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I work in a company where thousands of people use this wikis software (Confluence) to work together and share findings etc. With this page and its subpages I want to show how a community built database, based on confluence, could work (in my optinion). I am no expert but have used confluence for about a year now.

Greetings from a die hard fan,

Stefan H.

How it (could) work

  • Each Object in the game would get its own page. BUT on each page would be a table called "Page Properties" (this is a confluence macro) - see my example
  • These tables contain attributes describing this object (name, object type, velocity, shields etc, location to buy, race). 
  • And there is a macro called "Page Properties Report"  which can then display all the objects in a table like at the bottom of this page, giving an overview which can be sorted as desired.
    • This macro can also be set to just display specific attributes. So there could be a table showing all ships and their defense stats. Or a table showing ships and their offensive or trade stats.
  • Whats really nice about the makro is that each entry in the table contains a link to the objects page (ship,station, or other object like a craftable engine etc.) - and on that page could be various information about this object - like how to best board it, where to buy etc.


In order to make it easy for people to create a new database entry (create a page for an object) we would needt a template page to be set up by the admins. Once you have a template you can create a button which automatically creates a page with the page properties tables already there and all a user has to do is fill it in. Heres an expample of such a button which creates a new page which is already populated, as it uses a template set by the admins (in this example a template called troubleshooting): Sparks DrSuperEvil Ironbuket Snafu Ivan Solntsev

Create from template

Usually one can set the path where this new page is created and also automatically give it a label. I assume I cant do that because I am a user without an account. BUT i am sure the admins could do this ( I know I can at the place I work at).







  • No labels


  1. Dear Stefan,

    Firstly, I would like to apologise for the late reply over this pre-/post-release period.

    This macro/template concept looks very helpful. Thank you very much for taking the time to share it.

    We're exploring this proposal. Please also feel free to also contact me via the Egosoft forum (user Sparky Sparkycorp) in the meantime if you have any additional thoughts or questions.



  2. Anonymous

    Thank you but someone already did it in the German Section I think: Link

  3. Anonymous

    It would also be very helpful (IMO) to include the X3 designation of the ships in the Wiki database   i.e.,   M3  fighter,   TS  Transport,    M0  Carrier.....