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Items versus Waren

Es ist wichtig, den Unterschied zwischen Inventar (auch bekannt als Items) und Fracht (meist als Ware bezeichnet) zu verstehen. Die Fracht ist in deinem Schiff, während das Inventar bei dir ist. Das Inventar wird im SHIFT+I-Menü unter Spielerinformationen aufgelistet. Es bewegt sich mit dir, wenn du von Schiff zu Schiff gehst (oder dich später teleportierst!). Die Fracht ist im Laderaum des Schiffes aufgelistet und kann im Menü Schiffsinfo (Shift+Enter für das aktuelle Schiff oder INFO-Option in der Karte) angezeigt werden.

Handels- und Kampfschiffe verfügen über einen Frachtraum der CONTAINER-Klasse, der alle handelbaren Waren umfasst, die hergestellt werden. Mining-Schiffe können über eine flüssige oder feste Frachtraum verfügen, der alle Materialien umfasst, die aus dem Weltraum gesammelt werden können. Der Handel mit Schiffsfracht erfolgt über das HANDELsmenü beim Andocken, während der Handel mit Inventar persönlich mit dem auf einer Plattform befindlichen Händler stattfindet (achten Sie auf das Ladenschild über dem Gebäude).

Natürliche Ressourcen


Am Anfang der Produktionsketten von Waren stehen natürliche Ressourcen, die es zu gewinnen und zu nützlichen Produkten zu veredeln gilt. Solarenergie wird durch Module der Energiezellenproduktion direkt in Energiezellen umgewandelt, während andere feste und flüssige Ressourcen von spezialisierten Minerschiffen gesammelt werden müssen. Flüssige Ressourcen werden durch das Fliegen in Nebeln gesammelt, während Feststoffe erfordern, dass Asteroiden aufgebrochen und die Fragmente gesammelt werden. Die Intensität der Sonnenenergie in einem Sektor ist unter dem Eintrag für den Sektor in der Kategorie Galaxie der Enzyklopädie zu sehen.

  • Energieressourcen (von Sonnen):    Energiezellen aus Solarkraftwerken
  • Flüssige Ressourcen (aus Nebeln):  Helium, Wasserstoff und Methan (auch Gase genannt)
  • Feste Ressourcen (aus Asteroiden): Eis, Erz, Nividium und Silizium (auch bekannt als Mineralien)



Die Produktion und der Austausch von Waren ist der Schlüssel zu einer gesunden Wirtschaft, und das X-Universum ist nicht anders. Trotz des harten Wettbewerbs durch NSC-Händler gibt es immer wieder Marktlücken, so dass der Spieler seine Tasche mit Credits füllen kann, egal ob er einen kleinen Kurier oder einen riesigen Fertigungskomplex verwendet.

Die Preise für Waren variieren stark je nach Menge der Ware, die die Station in ihren Lagerbeständen hat. Referenzmenüs zeigen oft den Durchschnittspreis einer Ware, um einem Händler eine Vorstellung davon zu vermitteln, wie gut ein Preis ist.

Informationen über Handelsangebote erhalten

Trade Offers describe what wares a station, or it's Build Storage Module currently wish to buy or sell. Once Trade Offers are known for a station, they will begin to become out of date over time if whatever granted knowledge of them stops occurring. If the playership has Trade Computer Extension software, it postpones the time before knowledge of Trade Offers begins to deteriorate.

Ways to gain trade offers from stations:

  • When the playership, or other owned ships, are near them
  • When the station is within radar range of a player-owned Satellite or station
  • If the player has gained sufficient rank and cash to purchase a Faction's Trade Subscription

Scanning station modules will reveal info on what wares it uses and creates.

How To Buy And Sell Items - Station Trader

Items are often found in space as loot (dropped by other ships), or in lockboxes and other storages. Some items can be useful in crafting special upgrades or useful items like the EMP bombs used in a spacesuit. Most however can be sold at a good profit. When on station platforms the player can interact with traders and ask for them to "Show me your wares" opening the trade menu for wares from the personal inventory. Use the sliders to buy or sell items and then click the Confirm button to complete the transaction.

How to Buy and Sell Wares - Ship Trading

When in the pilot seat of the player ship the Ship Interactions menu will have the Trade option in the middle allowing the ship to trade with the station currently docked at. The trade menu works similar to the item trader menus, except the ship and station will trade wares from their storage with the type of wares able to be exchanged being limited by the storage type. Other player assets can be told to remotely trade by left clicking them in the Object List or Property Owned menu and then right clicking a target station and selecting Trade With to either trade with the station or its Build Storage (only present on expanding stations). Alternatively after selecting a player owned ship the wares shown by the filter can be right clicked to open a trade menu to order the ship to buy/sell the wares for the best price within the viewed area of space. Wares on stations will be automatically sold to interested NPC traders by the manager or by player owned ships assigned to act as a subordinate for the station.

How To Transfer Wares Between Player Owned Ships - Ware Exchange

There will be times when it is preferable for wares or consumables to be on a different player owned ship or station. This can be to free up cargo space for other purposes, stock up a reserve ship for exploration, meet mission requirements or to keep fleets supplied. To transfer wares between ships or stations requires one of the assets to have Cargo Drones before left clicking the asset with the ware to transfer in the Object List or Property Owned menu and then right click a target asset in Map and select the Transfer Wares With action to open a trade menu allowing wares to be transferred between the two ships up to their respective capacities for the ware.    

Auto Trading and Auto Mining

Player owned ships that have captains with enough skill stars can be set to automatically find profitable transactions or to mine resources and sell them at nearby NPC stations. The AutoTrade and AutoMine behaviours are set as the Default Behaviour under the Behaviour menu (see below for info on mining). As opposed to an order, a Behaviour is a permanent assignment for a ship until revoked. For AutoTrade and AutoMine the player must specify a whitelist of wares to trade before adjusting the leash range for how far to look for stations to buy and sell at. The ships will then be fully automated allowing the player to divert attention to other tasks.



Ships with Solid or Liquid storage types can harvest asteroids or nebulae, respectively. This generates resources (see above), which can be sold to NPC stations as a source of income that requires no operating costs. Alternatively, it can be fed into player-owned stations to act as the basis for manufacturing chains.

Resource Probes can be deployed at prospective mining sites to learn about the abundance of natural resources. In order to locate Solid natural resources, the player ship can use Scan Mode to help visually detect asteroids. Nebulae are represented as blue tiles, asteroid fields as red tiles and mixed collection sites as purple tiles on the Map. After use, Deployables like Resource Probes can be deactivated through the HUD menu, and collected by flying over them.

Mining Turrets

  • Used to break up asteroids into small, collectable mineral fragments (Sold cargo)
  • Turret Settings are explained on the Combat And Weapons page
  • Once in range, Mining Turrets automatically open fire on asteroids within line-of-site

Mining ships Piloted By Captains

Small and Medium Mining Ships:

  • These ships collect gases or minerals like other items and wares in space (on contact with the ship)

Large Mining Ships:

  • These hulls collect gases or minerals through the use of specialised drones

Ordering Ships To Mine

All player-owned mining ships can be ordered to mine using the Mine order by right clicking a resource region on the map and selecting the Mine order before left clicking a resource to harvest from the list. They can then be order to sell their wares to stations. Player-owned mining ships that have captains with enough skill stars can be set to automatically mine resources and sell them at nearby NPC stations (see "Auto Trading and Auto Mining" section above).

Manual Asteroid Mining For Solid Resources

Mineral mining with Small and Medium ships:

  • The Container Magnet (hold the O hotkey) can be used to speed up collection of mineral fragments.

Mineral mining with Large ships:

  • At this time, only NPC-piloted large mining ships will deploy and use their drones to collect mineral fragments.
    • Handing over control of the ship to the Captain and ordering them to mine locally could work around this (unconfirmed).
    • Where the fragments are small enough, they may be collectable on ship contact like small/medium ships (unconfirmed).

Crystal mining:

  • Some asteroids have surface spots that can be individually mined away to release various types of crystals.
  •  Depending on rarity, crystals can be quite valuable when sold to Item Traders (see "Items versus Wares" section above).
  • As with mineral fragments, the Container Magnet can speed up collection.

Manual Nebula Mining For Liquid Resources

At this time, it is currently not possible to collect resources from nebulae while the player pilots the ship.

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