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High Seas Ahead! The following page contains information relating to content from the Tides of Avarice DLC


The Empyrean Curs plot introduces new and existing players to the game's piracy mechanics via a story format. The plot was introduced alongside the Northriver plot in the Tides of Avarice DLC. Through the story the player is able to observe the actions of the Empyrean Curs aboard their ship the "Arcadian Endeavour" and adds perspective to the Ministry of Finance. Finally, at the culmination of the plot the player is offered an opportunity to either side with, or betray the Curs.


Carrying Illegal goods in Windfall I: Union Summit or choosing the "Stranded" gamestart


The costs for both branches of this plot are practically identical:

  • Illegal activities (if performed correctly they should result in no reputation loss)
  • 1 EMP bomb
  • 1 Security Decryption System

Empyrean Curs Branch


  • Ownership of the Ministry of Finance's Raven Prototype
  • Slightly diminished relations with the Ministry of Finance
  • "Empyrean Curs" achievement

Ministry of Finance Branch


  • Ownership of a Teladi Falcon
  • Significantly increased reputation with the Ministry of Finance
  • "Breaking up the Band" achievement

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Nowhere does the game tell you what capacity ship you'll need for the start of this plot. It is 1350 m^3. If you've gotten the Tuatara ship from the Split Vendetta plot, that will fit exactly. Otherwise any small ship with 1350 or greater cargo capacity will do. There's a 100% invisibility mod if you've done the PHQ research.