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Provinces Adrift! The following page contains information relating to content from the Kingdom End DLC

Governing Faction: Queendom of the Boron

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Encyclopedia Entry

Once the miniature Jump Gate network around Kingdom End had stabilised, the Boron were faced with the challenge of reintegrating the recovered planets, Jamshala and Ayeshma, into the Queendom's dented economy. At the same time, the Boron tendency towards discovery and xenophilia gave rise to a popular movement advocating for a revitalisation of the Jump Gate research project, which had been discontinued to preserve resources during the time of isolation. Aided by the energetic, yet mediating presence of Polypheides, who had barely been Queen for half a decade at that point, the parliament on Nishala unanimously passed this radical resolution.The next message drone sent towards Sacred Relic laid out the Queendom's plans to experiment on, and ultimately reactivate the Kingdom End Jump Gate. Over the following years, the towering wave of optimism and excitement slowly subsided, as the scientists involved became aware that the scope of this goal would in all likelihood exceed not only their own lifespans, but those of the next generation as well. Not only were they apparently lacking a crucial piece of insight, unobtainable at their current technological level, but they also realised that gathering the energy required for a proper attempt at opening the Jump Gate would drain the Queendom of resources to the point of risking economic collapse. This was a sacrifice neither they nor Queen Polypheides were willing to make.As such, parliament decided that modest, yet steady, contributions to the Kingdom End Jump Gate installation were to be made a fundamental part of the Queendom's regular expenditures. Except for regular systems checks and test transmissions, experiments were put on hold until a sufficient threshold could be achieved; even if no Boron alive would be there to witness it.

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