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Trade reports allow you to see what wares are being bought and sold by your ships and station.

Each ship and station has a separate trade report, you also have an Empire Trade Report that shows everything bought and sold across your whole empire


Trade Reports for your ships and stations can be found in the Reports Menu

Every trade made by the station will be added to reports depending on the settings.

There is the Global report that contains all the trades, and individual reports, that will contain a separate report for each trade that's made


Automatically use homebased ship reports:  When this is set on, then any ships that are homebased to the station will add to the stations reports, instead of to their own reports.

This option allows you to combine all the trading into the same report regardless if its the station, or the ships that made the trade


Enabled Reporting:  This option will allow you to enable the various reports:

  • No: Disabled, saves no reports
  • Global: Only saves to the global report
  • Individual: Creates individual reports for each trade
  • All: Creates Individual reports, and stores them in the global report

The Global Report option will open the current global report.


All the individual reports will then display in the Reports section, where you can select each one to view or delete.


The Report will show all the wares bought, and their price, as well as all the wares sold.

If its the global report, then each trade will add to the existing report

And individual reports will create a new report for each trade, so will only list the wares bought/sold in a single trade

NOTE: selecting each ware allows you to jump to the ware page in the encyclopaedia

The Combined price combines the bought and sold wares together to display the profit of each ware

The options allow you to choose what will actually be included in the report display.  This does not remove the wares from the report itself, it only filters what is being displayed.

But the total profit is based on what's currently being displayed rather than the whole report.  So you can exclude certain things to see what the profit is like without them included.

The Exclude option will exclude a number of special wares, and the Filter options can filter different types of wares.


Your Empire Trade report can be found in your Empire Management menu

Your Empire Trade report works in the same way, but includes everything across your whole empire, so all ships and stations will report to the Empire trade report as well as their own.  Even if the reports are disabled for the station, they will still add to your overall empire report.

This also includes all your ship and station purchases as well


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