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Encyclopedia description

Solar Energetics is the name of this large conglomerate multi-band energy cell production facility. Always updating itself to the latest technologies, this Canteran-owned operation strives not only to squeeze the last few percent of efficiency out of already incredibly efficient solar cells, but simultaneously attempts to decrease the cost of the technology and so the cost and availability of energy. Solar Energetics is run by AI and a crew of about two hundred engineers and technicians. Its headquarters staff are well-respected employers and allegedly lead the statistics for customer and employee satisfaction as they have already done for many consecutive years.

Production modules

ModuleCountWaresMethodAvg. output/h
E-Cell Fab51Energy CellsCanteran1,200

Production balance

Total production and consumption of fully built station including efficiency, secondary resources and specialists. Where present, the per hour stats for intermediate wares show the difference between production and consumption.

Secondary resourceFood Rations-306-8,874
ProductEnergy Cells102,540512,700
Total Price503,826


V Launcher84,8001,714
HIT/MA Turret1383,5701,400
Plasma/MA Turret247,0403,680
Force Field Projector Mk13650,000
Force Field Projector Mk211100,000
Force Field Projector Mk32150,000

URV capacity: 320

Build plan

A1E-Cell Fab256232324741517112,588,2773,912,980
A2E-Cell Fab29816323671561232623,843,8687,234,434
A3E-Cell Fab215232034497515112,469,3533,726,712
B1E-Cell Fab2058322644614162,510,2633,307,231
B2E-Cell Fab338063056416418431533,684,2369,620,819
B3E-Cell Fab194731884082515112,249,4293,506,788

PE - Product Efficiency
EC - Energy Cells
RMP - Reinforced Metal Plating
FR - Fusion Reactors
BO - Bio-Optic Wiring
FP - Force Field Projector
HM - HIT/MA Turret
PM - Plasma/MA Turret
VL - V Launcher

Known instances in galaxy

DeVriesGlaring TruthFervid CoronaRoC Solar EnergeticsRepublic of Cantera
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