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Updated for version 5.10

Alerts can play a major role in increasing a player's awareness of their game from detecting xenon ships entering particular sectors to keeping track of a specific ship, alerts can be incredibly powerful. Alerts will only trigger if the set object is within radar range of a player's asset. Alerts have a variety of parameters which are described in greater detail below:


NameUser defined name for editing convenience only displayed in the Global Orders menu (not visible in the alert itself)
Notification TextThe text displayed when an alert is triggered
Notification SoundThe sound that plays when the alert is triggered, chosen from a set of possible sound effects
Notification IntervalThe time between successive alerts provided the conditions would trigger the alert again. Can be in the range between 1 minute and 1 hour
Force RepeatForces the Alert to repeat after the specified interval if the conditions have again been met
CoverageCan be Galaxy Wide (only discovered sectors) or just limited to specific sectors
Object FactionObject's owner faction
Object ClassObject's size class (S,M,L,XL)
Object PurposeThe broad type of order the object's behaviour falls under (Any, Trade, Fight, Build, Mine or Auxiliary)
Object IDThe exact 6 digit code of the object

Alerts Menu

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