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Split fight with honour! The following page contains information relating to the Split Vendetta DLC


The Free Families Conflict plot is the main plot in X4 Split Vendetta and was introduced with the DLC. In the plot players can select between expanding the influence of the Zyarth Patriarchy over the Free Families or aiding the Curbs in their coup for control of the Free Families.



  • 1 Spacefly Caviar
  • 3 Spacesuit bombs

Zyarth Patriarchy Branch


  • 1M to join the Court of Curbs
  • Assemble rigged fleet
  • 4 Spacesuit bombs
  • Contribute 400M to the war effort
  • Destroy a Cabal of Curbs station


  • Unified Split patriarchy under Patriarch Zyarth
  • Cabal of Curbs seize most Free Families stations
  • Zyarth seizes Free Families' defence platforms, sectors and critical infrastructure
  • Open war between Curbs and Zyarth (with the eventual result being Zyarth triumphant)

Court of Curbs Branch


  • 1M to join the Court of Curbs
  • Assemble fleet
  • 1 Spacefly Caviar
  • Deliver resources to FRF Trading Station
  • Fund rebellion with 800M Credits


Further Information

A written walkthrough has been provided by "Manoeuvring with Difficulty", it is available on the wiki here