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Encyclopedia description

The Energy Array is basically an extensive formation of E-Cell Fabs that can be run almost autonomously over extended periods of time. The Energy Array does not manufacture Energy Cells; instead, it recharges vast amounts of depleted cells with an astonishingly high throughput. In theory, Energy Arrays provide sufficient technical infrastructure to include more than 8 E-Cell Fabs. In practice, however, a configuration of several separate smaller arrays of E-Cell Fabs is shown to work more efficiently.

Builder ship
Construction Vessel AL
Construction Vessel HL

Production modules

ModuleCountWaresMethodAvg. output/h
E-Cell Fab8Energy CellsAlbion8,400

Production balance

Total production and consumption of fully built station including efficiency, secondary resources and specialists. Where present, the per hour stats for intermediate wares show the difference between production and consumption.

Secondary resourceFood Rations-384-11,136
ProductEnergy Cells100,800504,000
Total Price492,864





HIT/MA Turret1393,5701,400
Plasma/MA Turret307,0403,680
V Launcher14,8001,714
HIVI/MA Turret48,00012,000
Force Field Projector Mk11750,000
Force Field Projector Mk211100,000
Force Field Projector Mk312150,000

URV capacity: 160

Build plan

A1E-Cell Fab67123236416072583,763,1226,415,592
A2E-Cell Fab64822344616041042,802,0904,076,422
B1E-Cell Fab67063086016062643,572,9385,515,130
B2E-Cell Fab64642224216041042,626,3843,900,716

PE - Product Efficiency
EC - Energy Cells
RMP - Reinforced Metal Plating
FR - Fusion Reactors
BO - Bio-Optic Wiring
FP - Force Field Projector
HM - HIT/MA Turret
PM - Plasma/MA Turret
VL - V Launcher

Known instances in galaxy

AlbionLookout AlphaAuspicious ExcavationAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionLookout AlphaAuspicious ExcavationAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionLookout AlphaAuspicious ExcavationAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionLookout AlphaAuspicious ExcavationAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionFar OutWoodland PastureAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionFar OutWoodland PastureAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionFar OutConcealed HideoutAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionFar OutConcealed HideoutAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionFar OutConcealed HideoutAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
AlbionFar OutConcealed HideoutAES Energy ArrayAlbion Energy Subsidiary
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 04TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 04TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 03TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 03TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 03TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightWest GateDistrict 03TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 18TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 18TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 18TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
Home of LightTerracorp HeadquartersDistrict 18TER Energy ArrayTerracorp
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