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Encyclopedia description

The Cell Recharge Facility provides limited docking facilities for the automated transfer of depleted fuel cells and charged cells from and into vessels. Usually, Cell Recharge Facs are outfitted with their own processing lines so allowing them to either re-purpose depleted cells or to produce new ones. Cell Recharge Facs can be run with just a core crew; however full automation is rarely desirable as vessels docking for fuel cell transfer often require manual adaptation of their docking protocols.

Builder ship
Construction Vessel AL
Construction Vessel HL

Production modules

ModuleCountWaresMethodAvg. output/h
Fuel Cell Mill4Fuel CellsAlbion5,400

Production balance

Total production and consumption of fully built station including efficiency, secondary resources and specialists. Where present, the per hour stats for intermediate wares show the difference between production and consumption.

Primary resourceFood Rations-2,880-83,520
Primary resourceEnergy Cells-19,200-96,000
Secondary resourceSpacefuel-480-22,080
ProductFuel Cells38,448653,616
Total Price452,016



Energy Fuel960,000


Plasma/MA Turret307,0403,680
HIT/MA Turret873,5701,400
V Launcher14,8001,714
HIVI/MA Turret48,00012,000
Force Field Projector Mk12150,000
Force Field Projector Mk24100,000
Force Field Projector Mk312150,000

URV capacity: 160

Build plan

StageNamePE%ECRMPFRFPHMPMVLPricePrice with
A1Fuel Cell Mill433,31697721122512010,947,34817,481,788

PE - Product Efficiency
EC - Energy Cells
RMP - Reinforced Metal Plating
FR - Fusion Reactors
FP - Force Field Projector
HM - HIT/MA Turret
PM - Plasma/MA Turret
VL - V Launcher

Known instances in galaxy

AlbionLookout AlphaWrecksvillePMC Cell Recharge FacPlutarch Mining Corporation
AlbionInner WorldWatergatePMC Cell Recharge FacPlutarch Mining Corporation
AlbionAscendancyForlorn ArmouryHOA Cell Recharge FacHeart of Albion
AlbionFar OutGemstone ManufactureHOA Cell Recharge FacHeart of Albion
DeVriesGlaring TruthFervid CoronaRoC Cell Recharge FacRepublic of Cantera
Cold StarNatural ExpansionEliminated ObligationsTER Cell Recharge FacTerracorp
Cold StarOde MonumentiMagellan's LegacyTER Cell Recharge FacTerracorp
Cold StarThe QuarryPoint of EntryTER Cell Recharge FacTerracorp
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 04TER Cell Recharge FacTerracorp
Home of LightSillarne's TriumphDistrict 09TER Cell Recharge FacTerracorp
Home of LightAkeela's DreamDistrict 13TER Cell Recharge FacTerracorp
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 18TER Cell Recharge FacTerracorp
TorideKoroniSol GateTER Cell Recharge FacTerracorp
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1 Comment

  1. Refuel Stations have 4 L ship refueling ports arranged around the outside that can be used simultaneously and one XL ship refueling port in the middle. When an XL ship is being refueled, it may block the L ports from being used (Phipsz).