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Maximum Price119,201 
Average Price116,864
Minimum Price114,527
Cargo ClassXL
Shield Damage Per Shot (IS)7,500
Shield Damage Per Shot (OOS)2,989
Shield DPS (IS)10,714.28
Hull Damage Per Shot (IS)4,500
Hull Damage Per Shot (OOS)1,793
Hull DPS (IS)6,428.57
Energy Cost Per Shot (MJ)500
Energy Cost Per Second (MJ/s)(IS)714.28
Rounds Per Minute85.7
Range (km)4.9
Projectile Speed (m/s)12,413
Turret Turn Speed (rpm)28.8


  • Not available in vanilla X3: AP. 

Compatible Ships


  • Destroyer


  • #deca
  • Carrier
  • Guardian
  • Hivequeen


The main weapon of Kha'ak capital ships with the second fastest projectile speed in the game. The high accuracy makes this weapon lethal against fighters and corvettes and excellent at intercepting missiles however the low damage and range compared to Incendiary Bomb Launchers, Photon Pulse Cannons and Point Singularity Projectors means that it is not very effective against capital ships. This laser is unobtainable in vanilla X3: AP as no ships able to equip it are encountered.

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