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This section will guide you through what contents each sub-folder in the X-Rebirth game contain.

File Structure Simplified

This part will outline the different folders and their hierachy.

  • aiscripts
  • assets
  • cutscenes
  • index
  • libraries
  • maps
  • md
  • mousecursors
  • music
  • particles
  • sfx
  • shaderfx
  • t
  • textures
  • ui
  • voice-LXXX

File Structure in Detail

Folder: aiscripts

This folder houses the "scripts" used to tell the computer AI what to do in the game. That includes how to "free-trade", how to "free-mine", how to fight, and what to do when attacked, etc.

This folder and its contents will be detailed in Module 4: Instructing the Universe and the AI.

Folder: assets

This folder is the largest bulk of the game files and contains everything that makes up the "back-bone" of the game - ships, asteroids, stations, their look and equipment are all stored here.

This folder and its contents will be detailed in Module 3: Constructing the Universe.

Folder: cutscenes

This folder contains "scripts" that are used when a "cutscene" is played. Examples of "cutscenes" are Ren Otani returning to the ship, crew member hired and arrives when you are in the crew quarters, plot events, etc.

Even though it is a kind of "script", it is quite different from the Mission Director and aiscript ones.

Folder: index

This folder houses the "index" which the game uses to identify contents for items in the assets folder.

This folder and its contents will be detailed in Module 6: Language Files, Sound Files and the Miscellaneous.

Folder: libraries

This folder houses the "index" which the game uses to identify contents for other "misc" items. That includes how much is needed to produce a ship, what sound to play, and how AI/NPC life should be created, etc. These do not fall into the category of the assets folder.

This folder and its contents will be detailed in Module 6: Language Files, Sound Files and the Miscellaneous.

Folder: maps

This folder contains the definitions for the X-Rebirth universe. That includes the Clusters, Sectors, and Highways, etc.

This folder and its contents will be detailed in Module 3: Constructing the Universe.

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