patrolling player-owned ships chasing hostiles beyond their engagement range.
  • Fixed squadron subordinates apparently trying to attack ships from their own faction.
  • Fixed player-owned ships sometimes inadvertently firing missiles depending on their weapon group setup.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack my Current Enemy not firing when they should.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack my Current Enemy firing when they shouldn't.
  • Fixed ships attacking stations stopping their attack after destroying a station module or surface element.
  • Fixed turrets on the player ship that are set to mining mode not firing on asteroids.
  • Fixed boarding ships not launching boarding pods in certain situations.
  • Fixed fleeing ships acquiring a target and attacking in certain situations.
  • Fixed ships attempting to disable a target deliberately destroying it instead.
  • Fixed ships with a Follow order not responding to certain situations.
  • Fixed player-owned ships attacking friendly ships while patrolling player-owned space.
  • Fixed non-police ships (including player-owned ships) sometimes responding to calls for police assistance.
  • Fixed non-Xenon races not constructing defence stations.
  • Fixed build storage of destroyed stations not being cleaned up.
  • Fixed NPCs rubber-banding for a long time after loading a savegame in certain situations.
  • Fixed NPCs getting stuck in elevator if player uses it while NPC is walking in it.
  • Fixed NPC marshalling animations during player docking/undocking.
  • Fixed multiple NPCs standing in the same position on some Argon bridges.
  • Fixed cases of duplicate interior rooms on stations.
  • Fixed frozen movement in bridges of docked capital ships.
  • Fixed cargo trades with Black Marketeer sometimes failing.
  • Fixed module hacking requirements not being respected.
  • Fixed area damage not being correctly applied in certain situations.
  • Fixed ships flying huge curves when going long distances.
  • Fixed multiple shipyards attempting to fulfil the same NPC ship build requests.
  • Fixed NPC ships sometimes requesting more subordinates to be built than they desired.
  • Fixed stations not claiming sector ownership if claiming module is built later.
  • Fixed turrets and shields not being added to station module when not part of a new module.
  • Fixed station module stats and achievements not triggering with the first module of a station.
  • Fixed station module recycling sometimes interrupting an ongoing build.
  • Fixed recycle times of station modules.
  • Fixed exploit where wares could be gained when recycling modules.
  • Fixed inability to remove last remaining module when planning a station.
  • Fixed not being able to cancel ship orders in some cases.
  • Fixed total build time being off by up to one minute for some objects.
  • Fixed onboard units not being factored into object value.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with station hull values.
  • Fixed stations not remembering their Drone/Unit supply settings.
  • Fixed small ships failing to exchange wares with ships they can dock at.
  • Fixed ships needlessly undocking to trade.
  • Fixed faction discounts and commissions not being removed when relations worsen.
  • Fixed transfer of crew from one role to another not being possible at shipyard/wharf/equipment dock if no other changes are made.
  • Fixed EMP-induced signal leaks on unowned small and medium ships claiming them for the player when scanned.
  • Fixed lasertowers spawning in wrong location when deployed from Elite.
  • Fixed lasertowers potentially ending up in the exact same position in space.
  • Fixed objects attracted with the container magnet sometimes getting an unreasonable speed.
  • Fixed ships sometimes oscillating around target positions if SETA is active.
  • Fixed ships docked at other ships sometimes appearing twice in the elevator menu.
  • Fixed issue resulting in data leaks sometimes appearing inside station modules.
  • Fixed roll input in highways steering in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed inability to remap camera input control.
  • Fixed not being able to load certain user-provided files (e.g. custom logos) with non-ASCII file names.
  • Fixed floating geometry on the M-sized Beam Emitter Mk2.
  • Fixed rare freeze related to player ship control.
  • Fixed NPC ships sometimes not leaving shipyards after being built.
  • Fixed Discoverer doors not opening when newly built.
  • Fixed incorrect shield configuration on Behemoth.
  • Fixed engine positions on Xenon K so that they can now be destroyed.
  • Fixed ship build menu showing wrong sustained DPS values when planning multiple weapons on new ship.
  • Fixed shopping list items in the ship build menu not being editable.
  • Fixed exchanging missiles and drones between ships and stations using Ware Exchange.
  • Fixed police ships attempting to scan surface elements for illegal goods.
  • Fixed police sometimes inspecting ships that are already being inspected by another police ship.
  • Fixed squadron subordinates sometimes failing to call in support from their squadron.
  • Fixed patrolling ships sometimes accidentally crossing jump gates.
  • Fixed factions sometimes not using their intelligence data in preparation for invading.
  • Fixed laser towers being dragged along by the launching ship in certain situations.
  • Fixed laser towers continuing to track targets that are no longer valid.
  • Fixed rare case causing ships to rotate erratically.
  • Fixed a cause of ships trying to fly into the centre of stations without avoiding collisions.
  • Fixed Black Marketeers sometimes being placed aboard Kha'ak stations.
  • Fixed newly constructed NPC stations being given resources immediately.
  • Fixed production showing wrong resources (again).
  • Fixed stations provided by the player via the Build Station mission not having functioning managing NPCs.
  • Fixed weapons with slow bullets or missiles not firing.
  • Fixed ships assigned to join player squad not getting new orders.
  • Fixed mission chains being cancelled if target was destroyed before the mission started.
  • Fixed Boarding mission not being cancelled if target was destroyed before the mission started.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.


March 18th, 2019

  • New Feature (BETA): TrackIR support.
  • New Feature: Direct Mouse Steering mode (also known as Classic Mouse Steering or Boresight Steering).
  • New Feature: Mouse HUD mode option (changing this option to "Left Mouse Button Mode" enables any controls remapped to the right mouse button).
  • Added upgrade slot and dock information to ship encyclopedia entries.
  • Added resource amounts for construction to ship and equipment encyclopedia entries.
  • Added trade offer amount graphs to sector encyclopedia entries.
  • Added enforcement of formation skill requirement.
  • Added Radius to parameters for Protect Position.
  • Added Attack Targets in Range order.
  • Added player-owned shipyard tutorial.
  • Improved carriers launching fighters against targets.
  • Improved behaviour of station subordinate traders.
  • Improved time taken to generate mass traffic for extremely complex stations when loading savegames.
  • Improved subordinate handling in long distance movement.
  • Improved ship behaviour when docking at other moving ships.
  • Fixed player-owned ships sometimes pursuing targets outside their designated area when ordered to protect a position or a station.
  • Fixed yet another case involving ships moving long distances pursuing targets they attack to other sectors.
  • Fixed too many empty shield/turret groups on L/XL ships (not retroactive, only affects newly fitted ships).
  • Fixed Paranid and Teladi stations using Argon piers (not retroactive, only affects newly built stations).
  • Fixed Shipyards, Wharfs and Equipment Docks sometimes offering maximum price for resources they don't desperately need.
  • Fixed newly-built stations sometimes not respecting nearby station plots.
  • Fixed several instances of NPCs teleporting to their destinations instead of walking.
  • Fixed NPCs not paying for subordinate ships ordered at player-owned shipyards.
  • Fixed NPCs potentially vanishing if reassigned while moving to certain locations.
  • Fixed NPCs sometimes not getting out of chairs when requested.
  • Fixed player gliding around after getting up under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed never-ending conversations with NPCs via the target monitor.
  • Fixed credits not being returned when cancelling an order to upgrade a ship.
  • Fixed shipyards potentially building ships which they should not be able to build.
  • Fixed NPC ships potentially waiting forever to restock at equipment docks.
  • Fixed ships in flight immediately coming to a standstill when their orders are cancelled.
  • Fixed case causing ships to stand still incorrectly.
  • Fixed case that resulted in ships not going where they wanted to.
  • Fixed flight behaviour of marines on boarding pods when doing Claim and Boarding operations.
  • Fixed carrier-based fighters not launching to engage hostile targets.
  • Fixed direct subordinates of carriers that could not dock once never trying to dock again.
  • Fixed player-owned ships telling player that they are awaiting orders if they have further orders or are subordinate to anyone other than the player.
  • Fixed player-owned free traders not selling cargo that is in their cargo hold that is also in the player-defined list of wares to trade in.
  • Fixed ships attacking wrecks.
  • Fixed ships stopping to attack build storage while travelling long distances.
  • Fixed ships getting distracted by hostile targets in highways.
  • Fixed some missions treating inactive Jump Gates as active.
  • Fixed welder drones launching from destroyed construction vessels.
  • Fixed ship chassis construction resources not being displayed.
  • Fixed ships under construction being destroyed when they are put into storage.
  • Fixed ships under construction not moving down when being put into storage.
  • Fixed wrecks of certain objects (especially small Laser Towers) not being cleaned up properly and accumulating over time.
  • Fixed being able to accidentally disable your own station for several hours by hacking a control panel.
  • Fixed station build menu forgetting unconfirmed loadout changes after returning from the encyclopedia.
  • Fixed formation leader speed limit when formation wingmen are trying to catch up.
  • Fixed capital ships trying to avoid asteroids that they can just fly through without problems.
  • Fixed weapons on player ships sometimes following view direction even while not seated in ship.
  • Fixed estimated missing resources displayed at equipment docks and shipyards sometimes being incorrect.
  • Fixed orders to equip ships not being able to be cancelled when waiting for resources (does not affect existing orders).
  • Fixed issues with ship movement in multi-layer formations.
  • Fixed police ships sometimes patrolling the wrong sector.
  • Fixed Deploy Object mission allowing object to be placed further away than requested.
  • Fixed missing localisation of objective text in Build Station mission.
  • Fixed some mission briefing text errors.
  • Fixed war missions potentially building up over time.
  • Fixed war mission not treating contested sectors correctly.
  • Fixed notification "All trade operations completed" being displayed too often.
  • Fixed wrong reason given for penalising relations if the player attacks a ship that is currently being investigated by police.
  • Fixed wrong reason given for penalising relations if the player builds a station in policed space on a plot that hasn't been paid for.
  • Fixed station building mission not transferring ownership of corresponding build storage.
  • Fixed display for filled percentage of engine and turret groups being the same in the ship build menu.
  • Fixed missing hull/shield bar elements in the map menu if more than 50 objects are listed at once.
  • Fixed encyclopedia not showing 3D models when opened from another menu.
  • Fixed info menu inaccessible for some supported objects (e.g. nav beacons).
  • Fixed calculation of unread entries for faction licence entries in the encyclopedia.
  • Fixed position of an element in the docking UI when flying a capital ship.
  • Fixed inconsistent crew notification on completion of a mining order.
  • Fixed muzzle-flash and firing position for some turrets.
  • Fixed turrets and shield generators sometimes left floating when Construction Vessel changes activation state.
  • Fixed shield generator obscuring space suit docking bay on Behemoth.
  • Fixed inability to enter spacesuit from Sunder.
  • Fixed some Argon character body mismatches.
  • Fixed joystick hot-plug issues on Linux.
  • Fixed mouse look not working while sitting in a docked ship.
  • Fixed double clicks inadvertently closing menus.
  • Fixed menus slowing down over time (especially noticeable when keeping map open).
  • Fixed several causes of menu crashes in various menus.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.


April 1st, 2019

  • Improved GPU auto-selection.
  • Improved handling of new ship construction at shipyards and wharfs to not overload or block them.
  • Fixed wings assigned to use a formation that requires zero piloting skill arbitrarily changing their formation to some other formation.
  • Fixed stations built for NPCs as part of Build Station mission being unknown afterwards
  • Fixed subscription missions in progress being removed after a certain amount of time.
  • Fixed factions still placing orders for ships at player owned shipyards even when disallowed.
  • Fixed excessively loud venture mission completion sound.
  • Fixed gamepad/joystick mouse emulation under Linux.
  • Fixed cause of rare freeze.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.


May 28th, 2019

  • New Feature: Resupply ships are now available and carriers can also resupply their fighters.
  • New Feature: Sector blacklist settings to prevent ships entering certain areas.
  • New Feature: Inventory management with lockboxes in space and inventory storage at player HQ.
  • New Feature: Tobii eye-tracking support (Windows only).
  • Added information about missing licence for buying blueprints.
  • Added basic set of blueprints to Hatikvah and Scaleplate faction representatives.
  • Added wanted ware amounts to trade context menu.
  • Added images and background information relating to star systems and planets in encyclopedia.
  • Added logbook entries for NPC ships being built, restocked or repaired at player shipyards.
  • Added note/hint while mouse direct steering mode is active.
  • Added more variations for Build Station, Rescue Ship and Scan missions.
  • Added new global orders section in player information menu.
  • Added options for ware transfer and trade with build storage to docked menu.
  • Added inventory information to player-owned ships.
  • Added categories to object list and property owned in the map.
  • Added options to sort the object list and property owned menus by name, size or hull.
  • Added warning in trade menu if a ship cannot transport a ware.
  • Added possibility to cancel builder ship assignments before ship deploys at station.
  • Added current build progress information to the module type summary lines of station entries in the map.
  • Added option to configure autosave interval (and prevented autosave immediately after a manual save).
  • Added information about hacked research module to research menu.
  • Added information about hacked production modules to info menu and Logical Station Overview.
  • Added ability to configure Logical Station Overview graph data for each station individually.
  • Added wreck filter option to map.
  • Added interior sounds to rooms, shops and ship bridges.
  • Added mining and resupply tutorials.
  • Improved cockpit glass transparency.
  • Improved fight-or-flight decision-making to only call for help if help is to be expected.
  • Improved behaviour of ships docking at busy locations.
  • Improved guidance for the find crate missions.
  • Improved station mining subordinate behaviour when station resource requirements increase.
  • Improved storage capacity of carriers to help them fulfil their supply function.
  • Improved faction logic to attempt to rebuild shipyards after their destruction.
  • Improved information menu presentation of cargo storage on ships.
  • Improved collision avoidance in specific situations.
  • Improved CollectLockbox order behaviour.
  • Improved selection of multiple wares for behaviours and map filters.
  • Improved out-of-sector firepower calculations.
  • Improved resource preview in the ship build/upgrade menu.
  • Improved satellite deployment tutorial.
  • Improved performance of loading and saving.
  • Improved interface for dropping player inventory.
  • Improved map object list performance when looking at many player stations.
  • Improved faction behaviour when dealing with ware shortages.
  • Improved ship formation behaviour when flying in travel mode.
  • Improved controller support for initial ship type selection in ship build menu.
  • Improved ship docking and undocking movement in certain cases.
  • Improved behaviour of free-flying police.
  • Improved defence drone handling by capital ships in combat.
  • Improved mission reward text for paint mods.
  • Improved updating of wares to be traded or harvested by station-based trading ships and mining ships.
  • Improved Logical Station Overview graph data selection.
  • Improved AI station generation logic to make selection of large habitation modules more likely where appropriate.
  • Updated external links to wiki and manual.
  • Changed faction representative menu to still show owned blueprints.
  • Removed Fly To objective from Build Station missions.
  • Removed ability to load construction plans that contain more venture modules than the player has available.
  • Removed ability to move an empty station plot after paying a cheap licence to a location with an expensive licence without repercussions.
  • Fixed mouse-over text not being updated in certain cases when scrolling a table.
  • Fixed resource display showing amounts up to 100x too high when removing station modules.
  • Fixed moving of station plots potentially resulting in incorrectly placed build storage.
  • Fixed faction representatives selling ship blueprints of other factions of the same race.
  • Fixed ware exchange between capital ships getting stuck.
  • Fixed shield generator obscuring space suit docking bay on Behemoth for existing ships (was fixed for new ships in 2.20).
  • Fixed deployables launching from ship getting stuck when boarding operation against that ship succeeds.
  • Fixed doors on docked ships sometimes not opening when the player is nearby.
  • Fixed getting stuck in elevators that are going up.
  • Fixed ships getting stuck during flight in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Kha'ak stations offering missions.
  • Fixed Hatikvah and Scaleplate ships being unavailable from their shipyards.
  • Fixed Xenon being unable to repair or build certain station modules.
  • Fixed supply information in Logical Station Overview not updating.
  • Fixed research menu not showing completed research if it finished while menu was not displayed.
  • Fixed capital ships undocking from each other potentially failing without recovery.
  • Fixed being able to Board abandoned ships.
  • Fixed being able to Claim ships that are currently being boarded.
  • Fixed lasertowers being allowed to receive orders that they cannot complete.
  • Fixed station drone removal when target amount is zero.
  • Fixed wrong interact menu options for lasertowers.
  • Fixed inability to Comm carriers and resupply ships from map.
  • Fixed interactions on docking bays of capital ships that are themselves docked.
  • Fixed certain research activities being cancelled when loading a savegame.
  • Fixed missing resources for station module loadouts sometimes not being listed in menus.
  • Fixed build storage not correctly taking future module and loadout resources into account while a module is being recycled.
  • Fixed incorrect requirement to own at least one ship blueprint of a certain ship size before this ship size can be upgraded at player-owned shipyards.
  • Fixed ships not upgrading/repairing if piloted by player with unrelated orders on order queue.
  • Fixed trade/equip orders being ignored if assuming direct control of a ship with such orders.
  • Fixed sending ship to repair multiple components only repairing the first queued component.
  • Fixed planned loadout changes on station modules marking all following modules as changed.
  • Fixed repair menu showing completely wrecked surface elements on ships as having no damage.
  • Fixed stations with workforce of multiple races not ordering all resources to feed them.
  • Fixed trade context menu not working if no player ship is available.
  • Fixed ship being teleported when disabling Flight Assist from the quick menu while near a station.
  • Fixed traders that are subordinates of stations sometimes purchasing wares that are not required by their commander.
  • Fixed newly constructed shipyards and defence stations not being named correctly.
  • Fixed ammo/units not being added to Encyclopedia when included in loadout on player-owned ship.
  • Fixed wrong text displayed for police faction in encyclopedia.
  • Fixed station modules sometimes being constructed and recycled in a loop.
  • Fixed stations potentially building turrets and shields on modules being recycled.
  • Fixed station modules which were destroyed appearing as operational while recycling.
  • Fixed Teladi Trading Station not being able to repair its modules.
  • Fixed XS deployables launched from some capital ships getting spawned away from ship that launched them.
  • Fixed some capital ships having too much S ship storage.
  • Fixed some capital ships being unable to store docked M ships in internal storage.
  • Fixed player being stuck in wrong position when getting up while external view is active.
  • Fixed bullets not hitting when viewing a remote battle in external view.
  • Fixed ships launched from launch tubes not immediately folding up their landing gear.
  • Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck while docking.
  • Fixed several cases of formation wingmen going through geometry.
  • Fixed ware exchange failing in some cases when involving one ship docked at another.
  • Fixed free traders preferring low-volume wares.
  • Fixed rare case of free traders choosing a now-disadvantageous trade over a trade that had improved over time.
  • Fixed station module search not being localized.
  • Fixed freeze when there is a police ship belonging to a faction that no longer controls any space.
  • Fixed non-factory stations gifted to other factions not updating their name correctly.
  • Fixed laser towers displaying a ship icon as their target element in the HUD.
  • Fixed weapon aim indicators being displayed when a menu is open.
  • Fixed interact menu not working in certain situations.
  • Fixed issues with moving station plots during Build Station missions.
  • Fixed Rescue Ship mission potentially creating unowned ships which don't get cleaned up.
  • Fixed Rescue Ship mission reward calculation in the variant where the ship must be delivered.
  • Fixed warping to a different sector when getting up during specific stage of HQ mission.
  • Fixed missile range calculation for dumbfire missiles.
  • Fixed very slow mission offer display if many offers are known.
  • Fixed menu errors when opening information menu for ship under construction.
  • Fixed huge player-owned stations not displaying all stored wares in information menu.
  • Fixed encyclopedia links to ships not working correctly.
  • Fixed NPC buy/sell orders not honouring minimum amounts.
  • Fixed ships stuck waiting for upgrades.
  • Fixed error messages when attempting to unlock EMP-induced data leaks on ships.
  • Fixed dock speed limits being applied when travel mode is active.
  • Fixed ships docking at moving objects appearing to strafe very quickly at certain times.
  • Fixed police ships remaining in space where they no longer have police authority.
  • Fixed some factions' police ships not being named as police.
  • Fixed defence drones belonging to Teladi Trading Stations not docking after completing their tasks.
  • Fixed stations potentially trying to trade with other stations when they no longer have any available cargo drones.
  • Fixed ships built for invasions sometimes not performing their intended orders.
  • Fixed subordinates not responding to attacks in some cases.
  • Fixed ships attacking targets outside their engagement area when on their way to their engagement area.
  • Fixed squadron subordinates getting distracted by hostile targets encountered while on their way to join their commander.
  • Fixed subordinates of carriers waiting for the player's permission before undocking to attack if player is on board the carrier.
  • Fixed station-based miners and traders not updating their range when they or their manager improve in skill.
  • Fixed construction vessels not always being unassigned when a station is destroyed.
  • Fixed NPC ships not firing their weapons when attacking under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed turrets set to Fire on my current target only firing sporadically when current target is a station.
  • Fixed turrets set to Attack my current target periodically stopping firing.
  • Fixed player-flown ships with turrets set to mining mode only acquiring asteroids 3km away regardless of mining turret range.
  • Fixed mass traffic sometimes using the wrong ships directly after loading a savegame.
  • Fixed asteroids in certain regions sometimes ending up with negative mineral yields.
  • Fixed incorrectly-scaled rendering of paint mods when redesigning certain ships.
  • Fixed promotion of crew to pilots removing existing pilot from ship.
  • Fixed object selection failing in the map when switching between tabs.
  • Fixed cases where map continued panning/rotating even after having released all mouse buttons.
  • Fixed station building menu asking to confirm loss of changes if nothing was changed.
  • Fixed station building menu not updating when a module build finishes.
  • Fixed returning venture ships sometimes being displayed in an incorrect location on the map.
  • Fixed map object list not showing the correct player logo for player-owned sectors.
  • Fixed supply settings for Drones and Missiles in Logical Station Overview.
  • Fixed workforce information in Logical Station Overview being greyed-out
  • Fixed player map icon being very large in certain situations.
  • Fixed external view on surface elements.
  • Fixed targeting while in spacesuit.
  • Fixed loot-magnet sound stuck after auto-save.
  • Fixed tooltip text getting stuck in the station build menu when using the controller mouse emulation.
  • Fixed various NPC pathing issues on platforms.
  • Fixed NPC rubber-banding when talked to while walking.
  • Fixed detached habitation modules during AI station construction (existing station layouts are not affected).
  • Fixed factions building more defence stations than they should.
  • Fixed situation where ships could appear stuck in internal storage.
  • Fixed missing localisation of several texts in menus.
  • Fixed several localisation issues in mission texts.
  • Fixed being able to fly into planets. 
  • Fixed NPCs walking in front of pilot in Demeter and Hermes.
  • Fixed Pulsar's right weapon being visually disconnected from hull.
  • Fixed Nodan lights not turning on.
  • Fixed missing mode visualisation in Nodan cockpit.
  • Fixed Xenon capital ship engines not having animated exhaust flames.
  • Fixed duplicate display on panel in Kestrel cockpit.
  • Fixed missing geometry on side of Discoverer Vanguard.
  • Fixed missing external geometry when standing on Incarcatura bridge.
  • Fixed Incarcatura bridge location.
  • Fixed missing ID code panel on Odysseus.
  • Fixed being able to walk through desks in engineering section.
  • Fixed menu crash when opening the map legend in certain cases.
  • Fixed menu crash when upgrading a damaged ship and then trying to select a different ship.
  • Fixed Empire Menu breaking if menu attempts to display other menus.
  • Fixed game freeze in certain situations.
  • Fixed case of player falling through floor of flying ships.
  • Fixed not being able to use the joystick POV for cockpit camera movement.
  • Fixed some Teladi NPCs not moving their mouths when speaking.
  • Fixed Split female eye blink animation.
  • Fixed inability to remap some camera controls.
  • Fixed incorrect carriage return in version number in start/options menu (Linux only).
  • Fixed possible system memory leak when low on graphics memory.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.


June 4th, 2019

  • Fixed aim ahead indicator no longer being displayed and some other minor targeting glitches (problem introduced in 2.50).






  • No labels