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Encyclopedia description

The Core Dig was the most prominent source for the Iridium isotope Ir-209, also known as the famous 'Unobtainium'. This is a stable and highly heat-resistant anti-ferromagnetic complex agent perfectly suited for fusion reaction containment. Such containment suffered from the previous lack of a material that was not also radio-activated under constant neutron radiation. Iridium-209, formerly considered non-existent in nature and ineffective through cost to synthesise, seemed to fit the bill. Unfortunately, as Matter/Antimatter technology emerged and increased its hold on the reactor market, Unobtainium faced a severe decline in demand and resale value compared to the cost of extraction and processing. The Core Dig now operates with a reduced crew and has redirected its operations to extract and store the trace Nividium also present in the minerals available.

Production modules

ModuleCountWaresMethodAvg. output/h
Core Minehead1NividiumAlbion1,440

Production balance

Total production and consumption of fully built station including efficiency, secondary resources and specialists. Where present, the per hour stats for intermediate wares show the difference between production and consumption.

Primary resourceEnergy Cells-4,800-24,000
Total Price24,960

Known instances in galaxy

Omicron LyraeCommerce CoreLast StandAG Core DigArgon Government
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