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Zone conquest:
- Clear all owner-faction stations.
- Clear all owner-faction ships (taking care to check outskirts of zone).
- Build a structure:
--- Outpost (cheap but no production modules so no related profit).
--- Other station (more expensive but production modules offset costs).
--- Outposts could be replaced later via jth’s Space Station Recycling mod (link).

CWIR has its' own full suite of combat aiscripts but may not have all of the features offered by other combat mods like MICT or CES. Keep in mind that these other mods change some of the things CWIR also changes. You can of course mix and match scripts to your liking in regards to this!

Other mods also complement CWIR well. Station recycle and ship recycle are very useful and work well with this mod.


Do not play the game like you do in Vanilla. If you are planning to conquer independently, you will need a pretty good infrastructure and large fleets to protect your acquisitions. Do not expect a vanilla sized fleet to be sufficient.

Keep in mind that it may be difficult or even impossible to complete some quests because of the destruction of stations. One such quest is the jump drive quest, it may become more difficult to complete this quest. If the station where the jump drive coolant lockboxes are gets destroyed, you will have to find coolant by destroying ships. This makes it much more difficult to obtain


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