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X Rebirth coordinates system

The coordinates listed are relative to station origin and orientation. There is no way to use the coordinates to find the lockboxes directly. The coordinates saved with PrintScreen screenshots for the Albion Skunk position are relative to zone origin so are not useful.

The coordinates can be used to give a rough hint as to the position of the lockboxes. Open the zone map and select the station from the object list. The map will then centre on station origin and orientate appropriately. The coordinates can then be interpreted manually to restrict where it could be. Even by just using the sign of the coordinates it is on average possible to limit the search area to just 1/8 of the station.

Lockboxes embedded in station geometry (miscellaneous loot)

DeVriesBleak PebblePersistent DarkeningREI Way StationParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
141.666, 99.106, -26.89
AlbionAscendancyFive WaysPMC Civ Ship Parts LotVirtual Seminar (7)-347.989, 273.655, -306.9
AlbionAscendancyFive WaysPMC URV BTO Linehidden_rare_lockbox_al-92.745, -168.534, 1526.697
AlbionAscendancyShady VaultPMC URV Parts SupplyParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
39.394, 927.701, 136.676
AlbionAscendancyShady VaultPMC URV Parts SupplyRare Engine: Valve
Rare Engine: Axis
Rare Engine: Generator
Rare Engine: Concentrator
Rare Engine: Fuel Connector
-888.359, -1286.446, 4530.446
AlbionAscendancyShady VaultPMC Capital ShipyardBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
-2032.153, 7.38, 280.025
AlbionAscendancyForge-Welded MailPMC Construction Shop1,000,000 Cr2846.798, 6.38, 1177.573
AlbionAscendancyForge-Welded MailPMC Construction Shophidden_rare_lockbox_al1540.391, 824.155, 1763.454
AlbionAscendancyForge-Welded MailPMC Construction Shophidden_rare_lockbox_al78.72, -884.804, 177.914
AlbionAscendancyForge-Welded MailPMC Construction ShopLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)303.746, -561.386, -404.832
AlbionAscendancyForge-Welded MailPMC Construction Shophidden_rare_lockbox_al-128.852, -16.383, 2831.69
AlbionAscendancyForge-Welded MailPMC Construction ShopChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)-146.312, 903.064, 2298.358
AlbionAscendancyForge-Welded MailLI Ship Tech Fabhidden_rare_lockbox_al-1.074, 124.351, 1338.331
AlbionAscendancyForge-Welded MailLI Ship Tech FabBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
1263.374, 2258.824, -638.004
AlbionAscendancyLiquid MetalPMC Techno-ComplexParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
278.359, 690.749, 730.229
AlbionAscendancyLiquid MetalPMC Metalworks YardMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)-637.792, -219.806, -1900.269
AlbionAscendancyBuried TreasureBER Tech Laboratory1,000,000 Cr1131.411, 806.238, 45.547
AlbionAscendancyBuried TreasureBER Tech LaboratoryMeteorites (50)
Starflashes (50)
Sunstalkers (50)
Hellbusters (25)
Astrobees (10)
Novadrones (10)
1387.606, 1267.134, -172.735
AlbionAscendancyBuried TreasureLI Ship Tech FabParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
-78.692, -165.955, -124.128
AlbionAscendancyForlorn ArmouryBER Tech LaboratoryLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)169.735, 897.309, 95.884
AlbionAscendancyForlorn ArmouryBER Tech LaboratoryBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
672.444, 1883.676, -3266.733
AlbionAscendancySerpentine DrivewayPMC Metalworks YardMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)1068.004, 10.201, 119.452
AlbionAscendancySerpentine DrivewayNL Spice Plantationhidden_rare_lockbox_al4967.561, 237.522, 976.437
AlbionAscendancySerpentine DrivewayNL Spice PlantationBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
5762.611, 1376.68, -1852.091
AlbionAscendancySerpentine DrivewayNL Spice Plantationhidden_rare_lockbox_al5825.83, 151.902, 846.996
AlbionAscendancySerpentine DrivewayLI High Tech FabParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
513.468, -703.245, -255.696
AlbionAscendancyThe Third DukeBER Tech LaboratoryEntertainment Consoles (5)
Hacker Chips (35)
Neuronal Stimulant (35)
-321.643, -187.054, 1272.325
AlbionAscendancyThe Third DukeBER Tech LaboratoryJump Drive Coolant (5-10)4.053, 79.843, -1194.07
AlbionAscendancyThe Third DukeBER Tech LaboratoryBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
1355.414, -163.32, -3988.717
MaelstromSable VortexVenturous ProfitXEN The AqueductMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)6018.545, -177.646, 21571.713
MaelstromSable VortexVenturous ProfitXEN The AqueductLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-6223.46, -143.809, 5686.159
MaelstromSable VortexCryptic HeartXEN Xenon StationParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
-3494.016, 331.228, -1110.943
MaelstromSable VortexCryptic HeartXEN Xenon StationMeteorites (50)
Starflashes (50)
Sunstalkers (50)
Hellbusters (25)
Astrobees (10)
Novadrones (10)
157.95, -13.516, -66.167
MaelstromSable VortexCryptic HeartXEN Xenon Station1,000,000 Cr110.027, 270.201, -173.272
MaelstromSable VortexCryptic HeartXEN Xenon StationMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)-537.622, 258.602, 2040.676
MaelstromSable VortexCryptic HeartXEN Xenon StationHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)664.911, 181.963, 534.682
MaelstromSable VortexCryptic HeartXEN Xenon StationParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
2638.621, -131.97, 150.354
DeVriesBarren HeartUnmet PromiseAsteroidEntertainment Consoles (5)
Hacker Chips (35)
Neuronal Stimulant (35)
764.482, 36.482, 3505.645
DeVriesBarren HeartHeartache MistRoC HabitationJump Drive Coolant (5-10)-1187.891, -32.189, 609.02
AlbionInner WorldWatergatePMC Arms Tech Fabhidden_rare_lockbox_al737.965, 19.426, 2840.782
AlbionInner WorldWatergatePMC Arms Tech FabMeteorites (50)
Starflashes (50)
Sunstalkers (50)
Hellbusters (25)
Astrobees (10)
Novadrones (10)
1242.39, -529.669, 3100.126
AlbionInner WorldWatergatePMC Arms Tech FabMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)-122.306, -1001.22, -3445.63
AlbionInner WorldFrozen CircuitPMC Construction ShopLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-149.878, -13.629, 2760.187
AlbionInner WorldFrozen CircuitPMC Construction ShopParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
-96.363, 2.939, 3393.04
AlbionInner WorldFrozen CircuitPMC Construction Shophidden_rare_lockbox_al-2346.647, -109.01, -273.802
AlbionInner WorldCuspid SplintLI H2O Additives FacVirtual Seminar (7)-3573.771, 502.561, 1862.635
AlbionInner WorldCuspid SplintLI Civ Ship Dockyard1,000,000 Cr304.756, 295.907, -550.767
AlbionInner WorldCuspid SplintLI Civ Ship Dockyardhidden_rare_lockbox_al335.22, 269.853, -353.431
AlbionInner WorldDistress ReekLI Arms Tech Supplyhidden_rare_lockbox_al-613.426, -88.408, -483.432
AlbionInner WorldDistress ReekLI Arms Tech SupplyParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
1604.269, -822.648, -1240.122
AlbionInner WorldCold PeaksPMC Crystal Supplierhidden_rare_lockbox_al-93.124, 262.014, -5396.337
AlbionInner WorldCold PeaksPMC Crystal Supplier1,000,000 Cr427.866, -379.325, 3911.439
AlbionInner WorldCold PeaksPMC Crystal Supplierhidden_rare_lockbox_al1313.256, 461.492, 5465.104
AlbionInner WorldPeriodic BlastingPMC Techno-ComplexBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
-839.275, -104.741, 4590.721
AlbionInner WorldPeriodic BlastingPMC Techno-ComplexChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)1151.323, 1080.774, -257.513
AlbionInner WorldPeriodic BlastingNL Med Dispensaryhidden_rare_lockbox_al1056.971, -71.791, -998.558
AlbionInner WorldSinister PoemLI Arms Tech SupplyMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)904.02, 887.146, -34.931
AlbionInner WorldSinister PoemLI Arms Tech SupplyRare Engine: Valve
Rare Engine: Axis
Rare Engine: Generator
Rare Engine: Concentrator
Rare Engine: Fuel Connector
959.142, -31.075, -112.595
AlbionInner WorldSinister PoemLI Arms Tech Supplyhidden_rare_lockbox_al678.893, 417.515, 28.655
AlbionInner WorldCrossroadsAES Cell Fab Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al-1671.133, -283.636, -577.242
AlbionInner WorldCrossroadsAES Cell Fab Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al-1176.106, 69.377, -216.33
AlbionInner WorldCrossroadsAES Cell Fab Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al69.898, -428.42, 3640.229
MaelstromSigma SectorAlpha QuadrantAG Sky MeadowsJump Drive Coolant (5-10)1653.355, -48.321, -2439.792
MaelstromSigma SectorAlpha QuadrantAG Sky Meadows5,000,000 Cr-5515.444, -178.213, -5784.983
MaelstromSigma SectorAlpha QuadrantAG Sky MeadowsBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
-4209.404, 478.672, -10690.759
MaelstromBlurred ReflectionThe Sixth ScriptureRYK Lost Colonyhidden_rare_lockbox_al7103.583, 794.899, 4243.483
MaelstromBlurred ReflectionThe Sixth ScriptureRYK Lost ColonyChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)299.247, 1843.409, -1972.292
Omicron LyraeDevoid ClimeKeen ChantJSS TechnoCore Hi-E1,000,000 Cr-2647.531, -456.613, 2771.805
Omicron LyraeDevoid ClimeIllusory RestSE Solar Energy Arrayhidden_rare_lockbox_al4123.36, 1454.017, 1471.325
Omicron LyraeDevoid ClimePath Of GloryAG R&D Chem LabLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-3038.107, -411.109, -3838.262
Omicron LyraeDevoid ClimeSilent VoidSE Solar Energy Arrayhidden_rare_lockbox_al122.239, 266.162, 3804.308
AlbionFar OutThe Big EmptyPMC Plutarch Exchangehidden_rare_lockbox_al-823.573, 122.809, 1823.164
AlbionFar OutThe Big EmptyPMC Plutarch ExchangeJump Drive Coolant (5-10)-1015.484, -546.195, 6922.83
AlbionFar OutConcealed HideoutAES Energy ArrayLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)9269.796, -708.287, 174.109
AlbionFar OutConcealed HideoutAES Energy ArrayParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
4706.288, -444.33, 2189.74
AlbionFar OutConcealed HideoutAES Energy Arrayhidden_rare_lockbox_al9998.957, 722.54, 1962.318
AlbionFar OutWoodland PastureAES Cell Fab MatrixRare Engine: Battery
Rare Engine: Drive Connector
Rare Engine: Core
Rare Engine: AM Regulator
Rare Engine: Velocity Control
114.585, -812.339, 3749.553
AlbionFar OutWoodland PastureAES Energy Array IIMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)9029.889, -689.37, -129.554
AlbionFar OutExhaustless MinesHOA Lonely GiantBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
184.441, 425.955, 866.598
AlbionFar OutExhaustless MinesHOA Lonely Gianthidden_rare_lockbox_al89.398, 817.481, -883.404
AlbionFar OutExhaustless MinesHOA Valley Plantation1,000,000 Cr1672.58, -800.957, 1732.513
AlbionFar OutExhaustless MinesHOA Valley PlantationLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)2913.921, -782.744, 2762.186
AlbionFar OutExhaustless MinesWF Argnu Stockyardhidden_rare_lockbox_al-3391.876, 201.691, -56.168
AlbionFar OutExhaustless MinesWF Floating Meadows IBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
190.343, 65.305, 5052.653
AlbionFar OutSteady MoleAES Cell Fab Matrix IIEntertainment Consoles (5)
Hacker Chips (35)
Neuronal Stimulant (35)
-461.555, -391.537, 26.595
AlbionFar OutGemstone ManufactureWF Staples Farmeryhidden_rare_lockbox_al1402.795, 238.453, 1089.899
AlbionFar OutGemstone ManufactureWF Staples Farmeryhidden_rare_lockbox_al-4210.185, 222.17, 1017.173
AlbionFar OutGemstone ManufactureHOA Capital Shipyardhidden_rare_lockbox_al5.9, 1498.887, -89.945
AlbionFar OutRising StarWF Foodstuffs SupplyChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)33.904, 983.825, 57.289
Omicron LyraeRadiant HavenHigh ScholarFP R&D Chem LabChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)-3082.669, 196.146, -76.14
Omicron LyraeRadiant HavenGleam Of HopeAG Retail BoatyardMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)273.377, -61.626, -3222.073
Omicron LyraeRadiant HavenEverlasting WardenJSS Crystal RefineryParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
-3241.278, -822.403, 7436.564
Omicron LyraeRadiant HavenThe VindicatorJSS Mega Cellfabhidden_rare_lockbox_al648.688, -1937.428, -2112.984
Omicron LyraeRadiant HavenParamount BenefactorJSS Mil Hi-Tech Dept1,000,000 Cr51.37, -58.843, 5949.516
AlbionLookout AlphaEpsilon LowlandsSS Warehouse1,000,000 Cr-441, -449.61, -3113.049
AlbionLookout AlphaEpsilon LowlandsSS WarehouseChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)-1153.945, 744.139, 238.584
AlbionLookout AlphaDormant BearPMC Badlands ColonyLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-149.16, 372.052, -256.357
AlbionLookout AlphaDormant BearPMC Badlands ColonyBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
-819.074, 288.963, -364.492
AlbionLookout AlphaEven TemperWF Staples Farmery IBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
4477.939, -47.284, -84.682
AlbionLookout AlphaAzure BarrierPMC Metalworks YardJump Drive Coolant (5-10)-3402.205, 21.555, 2345.015
AlbionLookout AlphaSmokestackNL Med Dispensary5,000,000 Cr5144.104, -280.942, -352.364
AlbionLookout AlphaSmokestackNL Med Dispensaryhidden_rare_lockbox_al-6673.824, -320.15, 281.866
AlbionLookout AlphaStraining CoppiceLI Arms Tech FabEntertainment Consoles (5)
Hacker Chips (35)
Neuronal Stimulant (35)
-154.985, 831.71, -1309.287
AlbionLookout AlphaAuspicious ExcavationAES Energy ArrayHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)-164.539, -595.737, 232.565
AlbionLookout AlphaAuspicious ExcavationAES Energy Array IIVirtual Seminar (7)4706.026, -431.541, 2196.652
AlbionLookout AlphaAuspicious ExcavationAES Energy ArrayParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
-4666.401, -445.591, 2137.24
AlbionLookout AlphaDwarfish TinderboxPMC Metalworks YardLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-3527.997, -344.012, 3062.584
AlbionLookout AlphaDistant FumeAES Cell Fab MatrixRare Engine: Battery
Rare Engine: Drive Connector
Rare Engine: Core
Rare Engine: AM Regulator
Rare Engine: Velocity Control
-40.289, -2268.368, 2538.275
AlbionLookout AlphaDistant FumeAES Cell Fab Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al-45.747, -1220.048, 1794.81
Omicron LyraeEclipse CloudsRatfish WatersCHOW Licensed Distilleryhidden_rare_lockbox_al-2084.146, -2711.494, -3788.149
Omicron LyraeEclipse CloudsMurky SkiesAC Water Prep PlantBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
20.242, -164.322, -18754.613
Omicron LyraeEclipse CloudsWavy HazeSE Mega CellfabHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)481.748, -2104.017, -2089.244
Omicron LyraeEclipse CloudsPearly ShoreAC Metalframes FabParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
10.285, 94.669, 1626.611
Omicron LyraeEclipse CloudsThe Great BasinFP R&D Chem Labhidden_rare_lockbox_al-3678.354, -158.969, 222.979
Omicron LyraeEclipse CloudsRelocating StonesFP Pharma-Spice Farm30,000,000 Cr69.898, -282.846, -2835.9
Omicron LyraeEclipse CloudsTwin TempestJSS URV Mass Linehidden_rare_lockbox_al2418.546, -393.386, -74.486
Omicron LyraeEclipse CloudsDrippy AscentJSS Mil Hi-Tech Depthidden_rare_lockbox_al-3795.715, 15.614, -383.753
DeVriesGlaring TruthFervid CoronaRoC Solar EnergeticsParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
-6750.254, -755.979, 389.752
DeVriesGlaring TruthFervid CoronaRoC Solar EnergeticsLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-1644.693, -445.896, -91.765
DeVriesGlaring TruthFervid CoronaRoC Solar Energetics1,000,000 Cr540.467, -78.057, 888.571
DeVriesGlaring TruthGushing SpringRoC Crystal CastleChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)1565.351, -2702.576, 3367.984
DeVriesGlaring TruthGushing SpringRoC Crystal CastleLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-144.706, -70.998, 10.834
DeVriesGlaring TruthDarned Hot AirRoC BTO Ship LineVirtual Seminar (7)3844.769, -28.322, 74.001
DeVriesGlaring TruthDarned Hot AirRoC BTO Ship LineHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)900.74, -15.734, -461.422
DeVriesGlaring TruthFifteen RaysRoC Wheat PlantationBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
215.44, 239.347, 219.791
Omicron LyraeCommerce CoreAerodromeCHOW Mega-Tank FarmMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)2028.228, -667.366, -1999.343
Omicron LyraeCommerce CoreVoracious LadyAG Metalframes FabChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)-2813.495, -388.012, -5496.789
Omicron LyraeCommerce CoreLast StandCHOW BoFu Star ComplexVirtual Seminar (7)3168.448, -2236.804, -1779.059
Omicron LyraeCommerce CoreThe Fallen KingdomJSS URV Integrationhidden_rare_lockbox_al-459.434, 599.526, 7388.536
Omicron LyraeCommerce CoreThriving FieldsCHOW Plankton TankfarmBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
-905.225, -975.716, 3440.009
Omicron LyraeCommerce CoreDouble JunctionCHOW Pharma-Spice Farmhidden_rare_lockbox_al4819.597, -991.894, 6451.187
Omicron LyraeCommerce CoreIcy TearsCHOW Soy Bean FarmEntertainment Consoles (5)
Hacker Chips (35)
Neuronal Stimulant (35)
2338.494, 1779.935, 5933.071
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 16TOR Staples Farmery1,000,000 Cr4580.389, -3.559, -688.295
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 16TOR Staples FarmeryMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)206.218, 17.272, 309.736
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 17TER Terracorp HQParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
109.436, 65.776, 301.635
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 17TER Terracorp HQLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)681.21, 122.505, 1126.293
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersSerra's EndTER Argnu Stockyardhidden_rare_lockbox_al-1199.299, 53.478, -305.24
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 20TER Mineral Mine1,000,000 Cr-138.767, 302.476, -142.673
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphDistrict 06TER Construction ShopMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)-2423.17, 31.036, 1082.965
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphDistrict 07 Blank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
-0.9078, -122.619, -153.071
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphDistrict 07TER High Tech FabVirtual Seminar (7)282.217, -43.328, 3963.944
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphDistrict 08TER URV Parts Supplyhidden_rare_lockbox_al-893.103, -1290.873, 4189.776
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphJerigan's BreakTER URV BTO Linehidden_rare_lockbox_al-75.949, -112.857, 1586.451
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphEndgameTER Ship Tech FabHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)-47.436, -61.723, 2054.67
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphDistrict 09TER Tech Laboratory1,000,000 Cr454.27, -462.96, -3480.449
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphDistrict 10TER Tech Laboratoryhidden_rare_lockbox_al172.316, 884.492, 120.79
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 01TER Floating MeadowsBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
2933.209, 1395.774, -59.62
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 02TER WarehouseLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-1836.335, 753.076, -1504.327
Home of LightWest GateNirin TreatyTER Hydrogen-3 Facility1,000,000 Cr515.846, -20.395, 550.526
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 04TER Cell Recharge FacParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
4.049, 1392.571, 212.3
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 05 Blank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
42.687, -77.775, -500.877
Home of LightWest GateAllegianceXEN Xenon MatrixJump Drive Coolant (5-10)-70.784, -386.768, -142.588
Home of LightWest GateKR-12XEN Xenon Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al98.649, -85.964, 539.621
Home of LightWest GateFarawayXEN Xenon StationEntertainment Consoles (5)
Hacker Chips (35)
Neuronal Stimulant (35)
2041.501, 1202.813, 32.417
Home of LightWest GateFarawayXEN Xenon StationHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)994.818, -740.042, 1928.327
Home of LightWest GateFarawayXEN Xenon Stationhidden_rare_lockbox_al2493.125, -650.408, 1529.996
Home of LightAkeela's DreamDistrict 11TER H2O Additives FacParanid Jewellery (20)
Gold Nuggets (500)
Chipped Diamonds (500)
Metal Alloys (22)
-0.1855, 483.879, 522.793
Home of LightAkeela's DreamDistrict 12TER Arms Tech SupplyChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)-662.06, -457.293, 618.504
Home of LightAkeela's DreamDistrict 13TER Med Dispensaryhidden_rare_lockbox_al-25.44, -14.764, -3565.363
Home of LightAkeela's DreamExodusTER Techno-ComplexLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-3001.174, 1114.687, 291.386
Home of LightAkeela's DreamDistrict 14TER Civ Ship Dockyardhidden_rare_lockbox_al273.547, 227.06, 4268.038
Home of LightAkeela's DreamDistrict 15 Low-grade Weapon Mod (10)4.757, 6.006, -179.889
TorideKoroniXZ GammaXEN Xenon MatrixParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
666.32, -265.491, 136.857
TorideKoroniXZ GammaXEN Xenon MatrixJump Drive Coolant (5-10)2441.656, -599.57, 390.428
TorideKoroniXZ GammaXEN AsteroidHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)-53.181, 25.939, -6.872
TorideKoroniSol GateTER Cell Fab MatrixVirtual Seminar (7)-383.1, -100.446, -3037.45
TorideKoroniFirst StepTOR Metalworks Yard1,000,000 Cr4815.25, -422.002, 1560.842
TorideKoroniLast Hearth High-grade Weapon Mod (3)51.785, 12.092, -27.468
TorideKoroniLast HearthXEN Xenon StationMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)-232.672, 26.057, 81.192
TorideKoroniLast HearthXEN Xenon StationParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
1418.66, -391.702, -97.951
TorideKoroniLacrimosaTOR Cell Fab Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al1874.364, -330.472, -25.32
TorideKoroniLacrimosaTOR Cell Fab MatrixDetonator (5)
Engine Components (50)
Guidance System (5)
Kyon Warhead (5)
1897.833, -787.233, 6.413
TorideKoroniXZ BetaXEN Asteroidhidden_rare_lockbox_al22.452, -5.39, -4.663
TorideKoroniXZ BetaXEN AsteroidParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
-55.831, 27.561, -82.298
TorideKoroniXZ BetaXEN AsteroidParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
32.153, 13.899, -22.742
TorideKoroniXZ AlphaXEN Xenon Station5,000,000 Cr240.819, -623.084, 1138.769
TorideKoroniXZ AlphaXEN Xenon StationMeteorites (50)
Starflashes (50)
Sunstalkers (50)
Hellbusters (25)
Astrobees (10)
Novadrones (10)
2116.435, -761.424, -1104.034
TorideKoroniXZ AlphaXEN Xenon StationParanid Jewellery (20)
Gold Nuggets (500)
Chipped Diamonds (500)
Metal Alloys (22)
-1647.247, -1241.547, 423.288
TorideKoroniConstant CascadeUN Unidentifiable StationMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)866.706, 5769.781, 1711.156
TorideKoroniAnchorageATL Haunt30,000,000 Cr-101.174, 114.208, -40.511
TorideKoroniAnchorageATL HauntBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
98.575, 116.841, -43.429
TorideKoroniXZ DeltaXEN Xenon Matrix5,000,000 Cr750.041, 691.102, 2368.365
TorideKoroniXZ DeltaXEN Xenon Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al519.132, 1287.812, 1577.519
TorideKoroniXZ DeltaXEN Xenon MatrixBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
1402.414, 1083.691, -1488.869
TorideKoroniXZ DeltaXEN Xenon MatrixLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-1063.468, 917.165, 57.383
TorideKoroniXZ DeltaXEN Weapon Platform1,000,000 Cr5.35, 63.299, -1.373
TorideKoroniThe BoneyardXEN Xenon MatrixParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
1180.847, 591.152, -859.476
TorideKoroniThe BoneyardXEN Xenon Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al276.318, 324.298, -962.552
TorideKoroniThe BoneyardXEN Xenon Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al-206.778, 195.788, -817.996
TorideKoroniThe BoneyardXEN Xenon Matrix5,000,000 Cr-611.306, 603.456, -130.214
TorideKoroniThe BoneyardXEN Xenon MatrixParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
668.156, -165.875, 107.756
TorideKoroniThe BoneyardXEN AsteroidLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)20.933, 29.133, -54.256
TorideKoroniTerminal ReflectionATL HauntBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
94.251, 80.096, 214.406
TorideKoroniTerminal ReflectionATL Haunthidden_rare_lockbox_al-93.038, 116.36, 35.664
TorideKoroniTerminal ReflectionATL Haunthidden_rare_lockbox_al102.089, 120.378, 45.152
TorideKoroniThe Ninth ZoneATL Colony StationLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-504.959, 47.332, 1857.987
TorideKoroniThe Ninth ZoneATL Colony Stationhidden_rare_lockbox_al-183.615, -2145.235, 1346.944
TorideKoroniConstant CascadeUN Unidentifiable Station5,000,000 Cr-68.428, 1740.415, 254.825
TorideKoroniConstant CascadeUN Unidentifiable StationDetonator (5)
Engine Components (50)
Guidance System (5)
Kyon Warhead (5)
2460.387, -1159.826, 914.548
TorideKoroniConstant CascadeUN Unidentifiable StationLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)3640.405, -1446.361, 1599.464
Cold StarNatural ExpansionMidas MistsXEN Xenon MatrixChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)-142.288, 265.132, -840.663
Cold StarNatural ExpansionMidas MistsXEN Xenon Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al1437.567, -9.342, -938.688
Cold StarNatural ExpansionMidas MistsXEN Xenon Matrix1,000,000 Cr645.155, -110.608, 132.939
Cold StarNatural ExpansionMidas MistsXEN Weapon PlatformLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)15.527, 62.747, 8.456
Cold StarNatural ExpansionMineral RushTOR Metalworks YardBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
-2853.858, -174.107, 2324.479
Cold StarNatural ExpansionEliminated ObligationsTOR Cell Fab Matrix1,000,000 Cr-1125.059, 40.521, -130.169
Cold StarNatural ExpansionEliminated ObligationsTER Cell Recharge Fachidden_rare_lockbox_al-476.812, -1011.257, -1158.26
Cold StarOde MonumentiLongest ReignTER WarehouseHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)-1444.335, 544.739, -1556.626
Cold StarOde MonumentiLongest ReignTER WarehouseBlank ID Cards (5)
Blank Freight Papers
Mineral Fertiliser (1,000)
Albion Visa (5)
-427.273, -406.889, -2917.123
Cold StarOde MonumentiAlbert's TheoryTOR Cell Fab MatrixParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
-209.224, -72.899, 50.413
Cold StarOde MonumentiSputnik Planum 5,000,000 Cr537.089, 52.343, 348.127
Cold StarOde MonumentiSputnik Planum Jump Drive Coolant (5-10)2524.176, -149.763, 5832.316
Cold StarOde MonumentiSputnik Planum Meteorites (50)
Starflashes (50)
Sunstalkers (50)
Hellbusters (25)
Astrobees (10)
Novadrones (10)
6022.273, -207.38, 21609.877
Cold StarOde MonumentiPhilaeTER Metalworks YardMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)3008.903, 575.205, -81.144
Cold StarThe QuarryEnd of LineTOR H2O Additives FacParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
80.129, 652.993, 485.15
Cold StarThe QuarrySecond ApproachTOR Cell Fab Matrixhidden_rare_lockbox_al469.441, -356.313, -493.219
Cold StarThe QuarryReef's EdgeATL Colony Outpost1,000,000 Cr1827.028, 64.941, 95.727
Cold StarThe QuarryReef's EdgeATL Colony OutpostVirtual Seminar (7)-475.375, -82.942, 1536.921
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeVerdant ProfitTU OverwatchLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)8339.141, -372.714, 303.24
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeVerdant ProfitTU Overwatchhidden_rare_lockbox_al140.572, -741.865, 6626.031
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeVerdant ProfitTU OverwatchMedium-grade Weapon Mod (5)0.6782, -2092.811, 9694.205
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeVerdant ProfitTU OverwatchChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)-3.74, 947.303, 2855.938
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeVerdant ProfitTU Overwatch1,000,000 Cr995.557, 7345.293, 2.672
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeEmpty SpaceTU Station WreckParanid Jewellery (5)
Gold Nuggets (35)
Chipped Diamonds (40)
204.595, -268.739, 103.09
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeEmpty SpaceTU Station Wreckhidden_rare_lockbox_al-2383.437, -32.091, -904.13
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeEmpty SpaceTU Station WreckJump Drive Coolant (5-10)-265.786, -423.948, 2189.56
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazePostern GateTU FoundryEntertainment Consoles (5)
Hacker Chips (35)
Neuronal Stimulant (35)
736.114, -675.627, 745.251
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazePostern GateTU Foundryhidden_rare_lockbox_al-1686.35, 101.058, 12148.844
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeHissed SyllableUA HauntLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-174.513, 191.757, -1705.012
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeHissed SyllableUA HauntMeteorites (50)
Starflashes (50)
Sunstalkers (50)
Hellbusters (25)
Astrobees (10)
Novadrones (10)
-6444.602, -120.072, -2693.146
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeLast ResortWar MemorialParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
-186.422, 301.793, -387.611
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeLast ResortWar Memorialhidden_rare_lockbox_al201.713, -276.587, 123.419
Fields of OpportunitySerpentine HazeSilent NightCAR DenHigh-grade Weapon Mod (3)-3.858, 152.391, -215.812
Fields of OpportunityFatal PathSea-green OasisTU Water CollectorChocolate Laced Rations (5,000)116.002, -650.001, 1841.098
Fields of OpportunityFatal PathSea-green OasisTU Water Collector1,000,000 Cr-1341.146, -128.724, -506.333
Fields of OpportunityFatal PathBiting SteelXEN Xenon Stationhidden_rare_lockbox_al-742.45, 446.647, 107.187
Fields of OpportunityFatal PathBiting SteelXEN Xenon StationBlank ID Cards (50)
Blank Freight Papers (100)
1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Cr
2236.12, -461.744, 905.864
Fields of OpportunityFatal PathBiting SteelXEN Xenon StationVirtual Seminar (7)2601.439, -798.568, 1271.968
Fields of OpportunityFatal PathRisky DealCAR DenJump Drive Coolant (5-10)77.509, -238.265, 782.583
Fields of OpportunityFatal PathSanctuaryTU FoundryParanid Jewellery (10)
Gold Nuggets (60)
Chipped Diamonds (60)
Metal Alloys (5)
98.451, 307.212, 16462.787
Fields of OpportunityFatal PathSanctuaryTU FoundryLow-grade Weapon Mod (10)-630.257, 436.697, 15239.759
  • No labels


  1. Anonymous

    Do these always exist? If so those rare engine components and Jump Drive Coolant ones will make the appropriate side quests very easy. I have yet to ever make the jump drive due to a lack of Jump Drive Coolant but with all those lock boxes with guaranteed Jump Drive Coolant it makes me feel quite stupid lol.


    1. Anonymous

      Hehe, yeah, I think i found all of 4 coolant from loot drops for the JD mission while amassing my fortune :D

      - Sparky

    2. Yes, all listed lockboxes generated at game start.
      You still need to find them on station surface, stations are big (smile).
      And these boxes don't have Jump Drive Components (rare) in them.

      -- solntcev

  2. Anonymous

    Something feels wrong with some of the lockbox coordinates. Either they are using a different coordinate system (possibly relative to station origin?) from the screen shot tool or they are wrong.

    For example take the PMC Plutarch Exchange boxes. The rare drop one leads to a point where there is nothing. The jump fuel box leads to the middle of nowhere several kilometers away from the station. This also applies to the Jump Fuel one for the PMC Metalworks Yard which also lists coordinates that lead to the middle of nowhere far from the station.

    I will keep investigating for a solution as currently these coordinates are turning out not very useful.


    1. Anonymous

      Coordinates listed are relative to station and not zone. Screenshot coordinates do not help you find them as they are relative to zone.


      1. Hello, yes, coordinates are relative to station. Sorry about confusion. I will try to determine station index, it is not stored in map files but generated by game.

        I will try to make images with station schematics instead of coordinates later.

        1. Anonymous

          I do not think removing coordinates is nescescary, but certainly adding images would be useful. If you are worried about the table being too wide you could use abbreviated system and sector names as used in game.

  3. Anonymous

    To convert to zone co-ords, you need to extract "zones.xml" from the core files under maps->XU_ep1_universe. This file contains the station's locations and rotation, unfortunately in quaternions.

    I Googled an excel spreadsheet that converted these quaternions into a matrix that you could then multiply by the co-ords given above ("quaternion-rotations-tested.xls"). This is basically the offset from the station's location relative to the zone, so getting the actual co-ords is to just add the result to the station's location.

    Even with exact co-ords, they can still be tricky to find, mainly because the only way to track your co-ord is by taking screenshots, although I am sure someone can (or has) written a script that outputs to the Debug log in game. That and the above doesn't disinguish between multiple factories of the same type in a zone.



  4. Anonymous

    Hi all,

    I'm really having trouble finding anything. I'm not even sure what I'm looking for! Do these lockboxes look the same as the one you find in open space? Are they just 'glued' to the surface or do you need to travel into tunnels, ducts, etc? I've just spent 3 hours trying to use the data above and have yet to find anything (sad)

    Thank you for your help!


    1. They are partially submerged in station surface, pretty hard to spot. only small part of box is visible (hatch with locks). You may need to squeese between station modules to find boxes.

      Easiest station to start - is Devries shipyard. There are 2 lockboxes, they are close to eachother, near small ship docks, one is inside tube, and other is inside glowing dock with dome on top.

  5. Anonymous

    Thanks very much. I'll check them out!

  6. Anonymous

    This is nice.  I had already found 2-3 of them. bu I never imagined there were so many.

    Good job!

  7. Anonymous

    it seems that map doesn't center on point of origin. for example, with station in The Third Duke, if you center the station, the "point of origin" is somewhere in space. yet, there is a lockbox with coordinates of x:4, which obviously can't be since it would be in space.

    for the same reason, it would be nice if the unit of measurement (X:4 - 4 of what? meters? centimeters? inches?) was given along with coordinates, as even if the point of origin is wrong, one could still figure out where the center is using a known lockbox. as it stands, it's nigh impossible to find any lockboxes on big stations even if you know where one of the lockboxes is.

    1. Anonymous

      I assumed it was meters.  It seemed to fit the bill in my case.  

      Some of these boxes are just so damn hard to find. XD

  8. Anonymous

    I have searched the station RoC Habitation in Heartache Mist (DeVris/Barren Heart) for over 4 hours and havent found anything.
    So far I just cant confirm the existence of these "station crates", unless someone can provide a good discription or (even better) a screenshot. Right now, I dont have any clue how these crates look like.

    1. Anonymous

      I think you shouldnt bother anymore, I tried to find the crates on the first 10 locations for over 5 hours and found nothing. Its also interesting, that this is the only site mentioning these special lockboxes, but noone has provided any screenshots yet.

      So either these lockboxes were patched out or they never existed in the first place.

      (Im was playing the "Teladi Outpost" Start)

      1. Anonymous


        Just for fun I tried some more stations in Devries AND i actually found a station crate. The loot i got from it matched the loot mentioned above.

        I found the station lockbox in Devries/Barren Heart/Unmet Promise. Here is how they look like:

    2. Anonymous

      I've found about 1 out of 2 boxes i've been looking for.  (I may have found 8 or 10 in total).  They are just bitching hard to find.  It can take hours some time.  You will always see the lid of the box with the four target switches, but sometines that really is all you can see.

      Heh, you have worm your way inside the station most of the time, too.  I've found my way into places I never would have tought possible to reach if I didn't know there was something in there.

      1. Anonymous

        Not surprising that many in DeVries were not found, the system is under constant attack and the lockboxes may have been destroyed in a previous attack.

  9. Anonymous

    The best way I found to find boxes is to use station scanning mode. The station will light up but the boxes will not.

    The coordinates are tough to use so I think each entry needs a text guide. For example the woodland pasture AES Energy Array II can be found as follows:


    Far Out- Woodland Pasture- AES Energy Array II (Medium weapon components)

    • Fly out the woodland pasture highway and hold still.
    • draw a line from the comm dish(nearby, lower right) to the wine glass hologram up ahead. It's on that docking block.
    • Fly behind the block and look under the glowing cylinders.

    Tips for writing a guide:

    • Always auto rotate to the ecliptic. That way everyone is facing the same way.
    • Always start your directions at an obvious waypoint. This will usually be the highway. Some places have multiple highway lines so specify how you want them to enter the system. Set the waypoint to the factory and leave exactly when the waypoint tells you to.
    • Stations are made up of multiple big chunks. Point out what chunk the player wants to search. High, low, left, right, close, far. All players are starting from the same waypoint so describe where to go if they start at that point. Station geometry usually has obvious shapes to describe them by. Simple.
    • Leave final details for investigating that chunk. Some boxes are pretty well hidden even if you know where to look!
    • Some boxes can be discovered easily with the long range scanner! I don't know the exact rules for this but I suspect only the free flying boxes are visible. If you can scan it, say so!
    1. Anonymous

      OH, I almost forgot. Some boxes will dump their cargo directly into station geometry so you can't grab them. I nearly lost the Woodland Pasture weapon components this way. BEWARE!

      1. Anonymous

        Far OutWoodland PastureAES Cell Fab Matrix (engine components)
        • Fly out the woodland pasture highway
        • Turn right almost all the way around. Fly towards the second multi ring tower (orange station scan)
        • Orient yourself in front of the lower billboard sign. You will be under the highway exit.
        • Fly directly into and over the billboard. It'll be a tight squeeze!
        • You'll see the box pointing down from above, but will have to maneuver a bit to tag all the locks.
        • Warning: Deposits into station geometry! May take a reload or two to get it.
    2. Anonymous

       AscendancyShady VaultPMC URV Parts Supply(engine components)
      • Waypoint: The highway exit at the ascendency=> inner world's TOA
      • Turn towards the station and fly directly towards it.
      • See the spinning 3-pronged fork on the right (orange scan)?  It's tucked behind the fork. Approach above the connecting tube just before it.
      • Point towards the fork. You will see a station block (orange) to the right (spinning fan tunnel) and a gun platform to the lower left.
      • Fly toward the fork and stay close to the station.
  10. Anonymous

    It would also help a great deal to specify which axis belongs to which number.

    Is it for example X:Y:Z or X:Z:Y ??

    While searching for Jump Drive Coolant, I found Albion

     AscendancyThe Third DukeBER Tech LaboratoryEntertainment Consoles (5)
    Hacker Chips (35)
    Neuronal Stimulant (35)
    -321.643, -187.054, 1272.325

    But when I click on the station to orient it, it is shown completely to the left of the X Axis, meaning the X can't be a positive number for the jump drive coolant. Could anyone tell me how to properly read those numbers ? I really do not get it.

    1. Anonymous

      The coordinated are X:Y:Z.  The big question is what is the reference point.

      My impression is the reference point is the map's pivot point when you have selected the station.  (Open the zone map, select the station and the camera should zoom on it.  Then, right-click on the map and pivot it to figure out the center point).

      I could be wrong though...  It's the impression I got so far, but I haven't found enough boxed to be 100% sure.  (I found no "tricky" boxes to confirm this impression)

  11. Anonymous

    Jump coolant boxes (noDLC) guide:

    Maelstrom AG Sky meadows:

    • Exit the Jump Gate and point towards the Blast Quarry highway. Look at the 4 o-clock position from there.
    • The tall cylinder tower closest to you (blue) is the target.
    • Fly underneath the far end of the tower.
    • It's a few hundred meters from the storage bridge info point.

    Devries Heartache Mist:

    • Inside the ruined station piece connecting the whole ring to the partial ring.

    Lookout Alpha Metalworks yard

    • There are three arms on the station.
    • The target arm points towards the highway in the direction of highway travel. It's on the steel refinery(orange) block and has a URV launcher.
    • Fly directly under the URV launcher and face directly towards the station.
    •  strafe right about a km. The box is hidden in an alcove at the top of the screen.

    Albion, Ascendency, Third duke: BER Tech lab

    • Tucked in the tesla duo charger (green, two rows of cylinders storage) in the middle of the other container storage units (green).
    • You will find a URV launcher with its back to the duo charger. Fly directly behind it and look right through the cracks. It's in there pretty deep.
    • OR check around and under the "Station Administration" dock.

    Albion, Far out, big empty: PMC Plutarch Exchange

    • Exit the Highway
    • Turn left and fly just behind the Free Commercial Port(~1km). Turn towards the highway again.
    • The lockbox is hidden at the end of the Hit/MA turret line underneath you.

    Well that was fun! I hope you had as much fun finding these boxes as I had making the guide!

  12. Anonymous

    Would it not be easier to just list what part of the station its embedded on? or even just post a picture as to what they look like i haven't been able to find a single one using this :/

    1. I think it was the other way around. As in I think their coordinates were found via code-diving, rather than working out coordinates after finding them in-game.


      It would be fine to add a new column to the table for links to screenshots and/or short descriptions of locations.



  13. Anonymous

    Hi All,


    Actually I'm still confused with the coordinates... I can see the zone map also the x/z orientation but on the zone map I cannot see any numbers. How can I interpret and use these numbers in the coordinate column? Where can I turn it on on the map? Or how to see any number on the map??


    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hello,

      There isn't an in-game record of our x-y-z axis position relative to other objects. So unfortunately we can only use these x-y-z distances (indicating distance from station centre) to estimate where an object is manually.


      Having said that, we could convert the coordinates into combinations of distance and direction. I'm away from a PC now but in the mean time, you could try the following 4 steps:

      1. Convert the x and y coordinates into a single distance with:

      Distance = square root of (x2 + y2).


      2. Determine the angle along which the above distance should be followed in x and y:

      2a) Calculate the angle in degrees: tan-1 (x ÷ y)

      2b) If x and y are positive numbers, 2a is correct. If x is negative, add 180°. If x is positive and y is negative, add 360°.

      3. Drop a container as close to the centre of the station as possible, select it, and use you HUD distance result to travel the distance you calculated.

      4. Drop and select a new can, and then use the y coordinate value to work out how far up and down you need to travel.

      This isn't perfect because we don't have many decimal places in the distance reading and it needs quite a bit of imperfect judgement. But maybe it could help as an alternate ways to using the raw coordinates.

  14. Anonymous

    Hi Sparks,


    Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. Its totally understandable for me. However it is not so easy way. (smile)

    May I have a stupid question? Wouldn't be enough helpful to describe the station modul where the lockbox is? Maybe with some explanation about it? If this possible I think it also helps to search in a much smaller area.


    Thanks again!

    1. It's not a stupid question, and I completely agree :)

      Unfortunately it will need people to add that info as the find them. So far lockbox hunting is not something I've gotten around to trying yet so I don't have that info at the moment.

      1. Anonymous

        Hi Sparks.  

        I'm willing to contribute with what I've found up to now.  (I'd have to find back a few of them, but they are much easier to find back the second time around.)

        Could there be a way to upload a link to a few screenshots of each boxes in addition to descriptions?  Say, one or two in-game shots of the lockbox and one of the map to see the ship's position relative to the station.  If so, what would be the best way to upload them?  Could we introduce them directly in the table above?  Or send them, to you to keep a record of what's been found up to now?



        You can contact me directly on the forums if it's easier for you.  (Ezarkal)

        1. Anonymous

          Actually, I got exited and went ahead.  (Yesterday was rainy anyway)

          I converted the table into a workable excel spreadsheet and started hunting boxes.  I took both screenshots and mapshots of what I've found (20 so far, but I know the location of about 10 more boxes.  I just need time to get there).  I also added entries for the station module name and other notes worthy of mention.

          I was thinking about uploading the document into a google doc so that everyone who wants to contribute could easily do so.

          My big question, though, is what would be the best way to handle the upload of so many screenshots.  Any ideas?




          1. Hello, this page was generated from game files, I probably can make script that will mass-upload screenshots and insert it into table.

            You can collect screenshots into folders to group by lockbox, add column with folder name to your table. Then make archive with all folders with screenshots.

            I will make script that will update page and upload your screenshots.

            1. Anonymous

              The sheet is up and running.  I'll create a thread about it in the spoiler forum for anyone that wants to use or contribute.

              1. Anonymous

                Well, that spreadsheet is as filled as it's gonna get... (At least by me).

                225/241 is a pretty good score, I think.  I had a very hard time with OL stations, though.
                Here's the link to the forum thread, by the way.  (Should've put this here before, now that I think about it)


                And here's the link to the spreadsheet itself:


                Many thanks to the few unknown contributors who helped with this.  If anyone else wants to pitch in, feel free.  (The google doc is editable by anyone.  Only the location/coordinate data are locked from editing.

                From my end, I'm pretty much done, and this data could be uploaded to the list above.  I won't try to add more.  If someone wants to pitch in and complete the missing data, feel free to do it.  (I might just standardize the screenshots if necessary).  Also if anyone wants to add/edit directives on how to get to a specific box, there's an "additional guidance" column just for that.


                Some boxes might not be present in every game.  I think some got blown up before I had the chance to get to them.  Also, if a crate drops it's loot inside the station's geometry, you can still get it by using the loot magnet.  One notable exception is the credit drops.  Those get absorbed by station, so be careful.  Some are simply impossible to collect..



  15. Anonymous

    If you want an easy(er) way of finding them, if only to document their positions with a screenshot or somesuch, I have the "fly by lootbox" mod installed.

    It automatically opens lootboxes I get relatively close too. This is rather useful with the embedded boxes, because the dropped loot will show up on the zone map as a tiny yellow cube if you don't suck it up; letting you figure out where it dropped from more easily.


    Unfortunatly, my automatic loot collection mod seems to not work on these drops for some reason, meaning I still have to fly around getting near every bit of station, then check for tiny yellow cubes :L

  16. Anonymous

    Well, i dont know is this would be allowed:


    I found the rare engine items located in:

    AlbionAscendancyShady VaultPMC URV Parts Supply

    Just look for the Plasma Tech station component (in the map, click on the listed station, then click the + to show the componets until you find "Plasma Tech")

    figure the center of the Plasma Tech component, and from above you will see an open space in which you can get trough, the lockbox will be inside in opposite side just in the center.


  17. Anonymous

    The rare engine items in:

    AlbionInner WorldSinister PoemLI Arms Tech Supply

    Are in the Zoltek Sotarage of the first Missile Forge (first in the list).

  18. Anonymous

    Quick little video showing where the 30,000,000 credit box is in Omni L: