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Initial Sector Ownership

See Systems, Sectors and Zones

Initially Un-Owned Sectors

How Sector Ownership Changes

Sector ownership changes to another faction when the following conditions have been met:

  • All of the original sector owner's administration/build modules have been destroyed
  • No administration/build modules (administration, shipyard and maintenance modules (excluding S/M ship modules) all count) were built by 2 or more factions before the original owners administration module have been destroyed. In the event that this occurs, the sector becomes ownerless until there is only one faction's admin modules remaining.
  • All Xenon defense modules and drone bays have been destroyed
  • The recipient faction has at least one Administration module/build module

Troubleshooting Sector Ownership Problems

  • Always check the entire sector for administration/build modules, the following stations are built with administrative modules: Shipyards, Wharves, Defense Platforms, Trading Station, Equipment Docks, All Xenon stations

Common Misconceptions about Sector Ownership

"Sector Ownership is determined by the faction with the most Administration modules"


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  1. Anonymous

    > No administration/build modules were built by 2 or more factions before the original owners administration module have been destroyed

    This one is weird but interesting. I've managed to drive away HOP from Holy Vision and to build Defence Platform (with adm. module) first. But before I was able to destroy HOP's shipyard, PAR build damn three defence platforms for themselves. So now this sector is stuck in HOP's ownership without a single HOP station.

  2. Anonymous

    i have the same issue right now with two sectors