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4.20 Hotfix 1 (244463) - 2017-08-03 

VR Controllers: 

- [Oculus] Added native Oculus VR support on Steam (requires Windows 8 or higher). 
- [Oculus] Made gesture steering button mappable in Controls menu. 
- [Vive] Added gesture steering for Vive controllers. 
- [Vive] Added option to change touchpad latency for Vive controllers. 
- [Vive] Improved Vive controller detection at startup. 
- Added mappable button to reset VR position when held for a second. 
- Added option to disable VR controller visualisation when playing with gamepad. 
- Made VR controllers work more consistently when operating menus on the side console. 
- Fixed case in which an inactive VR controller could trigger events. 
- Fixed joystick controls profile. 


- Added option to change display mode on monitor while VR headset is on. 
- Added language selection in Oculus store version. 
- German and French voice localisation. 
- Added link to the user manual
- Added chance to acquire a trade agent as reward for defeating hostile ships close to a station. 
- Improved tutorial hints. 
- Greatly reduced first-person turning speed on platforms. 
- Improved cases where turning the ship switched displayed target elements a lot. 
- Fixed target elements not being obstructed by geometry. 
- Reduced size of rectangular target elements (especially to mitigate problems selecting target elements on capital ships). 
- Fixed cases of wildly flickering target elements (especially notable in asteroid fields and large battles). 
- Fixed quick and ability menu button 1 not being deselected. 
- Fixed rare cases of hull/shield bars being displayed for obstructed targets without a target element. 
- Fixed rare cases of an incorrectly played event monitor sound effect. 
- Fixed very rare case of an incorrectly displayed event monitor in first-person mode or inside the drone HUD. 
- Changed the event monitor position on platforms to reduce overlap issues. 
- Fixed stuttering computer voice when the player ship takes damage. 
- Fixed floor texture in a Teladi station. 


4.20 Hotfix 2 (244463) - 2017-08-04 

- Fixed and adjusted reward notifications for shooting down enemies of a station. 
- Fixed tutorial briefings not being updated correctly.