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High Seas Ahead! The following section contains information relating to content from the Tides of Avarice DLC

Governing Faction:
Riptide Rakers

Map Coordinates: N/A

Encyclopedia Entry

Initially, the Riptide Rakers were not the only denizens of the Avarice system. They used to share it with a community of wandering scientists, who became stranded when the system was cut off from the gate network. Not much is known about these enigmatic but peaceful nomads, since they mostly kept themselves to themselves. What is known, however, is that they were intensely focussed on researching the Tide phenomenon once it emerged. They conducted experiments and took measurements in the furthest reaches of Avarice, far from Tidebreak and the shelter it offered. Many of them lost their lives to the Tide in the pursuit of knowledge. Eventually, when the Riptide Rakers had not heard from the nomadic scientists for several weeks on end, they realised that the group had disappeared entirely. The scientists left behind only a few research instruments, and a ship prototype that the Riptide Rakers would later claim for themselves. Attempts by the Rakers to pick up where the scientists' research left off, or to make use of the equipment they left behind, have ultimately proven fruitless. Between the relentlessly recurring Tide and the attentions of desperate scrappers, most traces of their existence have long since been dismantled.

Resource values


Sector Layout

Notable Stations


  • Research Station Remnants

Inter-Sector Connections

Inter-System Connections


As with all sectors within Avarice, Avarice I experiences the "Tide" stellar phenomenon roughly every hour.