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Maximum Price990,998
Average Price934,904
Minimum Price878,810
Cargo ClassXL
Shield Damage Per Shot (IS)63,778
Shield Damage Per Shot (OOS)13,698
Shield DPS (IS)46,553.28
Hull Damage Per Shot (IS)11,340
Hull Damage Per Shot (OOS)2,435
Hull DPS (IS)8,277.37
Energy Cost Per Shot (MJ)576
Energy Cost Per Second (MJ/s)(IS)420.43
Rounds Per Minute43.8
Range (km)6.6
Projectile Speed (m/s)333
Turret Turn Speed (rpm)2.2
SpecialChargeable (4)



  • Heavy Weapons Complex

  • Photon Pulse Cannon Forge

  • Jonferco Equipment Dock

  • Plutarch Development Station

  • Argon Equipment Dock

  • Boron Equipment Dock

  • Split Equipment Dock

  • Paranid Equipment Dock

Compatible Ships


  • AP Gunner
  • Truelight Seeker


  • Q
  • Thresher


  • Akuma
  • Boreas
  • Brigantine
  • I
  • K
  • Megalodon
  • Odysseus
  • Pheonix
  • Pteranodon
  • Python
  • Titan
  • Ray


  • Colossus
  • Colossus Hauler
  • Condor
  • Galleon
  • Hoshi
  • J
  • Raptor
  • Shark
  • Shuri
  • Zeus


A capital ship weapon for combat against capital ships and stations. Dealing the second highest shield dps and fifth highest hull dps allows the Photon Pulse Cannon to quickly kill targets. The long range makes this weapon good for bombarding large targets from a safe distance but the slow projectile speed makes hitting M6/M8 ships difficult and M5/M4/M3 ships can easily dodge incoming shots. Although able to be charged to release a volley dealing up to 4x damage it is often better to leave turrets to do continual fire and focus on flying. The higher rate of fire of the Commonwealth PPC compared to the Terran Point Singularity Projector means there is less of a penalty for missing making this weapon preferable for combatting M7 ships. Due to the numbers of PPCs required by M2 ships it is recommended to set up a few Photon Pulse Cannon Forges for personal use as soon as possible.

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