[MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 4.x

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Shuulo » Tue, 20. Sep 22, 20:11

Eagle_Four wrote:
Tue, 20. Sep 22, 06:35

I'm afraid I don't know at all what content I need to add back in order for the Titan to be back in the game. Could you tell me the content in detail so I don't forget anything or even better put together a package that will add the Titan back? That would probably be faster and easier. Maybe as an optional file on Nexus?

Hmm, very sad that game content has to be taken out to meet limits on Workshop Steam.
Whether Steam is then the right platform for mods? That is, if the next update new content is added, must be removed again other things, which then again causes problems in the saves? Or have I understood this wrong?
ill think about making a patch
as for other content cut, i dont think so, VRO is a mature mod with most things already in, further development will focus on balancing, maybe some scripts and compatibility with future game updates, no new major assets are planned, at least for now.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Trajan von Olb » Sat, 24. Sep 22, 11:59

What weapon towers OOS that IS not failing?


for Vanilla, the last time I played it was always "Plasma is best for OOS" - how is that CURRENTLY with VRO? I would like to have the best compromise between OOS and IS, because sometimes you want to be part of an attack :-) So OOS it should work reliably, but not fail with IS....

If someone is also using it, I also have the Weaponpack with me (the VRO-like version) and will ask there as well, but maybe someone here knows incl. WP - that seems to be quite popular.

I would also appreciate a hint on HOW MUCH of it you need so that the station can survive a Xenon attack with e.g. 1I and 2K without any problems. And where is the best place to put the stuff? As a ring around the station? Also above and below? Or is one side enough? And do I really need to use the defence elements or is it enough to equip the other modules? Questions upon questions... :-)

I need the best weapon towers for the following scenarios:

1. headquarters (may be slightly overpowered, OOS+IS)
2. some station (especially OOS)
3. defence station at a gate to the Xenon (OOS+IS)
4. merchant ships (especially OOS)
5. patrol ships (mainly OOS)

Thanks for answers...


Trajan von Olb
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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Polofix » Wed, 5. Oct 22, 09:00

Shuulo wrote:
Tue, 20. Sep 22, 20:11
Eagle_Four wrote:
Tue, 20. Sep 22, 06:35

I'm afraid I don't know at all what content I need to add back in order for the Titan to be back in the game. Could you tell me the content in detail so I don't forget anything or even better put together a package that will add the Titan back? That would probably be faster and easier. Maybe as an optional file on Nexus?

Hmm, very sad that game content has to be taken out to meet limits on Workshop Steam.
Whether Steam is then the right platform for mods? That is, if the next update new content is added, must be removed again other things, which then again causes problems in the saves? Or have I understood this wrong?
ill think about making a patch
Are you any further along with the patch or are you doing one? I would like to update VRO but keep my Titan battleships.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by wanderer » Sat, 15. Oct 22, 10:05

Shuulo wrote:
Mon, 19. Sep 22, 23:49
Sorry for the mess, but i had to do that because of size limit, I added new model for Paranid battleship and went over limit for Steam Workshop upload, so I had to cut it, you can try to unpack the mod and add the titan model and other entries for it and it can work again.
Make it 2 parts.
There are other mods (eg. X4 - Rise of the Ossian Raider, Conan Exiles - Saphhire [even 4 parts], ...) who parted their content. With this you could get around the steam stupidity.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Scoob » Wed, 28. Dec 22, 20:39


I'm attempting to equip groups of Fighters with an identical loadout. However, the Internal Shield added by VRO appears to break this. If I set up a template for a given Ship *with* the Built-in shield, that template will be greyed out, saying some of the equipment isn't available, even though it of course is. If I omit the internal shield, then the template can be applied just fine.

Is there any work-around / fix available for this, as outfitting many ships individually - one module at a time - is painful. A partial work-around is to apply a template sans Internal shield, then go through each ship one by one to add it. Faster, but not ideal.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Halpog » Tue, 31. Jan 23, 22:54

since vro is a must have for this game, i have some thoughts about vro and would like to know what u guys think

first : weapons:
some weapons need a much higher hulldmg ....when i check most weapons they all have more dmg angainst a shielded target bu than lower dmg aginst a non shield target......
i think some weapons needs a push for hull dmg.
we could use and need some more beam lasers with a propper dmg...there are beam lasers that hit a target for 20 mins and still dont do dmg :cry:
we could also need some more weapons that are exclusive to factions at all. some projektil recolor for them would be awesome as well.
( weould also be awesome if we would have the chance to change the colors ourself and know how to do so )

turrets : we need some turret weapons,that realy do some dmg against fighters and m ships.i dont mean some cheat all in one weapon that can be used against everything...
but it would be nice to have a carrier or a flagship equipped with turrets tht deal shield , some others hull dmg.iam missing some kind of ion turrets and some propper minigun turrets to shredder ships :)

as for ships :
it would be realy nice to see some old x3 ships like neuntöter, otas fighters, experiemntal ,
an increase of droppables like satelites would be good too. since 15 is realy realy to less.
iam also missing some ships that have some more turrets .m ships or some l ships for a faster interception. or some kind of ships u can send into some battle that could clear the air of some fighters, since turrets are realy realy slow in case about turning rate.
ships as a standalone would be great too .or a way to disable some ships so they wont get used in the game at all, since ( my personal opinion ) not all ships fit into x4 or i just dislike them because they are ugly :doh:
we need shields that refresh faster. sometimes ot happens that a small S fighter is killing an M ship because shields are not refreshing or need to long to power up again...
happened to me verry often in VRO that damn xenon m is killing me on a drake, or nemesis because the shield is not refreshing and need to long to start doing so

the AI , the fleets , and the rest
i think some sectors are realy overloaded with ships and fleets, and some others dont even have 1 fleet overall, xenons could need a massive nerf dunno but with VRO they overrun the zya faction in the first 10 hours of a fresh game

what i dont like about this mod :
the rockets .. to many, to useless, to slow and there is nodifferenz... i can use all rockets with a crusie missler launcher and a target lock launcher....they should be more different with more impact.
ships need more rocket slots espacaly XL and L ships....

what i like about this mod :
everything since it no need to play x4 without it :) so far this mod is one of the best mods game could have got...no other game ( i know of ) got a mod like this, that makes the main game much much better.

what iam missing in this mod :
the option to disable some stuff like some weapons, ships

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by kasan » Wed, 1. Feb 23, 16:28

Halpog wrote:
Tue, 31. Jan 23, 22:54
A bunch of shit that's wrong.
What you're complaining about is the entire spirit of this mod. It isn't mean to make things easier. Things are supposed to be more difficult. It's even in the mod description. The changes you want are counter to the point of the mod.

Point A: Weapon damage shield vs hull. The point is that shields are easily depleted while hulls are actually designed to take punishment. Ships in general got nerfs of buffs depending on class. Fighters were made more fragile while medium and capital class ships were buffed. Medium ships are meant to have fighter escorts to stay alive, but in return can deal significant amounts of punishment against same or smaller sized vessels. If you want more hull damage, use the weapons specifically designed for it, like plasma bombs, autocannons, or railguns. The rule of thumb here is that energy weapons are shield killers while things with explosive or physical projectiles are devastating against hull.

Point B: Role of turrets vs fighters: There are specific turrets that are devastating against fighter swarms such as the chain gun and the HEPT. Weapons aren't just generic in their roles like vanilla where one weapon wasn't significantly better than another.

Point C: Ship changes. If you want to see ships ported from x3 use the mods that are already doing that like Ship Variety Expansion. The mod authors have even made VRO compatible versions, so you should be thanking people for their hard work instead of demanding more. As for ship drops, I've never gotten a satellite as a drop; not in vanilla, not in vro. Having a look at the xml for drops doesn't even list it as a possible drop. As for your complaint about ship design, You can manually edit the mod to remove any ships you don't want to use. It is NOT the burden of the mod author to cater to your specific tastes in that regard.

Point D: AI VRO doesn't touch AI in any way shape or form It says it in the mod description, it says it on the wiki which I'm fairly certain you've never actually read.

Point E: Missiles, Rockets, and Torpedoes. Missile rebalance was one of the core aims of the mod. Missiles were broken into size categories with launches to give some much needed variety that didn't exist in vanilla. In vanilla you really only ever needed to use one of two missiles. Heavy Torpedoes against capital ships and stations, or heavy smart missiles against everything else. Now missiles have different roles based on type. No longer can you fit heavy torpedoes on a tiny scout. To offset this some what, VRO added some dedicated ships balanced around missile usage. Tying into point A, these rebalances also changed how other weapons are fitted to ships. You can't have scouts with blast mortars for example because they're designed around fast light weaponry. Instead you need to use the heavier fighters for heavier weapons.

Point F: Your like and dislike. You say you like everything, but you also complained about everything that the mod adds. Did you intend to contradict yourself?

In closing: Stop pestering mod authors and Egosoft to change things. There is a difference in providing feedback or constructive criticism and outright complaining and you're doing a very poor job at figuring out which is which.

Addendum: Read the damn VRO wiki.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Buzz2005 » Wed, 1. Feb 23, 18:06

kasan wrote:
Wed, 1. Feb 23, 16:28

In closing: Stop pestering mod authors and Egosoft to change things. There is a difference in providing feedback or constructive criticism and outright complaining and you're doing a very poor job at figuring out which is which.
This really needed to be said
Fixed ships getting spawned away from ship configuration menu at resupply ships from automatically getting deployables.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by delovoi » Wed, 1. Feb 23, 23:12

Point D: AI VRO doesn't touch AI in any way shape or form It says it in the mod description, it says it on the wiki which I'm fairly certain you've never actually read.
I can’t agree with you, for example, the behavior of the interceptor fleet is almost perfect, they are always close to the leader and if they are slightly behind, they use the cruise engine. in the vanilla version it's just a nightmare they are 60+ miles behind, don't fly close to the leader, use cruising only when very far behind. therefore, it seems to me that work with the AI of the NPS was still carried out.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Shuulo » Thu, 2. Feb 23, 00:05

delovoi wrote:
Wed, 1. Feb 23, 23:12
Point D: AI VRO doesn't touch AI in any way shape or form It says it in the mod description, it says it on the wiki which I'm fairly certain you've never actually read.
I can’t agree with you, for example, the behavior of the interceptor fleet is almost perfect, they are always close to the leader and if they are slightly behind, they use the cruise engine. in the vanilla version it's just a nightmare they are 60+ miles behind, don't fly close to the leader, use cruising only when very far behind. therefore, it seems to me that work with the AI of the NPS was still carried out.
Not a single AI/behavior script is changed in VRO, period.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Halpog » Fri, 3. Feb 23, 06:52

kasan wrote:
Wed, 1. Feb 23, 16:28
Halpog wrote:
Tue, 31. Jan 23, 22:54
A bunch of shit that's wrong.
Point C: Ship changes. If you want to see ships ported from x3 use the mods that are already doing that like Ship Variety Expansion. The mod authors have even made VRO compatible versions, so you should be thanking people for their hard work instead of demanding more. As for ship drops, I've never gotten a satellite as a drop; not in vanilla, not in vro. Having a look at the xml for drops doesn't even list it as a possible drop. As for your complaint about ship design, You can manually edit the mod to remove any ships you don't want to use. It is NOT the burden of the mod author to cater to your specific tastes in that regard.

Point D: AI VRO doesn't touch AI in any way shape or form It says it in the mod description, it says it on the wiki which I'm fairly certain you've never actually read.

In closing: Stop pestering mod authors and Egosoft to change things. There is a difference in providing feedback or constructive criticism and outright complaining and you're doing a very poor job at figuring out which is which.

Addendum: Read the damn VRO wiki.
thats the exact point where i stoped reading your comment since its a perfekt example , that reading is not your best skill after all.
i never talked about drops and satelite dropps.. i talked about the deplyables .. 15 satelites compared to the vanilla ammount is by far to less.....and yes its not just satelites its just the 15...
since in your comment , its clear that the only reason why u commentet was to attack someone i would not say more .
because its absolutly clear u did not understood anything after all and why i wrote it.

p.s. as for the ships like u say i should use other ship mods.. iam doing this.and i dont demand like u think i said it would be nice to see them..
so in the future when u try to attack someone do it the right way with the propper quotes or leave it

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by magitsu » Fri, 3. Feb 23, 11:52

Perhaps you should try to mod some of those things yourself? Increasing the droppables storage back to X4 levels should be a relatively simple change, since it's just one number change per ship.
VRO itself likely won't change it, since many consider the X4 amount excessive. S doesn't need to hold 150 sats at once.

S vs M, "sector activity overload" and Xenon progress speed is the same in X4 itself, so VRO probably can't change them alone. Besides any significant change now needs to wait and see how 6.0 + Borons changes the overall things around.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by kasan » Fri, 3. Feb 23, 15:59

Halpog wrote:
Tue, 31. Jan 23, 22:54

an increase of droppables like satelites would be good too. since 15 is realy realy to less.
Since you seem to require a direct quote, here you go. "Droppables" are loot items. "Deployables" are satellites, nav beacons, laser towers, etc...

I understand that English isn't your native language, but to those of us that it is, simple language mistakes completely change context. Might I suggest posing your questions in the German subforum for modding? Ihre Beiträge auf Deutsch enthalten nicht die gleichen Fehlinformationen.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by euclid » Wed, 8. Feb 23, 21:36

@ kasan:

I've noticed that your tone towards other forum members is rather unfriendly and harsh. That not only is unnecessary but also violates the Forum Rules. Consider this as a 'friendly' warning. After all "Der Ton macht die Musik" ;-)

Cheers Euclid
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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by slober » Tue, 14. Feb 23, 16:20

Without your MOD X4 is unplayable :) 5years passed and still zero balance, zero AI...

Waiting for your update for 6.0 And thanks a lot for your great job.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Raminol » Wed, 8. Mar 23, 00:01

I have a trouble with repair drones, but cant understand is it futured or it is broken.
First of all, i cant see any drones. I mean visually - there is no drones repairing the ship as it was in vanilla.
Modules are regenerating and Drone Behavior tab showing that drones are active.
The whole process takes lifetime to regenerate a single M turret by 18 drones.
Hull Points are not affected by repair drones. //UPD hull is regenerating but the repair speed is a joke
Is it VRO changes or should i search for problem in other place? There is no info about drones changes on VRO wiki so I'm concerned.

English is not my native, pardon the silly spelling errors.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Berni » Wed, 8. Mar 23, 17:37

slober wrote:
Tue, 14. Feb 23, 16:20

Waiting for your update for 6.0 And thanks a lot for your great job.
...i've been away for a few month... does this mean VRO isn't working with beta 6.0? (yet)

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by Rastuasi » Wed, 8. Mar 23, 18:50

Berni wrote:
Wed, 8. Mar 23, 17:37
...i've been away for a few month... does this mean VRO isn't working with beta 6.0? (yet)
99% of the time, mods will not be updated to work on betas because stuff is still changing and we also do not have the features of the upcoming DLC in the beta. So the mods will have to only get updated once DLC + 6.0 is officially released.

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Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by magitsu » Thu, 9. Mar 23, 12:10

6.0 contains a major change, which affects primarily object collisions (physics engine is being changed to open source Jolt). So it's especially tricky for mods which include new ships. They will all have to be overhauled by their original author. Expect many to be at least temporarily removed until they are overhauled, or replaced with something suitable. Some might disappear completely. You can already predict how it could happen having seen how the ARG Corona battleship's known texture bug hasn't been resolved for about a year.

Anyway, it's a good opportunity for Shuulo and the community to take another comprehensive look at how the ships and weapons should be.


Re: [MOD] Variety and Rebalance Overhaul (VRO) 3.x

Post by XOSPECTRE » Fri, 10. Mar 23, 00:14

magitsu wrote:
Thu, 9. Mar 23, 12:10
6.0 contains a major change, which affects primarily object collisions (physics engine is being changed to open source Jolt). So it's especially tricky for mods which include new ships. They will all have to be overhauled by their original author. Expect many to be at least temporarily removed until they are overhauled, or replaced with something suitable. Some might disappear completely. You can already predict how it could happen having seen how the ARG Corona battleship's known texture bug hasn't been resolved for about a year.

Anyway, it's a good opportunity for Shuulo and the community to take another comprehensive look at how the ships and weapons should be.
Sounds like 5.1 is my endgame version :( there is battleships mods i never give up on

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