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Maximum Price679,362
Average Price623,268
Minimum Price567,174
Cargo ClassXL
Shield Damage Per Shot (IS)20,785
Shield Damage Per Shot (OOS)8,283
Shield DPS (IS)11,776.2
Hull Damage Per Shot (IS)3,374
Hull Damage Per Shot (OOS)1,344
Hull DPS (IS)1,911.62
Energy Cost Per Shot (MJ)1,200
Energy Cost Per Second (MJ/s)(IS)679.88
Rounds Per Minute34
Range (km)2
Projectile Speed (m/s)2,000
Turret Turn Speed (rpm)57.8


  • Aldrin Weapon Production Base
  • Unknown Aldrin base
  • Aldrin Springblossoms 

Compatible Ships


  • Springblossom


An alternative version of the SSC only compatible with the Springblossom sold in Aldrin. Dps wise the Prototype SSC is weaker than the SSC however it is more energy efficient and is compatible with highly agile Springblossom M6. The extremely fast projectile speed makes it almost impossible to dodge and the high damage shots will shred attacking M4/M5 ships or at least cripple them while doing heavy damage to M3 and M6 targets. The main problem with the Prototype Starburst Shockwave Cannon is the high energy cost per shot which can drain the Laser Energy reserves of the ships using them in sector if fighting swarms of fighters. Factories that produce this weapon are unavailable for purchase and NPC owned ones are only found in Aldrin and Aldrin 2 meaning this weapon can be hard to obtain in large numbers unless obtained by piracy.

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