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31.Mar.22 5.10 Public Beta now available  (0 Комментарии)
You didn't think we would be resting now, did you? You know very well how we do things ;) So, no long speeches - today we start the beta phase for the next update for X4: Foundations. The team is working hard on version 5.10 and you can support us by participating in the beta test. You can find the changelog for today's first version of the 5.10 public beta in our forums, as well as the instructions on how to take part.

How do I take part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 5.10 beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum (no registration required) to find the relevant information.

Thank you for your participation!
posted by Gregory
22.Mar.22 5.00 Hotfix 3 released
It's hard to believe that only about a week has passed since the release of X4: Tides of Avarice and the big 5.00 update for X4: Foundations. We would like to thank you for what has turned out to be a very successful week for us. We have received loads of positive feedback, and are very happy to have welcomed so many new players to the X4 universe.

Now, we wouldn't be the Egosoft you know if we just sat back and took a break after a big release. You've probably noticed that we've already put out a couple of hotfixes for 5.00, to iron out a few bugs, and today today we're adding a third hotfix to that list. You'll find the complete changelogs of the three hotfixes so far in our forums.

We hope you continue to enjoy X4: Foundations and X4: Tides of Avarice! Please keep spreading the word, and don't forget to leave a review for X4: Foundations and X4: Tides of Avarice.
posted by Gregory
14.Mar.22 X4: Волны Алчности и Обновление 5.00 теперь доступны
Дорогие русскоговорящщие игроки X4,
Из-за непредвиденных обстоятельств, команда, работающая над русским переводом и озвучкой для дополнения "X4: Волны Алчности" и обновления 5.00 для "X4: Foundations" не смогла завершить свою работу в срок, к релизу 14 марта 2022 года. Мы приносим свои извинения за доставленные вам неудобства. Мы будем держать вас в курсе событий и предоставим свежую информацию о переводе, как только позволит ситуация.

Спасибо за ваше понимание.
-Команда Egosoft


Оно здесь! X4: Волны Алчности, третье дополнение для нашей текущей игры - X4: Foundations, теперь доступно для скачивания, вместе с большим бесплатным обновлением 5.00 для основной игры. Нам не терпится увидеть ваши реакции на последнюю главу в истории X4. Заранее благодарим вас за вашу поддержку.

Если вам понравится дополнение и новое обновление для X4: Foundations, мы были бы очень благодарны, если бы вы поделились своей радостью с остальными и оставили свой обзор в Steam.

Развлекайтесь с X4: Волны Алчности и X4: Foundations 5.00!
posted by Gregory
07.Mar.22 X4: Tides of Avarice & 5.00 Update Launch Trailer  (95 Комментарии)
There is just one week to go until the release of X4: Tides of Avarice on March 14, 2022. So, today we present to you our Launch Trailer, which showcases both the new expansion and the accompanying 5.00 update for X4: Foundations that will be released on the same day.

As with our previous trailers, this video was created in collaboration with one of our community members, Tomonor. Thanks for your fantastic work, Tomonor!

From today, livestreams involving X4: Tides of Avarice are also allowed. This Twitch link allows you to see all streamers who are currently live with X4: Foundations.

We hope you enjoy watching the trailer, and the videos by content creators. And as ever, thank you for your support.
posted by Gregory
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