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Maximum Price326,949
Average Price323,712
Minimum Price320,475
Cargo ClassS
Shield Damage Per Shot (IS)2,000
Shield Damage Per Shot (OOS)836
Shield DPS (IS)4,694.83
Hull Damage Per Shot (IS)800
Hull Damage Per Shot (OOS)334
Hull DPS (IS)1,877.93
Energy Cost Per Shot (MJ)28
Energy Cost Per Second (MJ/s)(IS)72.77
Rounds Per Minute140.8
Range (km)2.2
Projectile Speed (m/s)588
Turret Turn Speed (rpm)50.6
SpecialDot (1,000/2s)


  • Aldrin Experimental EMPC Forge
  • Unknown Aldrin base
  • Aldrin ships 

Compatible Ships


  • #deca.fade


  • #deca.deaf


  • #deca.cefa
  • Spitfyre


  • Springblossom


An alternative version of the EMPC only compatible with ships sold in Aldrin. Dps wise the Experimental EMPC is weaker than the EMPC however it has slightly longer range (200m) and is more energy efficient allowing for continuous fire. Like the EMPC the slow projectile speed makes hitting fast moving targets difficult but the high hull damage is lethal when shots do connect. The 500dps damage over time effect is not stacking meaning damage dealt from it is insignificant against ships which are larger than an M5. Factories that produce this weapon are unavailable for purchase and NPC owned ones are only found in Aldrin and Aldrin 2 meaning this weapon can be hard to obtain in large numbers unless obtained by piracy.

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